




类别都市 恋爱 少女 总裁




























内容简介:  书友q群:563894205我穿越斗罗大陆,发现我的爷爷,一个农民,武魂是一株杂草。我的父亲,一个农民,武魂是一株杂草。我,我爷爷的孙子,我父亲的儿子,一个未来的农民,武魂也是一株 杂草。如此,子子孙孙无穷尽也,永无出头之日。我不由地叹了口气。“叮,是否加入聊天群”听到这样熟悉而又陌生的声音,我不禁热泪盈眶。为了我自己,也为了我未来的子孙,我必须要努力,必须要奋斗,哪怕是付出我的生命。我一定会抓住这机缘,哪怕是一株杂草,我也要成为强者,改变命运。1w0-1923 >>




内容简介:搜小说免费提供作者溯素素的经典小说:《替嫁残疾魔尊后我带球跑了》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说左秋思穿成一本书中的炮灰女配,替女主嫁给残疾魔尊,原身没有和魔 尊洞房,导致全修仙界都知道魔尊不行,原身最终惨死魔教之手。左思秋:懂了,苟命就要给魔尊树立‘猛男’人设。于是她新婚之夜扯着嗓子哼哼一晚上,次日扶着腰给魔教众人开门。之后她隔三差五的给脖子揪一抹红痕,再画个黑眼圈,吃一颗哑嗓灵丹。果然,她不仅在魔教苟住性命,还稳稳坐上教主夫人的位置。然而某日开始,她变得贪吃又嗜睡,往自己丹田一看,丹田内竟1w0-97615 >>


内容简介:  谷小白不想当歌神,他只想当大物理学家。但系统不同意。没关系,还可以两开花。(学霸+音乐,偏专业向,非抄歌流,一切情节围绕音乐展开,基本不涉足其他娱乐或商业领域。)群:8520910 1w0-1572 >>


内容简介:简介漂亮可爱小奶包被冷硬心狠渣男骗走当了替身叶泠喜欢沈遇之但沈遇之对他总是冰冷无常,恶语相向,少数时候才会有难得的温存“你穿成这样是想勾引谁?”——只是想给你看啊,先生……“满身的油烟 味,谁让你自己做菜了?家里的保姆伺候不了你了?”——可是,上次你说爱吃我做的菜呀,先生……“哭哭哭,就知道哭,谁看了还以为是我在强迫你。”——那,能不能温柔一点呢,因为真的很疼啊,先生……所以叶泠的喜欢卑微又怯懦,只敢深深埋在心底直到后来,叶泠看到沈遇之搂着一个跟自己像了八成的人沈遇之对那人是跟自己截然相反的态度,宠着哄着,含在嘴里怕化了叶泠终于心灰意冷,原来,自己只是个替身再后来,叶泠拍戏遇到事故,车子坠崖失踪了沈遇之以为只是个替身而已,正主已经回来了,替身也就不需要了可是,心为什么这么痛?沈遇之又碰上个人,跟他的阿泠长得好像“阿泠,我好想你,你跟我回去好不好。”“沈先生认错人了,我不是你的阿泠。”1w0-81895 >>


内容简介:幼时,她被母亲推下悬崖,九死一生;长大后,她对辰王交付身心,武功尽废……她抱着爱情的憧憬,时刻准备着,迎接即将得到的幸福……谁知,她魔宫宫主的神秘身份偶然暴露,一纸休书痛斩情缘——一个 不愿放开心魔的男人,和一个不屑解释真相的女人,就此擦肩而过。为情所伤的她,从此封心断情……她坚韧,却不固执;她冷漠,却不无情;她绝色,却不妖媚;她重爱,却不矫情……她于深宫中从不争宠,却宠冠六宫;她屡遭后妃暗算,被卷入政权争斗之中……她被亲人伤害,被爱人误解;她的左右二婢惨死,她的腹中胎儿流逝……在经历一系列苦难后,身中蛊毒,命不久矣的她,内心却始终保留着一丝柔软。1w0-72142 >>


内容简介:《塑明小说》简介:百户府里发生的动静,早已惊动了四周,只是这时候陈升已自带着马队,手执火把绕城而走,口中更是高呼着,“我等乃是朝廷经制官兵,奉命镇压叛贼逆党,尔等良民,谨守家中,勿要出 门上街,若有趁乱侵犯民宅者,皆以逆贼党羽论处,杀无赦!”如是这般高呼,马队绕着整个寨子里的土路跑了一圈,重复高喊了十数遍,路上倒也遇到些胆子大的泼皮无赖见百户府大乱,想要出来趁火打劫,只是没成想遇到陈升他们这帮杀星,就是想跑都来不及,毕竟两条腿哪里跑得过四条腿,好几人当场就被追上刺死(朔明)。反正这个时候有胆子出门上街的,不是百户府的人,便是些心怀不轨的匪类,陈升他们动起手来毫不手软,这般杀人立威后,陈升他们方才策马往百户府而去(朔明)。。1w887-81931 >>


内容简介:上古时代诸神禁断之力,经过数千年的血脉传承,命运的轨迹在信息时代的21世纪逐渐交汇。一名职业玩家凭着天赋异能及卓越的组织才能,在七国联合研发的超级游戏中呼风唤雨、指点江山,手创天下第一 楼——“碧落楼”,然而正当剑指扶桑、饮马欧陆之时,系统异变突起,随着游戏的真正面纱逐渐撩开,现实、网络的世界1w0-82087 >>


内容简介:叮,宿主买不起房,很失败,补偿十亿豪宅。叮,宿主无车步行,挺失败,补偿柯尼塞格一辆。叮,宿主开店失败,补偿繁华商业街。叮,宿主创业失败,补偿万亿科技集团公司。叮,宿主练武失败,补偿宗师 级武技外加万斤神力。叮,宿主学医失败,补偿世界第一医技。叮,宿主相亲失败,补偿……张豪获得失败万倍补偿系统,不由得默默感叹,原来失败人生也能如此多姿多彩。1w0-26909 >>


内容简介:  这是一个读书人掌握天地之力的世界。  才气在身,诗可杀敌,词能灭军,文章安天下。  秀才提笔,纸上谈兵;举人杀敌,出口成章;进士一怒,唇枪舌剑。  圣人驾临,口诛笔伐,可诛人,可判 天子无道,以一敌国。  此时,圣院把持文位,国君掌官位,十国相争,蛮族虎视,群妖作乱。  此时,无唐诗大兴,无宋词鼎盛,无创新文章,百年无新圣。  一个默默无闻的寒门子弟,被人砸破头后,挟传世诗词,书惊圣文章,踏上至圣之路。  感谢阅文官方书评团提供书评支持!1w0-550 >>


内容简介:起点编辑第二组荣誉出品,着名编辑海星、青山特别力荐!开皇十八年,大隋帝国甲兵强盛,风行万里,如日中天。可盛世太平的平静波面下,却已经暗流涌动,危机四伏!烟花般灿烂的三月,凌云出现在大隋 江南扬州。重返大隋,我意任逍遥。我本卑微,却君临天下!继《隋末》、《晚唐》之后,木子蓝色《隋唐三部曲》最后一部,《重返大隋》正式开始,希望大家喜欢,多多支持!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《重返大隋》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-80045 >>



Toushin Toshi Iii

The protagonist Nakuto, has his sights on becoming the 'War God' aka the Champion of a gladiator style tournament with a twist. When Nakuto tries to enter this tournament, he learns that there's a special condition required for entering. He must partner with a beautiful woman along as collateral, and so by chance he finds his childhood friend, Hazumi in town worried for him. Since he has no other choice he enters Hazumi as his partner. Much to Nakuto and Harumi's horror they learn of the reason for the female partners. Winners of these tournament matches can do whatever they so please to the losing opponent's partner for a whole day.


In a world infested with 'subhumans', the lives of humans are full of danger and fear. But along with the existance of 'subhumans' is the existance of 'reapers' whose livelihoods are to protect humans and rid world of 'subhumans'. Among their ranks is one who is famous for being the true 'reaper' but his identity remains a mystery.

Junjou To Furachi

Collection of short stories about sweet schoolboy-romances, includes: 1) Junjou to Furachi Hiroto is shocked when his best friend Satoshi tells him he likes Nao-sempai. But he accepts his friend's choice, even though he can't tell Satoshi about his past with Nao... 2) The Pretender Katase is trying hard to pretend he's normal. He avoids Amero and tries to forget his feelings. But Amero is having none of it, and Katase gives in, granting Amero two weeks to see if this is the relationship he wants. Will Katase give into guilt, or will Amero's love win him over? (from BAA) 3) The Green that was Reflected in Your Eyes Popular student Takamiya brushes a caterpillar off mysterious rich student Sonoda's shoulder. Sonoda is so happy, he begins to buy Takamiya many expensive presents; he also never leaves Takamiya's side. Can Takamiya get Sonoda to stop buying him expensive gifts? Does Sonoda really want to give Takamiya more than just an iPod? (from AF) 4) Second Love Uenaga and Haruno were best friends throughout school, even wearing the same clothes. So why doesn't Haruno remember Uenaga at their school reunion? Is there a deep dark secret that should keep them apart? Do they have another chance for love? 5) I want to become your most important one Tomo always says, 'I like Yukihiro.' But Yukihiro can't take him seriously because Tomo's always smiling. Yukihiro's own feelings are a confused mess; does he like Tomo, or love him?


From Reverein Scanlations: We all know about school rivalry, but these two schools take it to a whole new level. From the back of volume one: The liberal traditions of Aoinomiya Gakuen and the disciplined traditions of Kaburaya Gakuen. Sharing the same territory, to this day these schools continue to violently compete with one another, and the fateful relations of the long-held Jintori Game unfold. If all three jin are stolen, the school itself will cease to exist. Then one day, Aoinomiya’s new Princess was abducted by Kaburaya. Akira who pokes his nose into everything, Kaiki who hates ghosts, and Shinobu who is actually a powerful son – the three of them set off to investigate— Jintori Gassen (Game) is Ohkami’s newest and currently ongoing series. Filled with a number of characters from both Aoinomiya and Kaburaya, there’s plenty of comedy, action, intrigue, and even some romance to be had.

Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss summary: Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss is an interesting story that goes deep in the future. The main plot is happening in the 24th century, and a female genius doctor has the main role in the plot of this story. She is truly good at her job, and she has different opportunities, thanks to the technology development of that time in the future. No illness can defeat any of her patients, and she is more like a wizard considering the doctors today who suffer from lack of solutions, medicament, and equipment necessary for the successful medical treatment. However, this doctor is spared of such problems.
She can cure any type of illness, and she can even return anyone from the dead. That’s why she has many patients, but strange things happen to her in the meantime. She even finds herself in the middle of a big explosion that pushes out her into an unfamiliar world. The truly strange things are happening to her at that place, so she seems a little confused by everything.
People and patients know her well, however, they call her by different names than in the real world. But she is equally successful there when it comes to treatments and curing, and that aspect of her life is totally the same. So she is again making different miracles and helping people to come back to a normal and healthy life after deadly episodes they have encountered.
Her popularity is constantly growing because more and more people are coming to her treatments. She becomes a powerful and influential person in the new world and no one dares to oppose her in any way. That’s why she is very secure in herself and her reputations allow her to be. However, she saves a pest by undertaking one of the treatments with her patients, and now she has a problem. That man starts to confront her, and his actions are quite cruel at moments. He has the intention to take over her reputation. Envy and malice are the main motivation for his struggle with her, however, she is not an easy task as he believes at first. So he will have many more problems on his way against her, and the readers have an opportunity to enjoy reading about this fight between main characters.
The situation typically leads to different twist and turns filled with interesting moments. Magic and romance are also part of the happenings despite the fact the general genre is action-fantasy. That makes Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss suitable for readers with different tastes because it is something in between several different genres. It means there is something for almost anyone.
This interesting novel has over 2450 chapters, and it receives frequent updates. So the readers should expect even a higher number of chapters. There is plenty of exciting content within the book, so you will have an opportunity to read it in the long run. The public is very satisfied with this book considering positive reviews and high rating the book has maintained, so that’s a good recommendation.

The Witch's Rebirth

The Witch's Rebirth summary: My name is Gene Roxanna Armini Yoit or you can call me gray for short. Currently, I am having a very horrible, horrible afternoon. I somehow had been reborn. As if my life wasn 't complicated enough, I just have to make a deal with the devil and win. Regret. I had a boat of it. But where to begin?

Endurance Test

Endurance Test summary: Endurance Test summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Endurance Test. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Italian First Love Diary

Italian First Love Diary summary: My and Ling Jun’s daily love, after all, it’s our first love_ (: 3 “∠) _ (a semi-autobiography) For some people, finding their love will take decades, but for her and him, they were their first loves. This is the story of her and Ling Jun’s love of seven years. Was it luck or fate? Maybe both.

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