


简介【每周三更新】四人突然集体穿越,但只有一人才是真正被召唤的神女大人? 其他三人都被当做神女候补享受一切时,而林小柒却意外成为落单少女……等等!这个突然出现向她效忠的男人又是谁啊?!






























内容简介:程鑫是个高富帅,按说是个万人迷,却是个老师摇头学生害怕的问题学生,说起来就让人头疼。陈昕学习好颜值高,按说是个男神,却是个胆小怯弱毫无存在感的小结巴,提起来让人扼腕。众人皆言:上帝是公 平的,没有人是十全十美的!两个格格不入的人,因为名字的缘分,而产生了交集。这是关于两个孩子共同成长的故事。学霸被学渣杠上的故事。本文又名《心心相印》。1w0-3402 >>


内容简介:  自从杨建杀鸡爆出光环之后,平平无奇的他,生活开始变的多姿多彩起来。霉运光环,神豪光环,幸运光环,预知光环,灵巧光环……没有什么,是一个光环解决不了的,如果有,那就再叠加一个……1w 0-3526 >>


内容简介:简介:简介一句话要命!那些年被我针对过的主角受主角攻反派们黑化之后都对我强取豪夺了!【我把你当情敌你却……】知晓未婚夫养了一个小花旦,我不惜雇佣大批水军黑小花旦,还丢出支票侮辱对方企图 让人离开,却不想反被黑化小花旦扣住腰身,自食恶果。–等等!为什么小花旦他是个女装大佬?!【暴君和他的男妃都爱我】望着被纳进宫的新人,身为男后的我被嫉妒冲昏头脑,不停为难对方折磨对方,谁料一朝竟被对方压在榻上动弹不得,任人强取豪夺。1w0-49068 >>


内容简介:  初回帝都,一无是处的废物苏二公子竟勾着权势滔天的穆二爷下巴调戏!众人都等着看笑话,却发现,画风不对!这废物苏二公子竟突然多了五个大佬哥哥,还把“他”宠上了天!某家族大佬:穆二,我家 小祖宗要追你,赶紧从了!某设计圈大佬:穆少,你也别给我出难题,从了吧!某金融圈大佬:二爷,我家小祖宗多好,真从了吧!某娱乐圈大佬:别看我,我只负责帮小祖宗给你下聘!穆二爷:……我对男人不感兴趣。可不久,大家发现,顶级调香师、国医圣手、神秘催眠师、第一格斗师竟都是苏二公子???众渣:对不起,脸有点疼!直到后来,整个帝都轰动——什么苏二公子,这分明是个女大佬!就在各路大佬要求娶时,一向坐轮椅的穆二爷忽然从轮椅站起了,大杀四方。“对不起,小祖宗已经怀了我孩子。”某祖宗顾离:???她什么时候怀了??1w0-3161 >>


内容简介:《春眠药水姜糖》简介:“你承诺过会在事情尘埃落定之后和我说清楚其间的来龙去脉,趁着现在没有人的时候,你要不要考虑不和我说清楚?”男人的视线明显闪躲,始终没有和导演对上半秒钟(我家爱豆不 经撩)。倒是没别的特殊原因,他不过是期望着能够尽可能地完美她的每一次愿望,从第一次见面到现在成了最亲密的恋人,他亲眼瞧见她的每一次变化,他只是觉得她值得而已(我家爱豆不经撩)。亲眼见证着她为了这个角色付出多少,他也只是和导演商量而已,“可是如果真的要这样追本溯源的话,悦悦的确是在现场用演技征服了你们不是吗?我知道您惜才(我家爱豆不经撩)。”干脆用严丝合缝的话语将面前的人捧上了神坛,顺带着还在用着最谄媚的话语夸奖着他,“您是我见过最有才艺且最惜才的导演,我知道您是舍不得放过潜力股的(我家爱豆不经撩)。。1w0-28382 >>


内容简介:沙雕高中日常不需要恋爱红甘泉沙雕高中日常不需要恋爱红甘泉小说阅读其他类型类型小说沙雕高中日常不需要恋爱红甘泉由作家渊爻创作nbspnbspnbspnbsp这个世界屏障极度不稳固三五不时 就会掉落穿书者人人身上都带着任务:攻略女主、打脸女主、撬女主墙角……姜婉就是那个被盯上的沙雕校园文女主。携带不同系统的各路穿越者磨刀霍霍向姜婉却发现自己不仅要面对软硬不吃的女主姜婉还要应对时不时戏精上身、作死精神满点、精力充沛到仿佛血管里流着红牛、脑回路惊奇到能拍断大腿的沙雕老小兵提供沙雕高中日常不需要恋爱红甘泉最新章节沙雕高中日常不需要恋爱红甘泉最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w0-110362 >>




内容简介:鬼吃人,妖惑心,霊界幽幽锁怨仇人心埋,道行浅,须弥欺欺禁孽缘莫氏山庄莫燃,年方十八,名门之后,就在庄主继承大典这天,不速之客血洗山庄,庄中上下五百多条人命无一幸免,一代名门就此除名江湖 莫家村莫燃,同名不同命,21世纪不作死就不会死的典型女命盘斗转,强者之魂浴血重生!展开在脚下的却是一段匪夷所思的修炼之路!神秘疯老头1w0-78002 >>


内容简介:“赳赳老秦,复我河山,血不流干,誓不归还!”恨欲狂,长刀所向,十万大秦虎师威镇八荒!“凡日月所照,江河所至,皆为汉土,明犯大汉天威者,其远必诛!”金戈铁马,气吞万里如虎,大汉铁军战威无 可敌!“名师大将莫自牢,千军万马避白袍!”铿锵苍鹰凌天啸,七千白袍军声震云霄!“撼山易,撼岳家军难!”龙旗卷,1w0-74415 >>




内容简介:多情剑客无情剑古龙《多情剑客无情剑》是古龙武侠小说的代表作品之一,“小李飞刀”系列的第一部。该书情节曲折动人,艺术成就很高,给读者留下了丰富的艺术典型。它不仅是一部阐明武学真谛的作品, 还是一部写尽人间世态炎凉的人情历史画,更是一部触动社会现实,探索人生哲理的警世名著。1w0-83836 >>


内容简介:  镇仙宗,宗主等多位高层突然陨落,门派陷入了混乱。为了恢复安定,避免覆灭,无奈之下,只好请一直在禁地修炼的小师叔出山。这位小师叔,只有18岁,而且,看起来一点修为都没有,就在所有人绝 望之时,突然发现,他随手一剑,大陆最顶尖的强者,都抵挡不住;随手炼丹,九品丹师,甘愿成为弟子;随手救人,都是无数典籍不能记载的绝世医术……此刻,他们才明白,这位看起来一点修为都没有的小师叔,竟然是一位天地认可的圣人!苏隐:想低调,就这么难吗?已完本《天道图书馆》、《无尽丹田》、《造化图》等。1w0-1498 >>

Kawaita Yoru No Machi Wo Oyogu

1-2) Swimming in the Dry Street at Night Once nobility, Morinomiya Kikyou was sold to a brothel owned by his previous servant’s son, Terumasa. Kikyou was hurt by his first client and it was brought to Terumasa’s attention. Upon seeing his beloved Kikyou, what will Terumasa do? 3-4) The Lavishing Chaos. The Enchanting Banquet The youngest prince, Miya, met Lieutenant Tachibana when he was young. It was love at first sight for Miya. Will the frivolous Tachibana remember him? 5) Charisma Love A cute story about dog handlers: Mamiya Souichirou, a top dog handler, is deeply admired by all dog show fans for his unparalleled techniques. Despite that, Mikoto Moriyama - who knows next to nothing about dog shows - only sees Mamiya's 'skill' as walking a dog on a leash, which is nothing special. Mamiya challenges Mikoto to show him how easy it is. Discovering just the opposite, Mikoto vows that he will visit Mamiya until he learns his secrets - a relationship that soon grows day by day. 6) Hana's Illness Comes from the Heart Another story involving Miya and Lieutenant Tachibana. Miya has come down with a terrible flu and worries that he may not be able to make it to the Harvest Festival, which the Lieutenant is overseeing. Miya must focus on getting better... until an unwelcomed midnight visitor slithers into his room.

Don't Tempt Me, Oppa

Eui-jun, who replaced his brother’s vacancy for 10 years, and Woo-mi, who has had a crush on him, finally confesses to Eui-jun at the moment when she has been full of emotions that she has kept to herself for a long time “Your hands are long and pretty.” “I gave you powdered milk with this hand.” “Your voice is sweet because it’s nice to hear.” “I sang your lullaby with this voice.” But what is it? This fresh iron wall? Umi, who is upset by Eui-jun, who pushes him a thousand times every hundred times, makes her final suggestion, “Okay, I’ll give up, but kiss me.”

The One

From ShoujoMagic: Lele was born into the fashion industry. Both her parents were models, and they both die in a tragic airplane crash leaving a 5-year-old Lele orphaned. Therefore, it is no surprise that Lele hates the industry, thinking it’s superficial and unnecessary! Raised by her maternal grandmother, Lele reaches seventeen years of age before she is sucked in when her mother's sister – a fashion model agent and former model, convinces the reluctant Lele to model. Lele had been adverse to the whole idea, until she sees a photo shoot of popular American model Angus Lanson, and she begins to see modeling as an art form. When Aunt Fei's magazine editor invites Angus Lanson to a meeting of all the top fashion ambassadors, a curious Lele is invited to meet him. She does not know that Angus' twin elder brother, Eros Lanson, is secretly accompanying his brother. This obviously leads to confusion and is the start of a charming story of Lele's goals: fashion in NYC, becoming a top model, and…love???

Mukizu Ja Irarenee

Shouji is Honami's current boyfriend. Terumi was the first guy that Honami ever liked. When Shouji and Terumi two meet, what sparks between them is curiosity, jealousy or...?

Into the World of Medicine

Into the World of Medicine summary: Rong Qinyan, is a 21st century successor of a medicinal family, proficent in medical knowledge. But in the end, died in the hands of her relatives. Murong Qingyan is Sheng Hong Continent’s Murong family’s legitimate miss. But even though she is a legitimate daughter, she is the Murong family’s shame because her appearance is ugly and her meridians are blocked, making her a trash that cannot cultivate.
After she transmigrated, she became her.
When she reopened her eyes, the originally unable to cultivate trash let everyone fall in shock. Flipping over clouds, disobeying the heavens and changing fate, letting those that originally looked down on her regret it deeply.
Contracting divine beasts, concocting immortal pills. Meeting G.o.ds, killing G.o.ds; meeting Buddhas, killing Buddhas; swearing to let all those that looked down on her view her in a new light.
When the trash turned into a universally shocking prodigy, when the ugly appearance was shed off, she was no longer the original her. In the whole couese of events, whose heart did she actually steal?
Her ex-future husband regretted it deeply to no avail. The family that looked down on her is now immensly remorseful, yet they can’t change anything else.
When she stood at the peak of the world, he was always by her side protecting and guarding her. letting her be able to freely soar in the sky.
He said: “In my life, I have nothing else. I only wish to love you forever.”
She said: ”If it is what you desire.”

The Inhabitants of the Philippines

The Inhabitants of the Philippines summary: The Inhabitants of the Philippines summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Inhabitants of the Philippines. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Purgatory Chasm: A Mystery

Purgatory Chasm: A Mystery summary: Purgatory Chasm: A Mystery summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Purgatory Chasm: A Mystery. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Shogun_ A Novel of Japan

Shogun_ A Novel of Japan summary: Shogun_ A Novel of Japan summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Shogun_ A Novel of Japan. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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