








类别恋爱 少女 总裁


简介 一夜纠缠,两个人的命运交合在了一起,他总能回忆起那个夜晚,想着那个没能看清面孔的女人。 谁知,众里寻她千百度,那人却在身边当宠物? (黑心总裁和他心中小白莲的绝美爱情故事!)


简介醉酒的年小小从好友那里得知男友出轨,冲入酒店决定寻找渣男,偶遇被对手下药的男主。失身?重遇?面对霸道总裁年小小该如何应对?! 每周二、周四、周六连更三天




















内容简介:《残袍》一套五本由广东人民出版社全集出版,欢迎关注微信公众号“fengyujiuqiu”了解最新动态。 《残袍》简体购买链接: https://detail.tmall.com/i tem.htm?id=548567351978 《紫阳》简体 天猫 购买链接: https://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?id=533962946316 1w0-1222 >>


内容简介:  韩义在路上扫了个二维码,然后桌面上多了个应用。  这个应用很奇怪,它可以捕捉到现实里的一切物品,通过解析来重组物品。  【滴滴!!电路模块板-Dome-屏幕-前后盖-重组手机!】   【滴滴!!75%纯棉-25%亚麻-磁性油墨-重组美元】  --------  普通群,512341036,  VIP群,343892078,(需要全订截图)  1w0-4574 >>


内容简介:  自由穿行在现实世界和玄幻世界之间,安静的做一个两界搬运工。  PS:新书《南山隐》求支持!!1w0-386


内容简介:谢邀!人在穿越,刚下载进度99……卡了敌人全有金手指,主角技能似辣鸡;别人打怪就升级,主角打怪坑自己;通关成就得奖品,猫和老鼠二选一?看似系统非系统,穿来穿去尽玄机。网文青年意外进入史 上最坑宇宙,被当成救世主,穿越了999个奇异世界,经历了万般劫难、无数次离奇冒险,最终发现……搞错了,重来!这是一场惊天阴谋,主角将与史上最高智慧体斗智斗勇,敌非敌?友非友?佳人非……非比寻常。剧情百转千回,趣味无穷,节奏极快,不水字数,实乃居家旅行调节心情的必备良书。关键词:【轻松幽默】【脑洞反转】【智商在线】1w0-58961 >>


内容简介:  “第一次,艾泽拉斯有了帝国,还打败了妄图侵染艾酱的古神手下。两份喜悦相互重叠,艾泽拉斯本来应该更光明才对。然而,为什么,会变成这样。血肉诅咒,机械人变成了人类、矮人、侏儒,黑暗巨魔 变成了精灵,他们给世界带来灾祸,甚至引来了燃烧军团。是巨魔,是巨魔先,明明都是巨魔先来的,建立帝国也好,拯救艾泽拉斯也好,还是对抗古神也好,明明都是巨魔先的!”——by托纳提乌·阿兹泰克,艾泽拉斯救世主,赞达拉亲王,一切巨魔的至高王,守护巨龙的伴侣,食人魔的征服者,部落的庇护者,联盟的拯救者,艾泽拉斯妇女之友…………ps:快乐吹逼群644166603,欢迎进来聊天打游戏1w0-4099 >>


内容简介:  热播剧《怒海潜沙》原著小说。  50年前由长沙土夫子(盗墓贼)出土的战国帛书,记载了一个奇特战国古墓的位置,50年后,其中一个土夫子的孙子在他的笔记中发现这个秘密,纠集了一批经验丰 富的盗墓贼前去寻宝,谁也没有想到,这个古墓竟然有着这么多诡异的事情:七星疑棺,青眼狐尸,九头蛇柏。这神秘的墓主人到底是谁,他们到底能不能找到真正的棺椁?故事悬念重重,情节跌荡,值得一看。  1w0-530 >>


内容简介:“糟糕,我成替身了!”关左一睁开眼,发现换了人间,被掳来成了江湖上魔道巨擎后代的替身,危机四伏之下还要代替正主北上出关,俨然被当成了替死鬼。幸得脑中出现一件奇物,只要做出选择,便有数不 尽的神功绝艺、奇珍异宝。天魔大法,忘情天书,大金刚神力,浑天宝鉴,天妖屠神法,吞天灭地七大限,北冥重生法……大还丹,血菩提,无极仙丹,水火龙珠,玉玲珑,凤血龙元……数年之后。”大胆贼子,竟敢在江湖中冒充我们少门主1w0-29822 >>


内容简介:姜糖意外穿越到七零年代,姥姥不疼,后妈不爱,身后还有个跟屁虫弟弟。正当她饥寒交迫时,金手指来了。她随便在地上画一画,就能凭空变出东西。食物、商品、粮票应有尽有,简直躺赢有木有。前一世, 她是公司高管,呕心沥血,这一世她打算躺平了。奈何,从小定的娃娃亲上门,对象是个病秧子,姜糖摊手:我堂堂大女主,就配这个?某男摇身一变,文学泰斗、商界黑马、医学界传奇……姜糖点头如捣蒜:“配一脸!”1w0-27519 >>




内容简介:陈圭睡我床上,翻来覆去地睡不着。“你干啥。”我问。“认床,睡不着。”他疲惫地说。我睡了一会儿,轻轻靠过去自动躺他怀里:“那你认我不?”“你好无聊呀。”他说,然后抱了我一下一男一女的相识 相知相爱相离以及相逢。男主前期腿疾,10章之后手术起来了青梅竹马的爱情渐变,结局HE总的来说还是甜吧?是吧?他是我的的梦和信仰;但人总会有那么一段时间失去梦想和信仰。童话里面不是爱,出了童话才是。1w0-98396 >>


内容简介:小说《大红人》免费阅读,主角:薛家良。小说全文预览:县府大秘薛家良,因县长受贿案遭到无情打压,本可以顺利接班的他,与主任宝座失之交臂。仕途不顺,一切皆不顺。先是被带走调查,后又经历了降 职使用、女友背离、母亲去世等一系列打击,正当他的人生处于最低谷时,一个神秘人物出现了,从此,他的命运出现转机且迅速触底反弹,不可思议地成为炙手可热的人物……1w0-84031 >>



Sunao Ni Narenai Otokotachi

From Fantasyshrine: Suzuki Masami has been painfully aware of his rival in high school swim team, Kashiwazaki Yuichi, ever since Kashiwazaki saved him from drowning. As fate would have it, now they both work in the same company! But unbeknownst to Kashiwazaki, Masami is behind the reason why Kashiwazaki never gets the worms (girls). Will Kashiwazaki realize who’s sabotaging his love life…? The gentleman-like, love story between two rivals. Also included is a love story between a super-handsome foreigner and a chef with a phobia of foreigners (xenophobia).

Downtown Shuffle

1--3) Downtown Shuffle - Everyone wants Sakura: an aloof, elegant and unattainable beautiful 'princess'. Syou is no exception. He desperately wants him. So bad that he visits all Sakura's favorite night clubs nearly every night. Somehow, somehow, Syou unexpectedly wins Sakura's attention. His friend and bartender Miyako is pleased for him. However it doesn't go as smoothly as Syou's hoped. Sakura may be truly unattainable. Syou falls in love, but not in a way he expects it to be. 4) Let's Go to the Hospital Tsukada Riku's mother forces him to track down their missing cat. He gets into an accident that lands him a hospital, which his high school friends nicknamed 'ERO hospital' (Porno hospital) because of a hospital sign and rumors that nurses seduce hapless patients at night. Will Riku be seduced? Dr. Hiroo might have the answer. 5) Eternal Melody - Rock guitarist Kouga is acknowledged as the guy who formed a rock band, Zest, at high school and has an eye for beauty. However he's never explained why he chose Mei as their singer who ~ as Kouga says ~ has nothing but good looks. Kazuki, a good looking singer of HYPE, enters the picture with a desire to take over Mei's place ... 6) Four Seasons - Mizuta Hayato is overjoyed when he discovers his childhood friend Hyouno Wataru has returned ~ from a four-year stay in Tokyo ~ to work as a teacher at his school. Wataru isn't, however, what he used to be. He's so cold now.


From ADV: A pizza delivery boy must save the world! Young Kenta Akagi has never been anywhere except for his hometown of Lutzheim, where he currently ekes out an existence as a pizza delivery boy. Faraway places, strange foreign folks, the wars they fight, and the adventures they have are just stories to him, until he meets a young girl - the kind of girl that wars are fought over! People seem afraid of her, but Kenta doesn't understand why. All he knows is that he seems to remember her from somewhere, and that he has to protect her no matter what!

Last Portrait

Yamato works for his father’s company, is subordinate to his older sister, and harbors a secret affection for his sister’s fiancé, Sakaguchi. The day before his sister’s wedding, Yamato privately confesses his feelings to Sakaguchi. The answer he receives is surprising and unexpected, but at this last hour, can Yamato face the consequences of having his wish fulfilled…? Included in “Last Portrait” is the independent story of “Stairway to Heaven' : Narumi Imai has been with the FBI in Washington DC for six months, and already he has been recognized as the best man for... odd, chore-like jobs. As much as he wants to work in the field, his first opportunity comes under a bizarre set of circumstances. Narumi is the personally chosen bodyguard of Keith Coburn, a former FBI agent brought in from prison to HQ just seven days before his scheduled execution. Both Keith's mission and life have a time limit, and for the next seven days, Narumi will be his companion on the stairway to Heaven. From DramaQueen

The Submarine Boys' Lightning Cruise

The Submarine Boys' Lightning Cruise summary: The Submarine Boys' Lightning Cruise summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Submarine Boys' Lightning Cruise. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Comedies Of Carlo Goldoni

The Comedies Of Carlo Goldoni summary: The Comedies Of Carlo Goldoni summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Comedies Of Carlo Goldoni. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent summary: Summary: She is an international ace agent, a top hacker, beautiful girl, G.o.d of a.s.sa.s.sination, However due to a box she accidentally rebirthed and became an ordinary junior high school student. Weak and incompetent, That sc.u.m woman wants to put her head into the toilet. The gambling father, borrowed a lot of money and now they are being chased by loan sharks for debt? There is also a group annoying relatives in the family. The reborned of Yunxiao sneers: I want to know how to write the dead words! She returned from the wind, high-profile attack, if people bully me, you want death!

Secrets of the Woods

Secrets of the Woods summary: Secrets of the Woods summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Secrets of the Woods. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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