










简介陈蓉从小以女侠自居,中性的打扮与开朗幽默、古灵精怪的个性极易让她与其他人打成一片,但是在恋爱上就会是个问题,好在爱情目前还不是她主要人生的课题:她要成为一名整型医生!心有“大愿”的她总是能在思想走神之际疏离爱情课题,直到她遇到了宿命冤家——整形界的新晋男神王志仁。【QQ粉丝群号:397519167】【QQ粉丝群号:397519167】欢迎读者大大们~,求收藏、月票、打赏、五星、评论、分享~ ,收藏之后更方便亲们阅读哦,画画很辛苦,您的支持就是我们最大的创作动力~






他们,用杀戮谱写正义,他们,用黑暗维护光明,他们,是曾立于Earth 50顶点的权力战队,当铅灰色的天空隔断思念,荒芜的大地瘟疫蔓延,那是未能阻止的末日,看不到希望的未来,当一切重新始,当他们再次相遇,当末日的号角复又响起。这一次,他们是否能贯彻信念。这一次,他们是否能冲破阴霾。为了守护[]护 ,幻作暴风,为了信念,化身修罗。这一次,所求所在所爱,所有一切的一切,他们,能否守护到[]
















内容简介:这是一个灵力与煞气交织的世界。北原门派,冰封万里,数千掌教竞相争锋。南海诸朝,气运镇世,帝王冲刷己身业障。西泽部落,诡异印术,可驱天地亡魂助战。东荒家族,血脉传承,三洞八族十二联盟。中 州圣地,万道辉煌,无尽妖孽辈出。少年身负血海深仇,从此追寻一条强者之路。天地异变,乾坤颠覆。越四境,凝丹器,蜕三灵,超凡入圣,化劫重生。凡达至大帝者,千古垂名。【展开】【收起】1w0-98762 >>


内容简介:人人都说,s大校草傅时寒,高冷矜贵,稳重自持,与女生说话从来不会超过三句只有霍烟知道,当年傅时寒是怎样搂着她,在自家门口的梧桐树下,贪婪地撕咬着她的唇,霍烟上气不接下气,低低哀求那几声 ,傅时寒的心脏都炸了。先天不足憨态可掬皮皮虾女主vs高冷矜贵占有欲强腹黑大魔王其实冷酷大魔王也有不为人知的小温柔霍烟五岁才开口讲话,即便长大了,也有些憨态笨拙,走路很慢1w0-65502 >>




内容简介:免费提供作者舒虞的经典小说:《黏你成瘾娱乐圈》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说【文案】谁都没想到作为分分钟让人少女心炸裂的高冷影帝徐斯泽。某一日居然会出现在一 个十八线小网红的直播间里!徐斯泽:苏桨你给我接电话!十几秒后弹幕飘过……徐斯泽:桨桨我们别吵架了,我想你了,跟我回家好不好?弹幕瞬间炸开了锅:老公你怎么真的出轨这个十八线小网红了!而且居然光明正大地同住一个屋檐下!就连苏桨自己也想不明白,为什么昔日对自己毫无感觉的男神如今变成了这副小黏猫模样……连睡觉都要哄……※【一句1w0-71687 >>


内容简介:温歆,一个甩在人群里不那么闪眼的女n号吃瓜群众,因家庭等不可抗拒的原因,居然毫不费力地与当年高中所嗑的cp男神翟季初结婚了,我嗑的男神成了我的人,天下有这么好的事?该怎么克制自己暗恋的 心?温歆,我从来不知道,三年时光,一个人可以改变这么多。翟季初,没有人会守在原地一尘不变,爱情本来就是我敢喜欢你,也能勇敢离开你。【展开】【收起】1w0-98456 >>






内容简介:十年相处,她有眼无珠,不知渣男狼心狗肺,不识渣女伪善蛇蝎!被削了手足,剜了琵琶骨,惨死在冷宫深处!一朝重生,她一路披荆斩棘,剑指渣男,步步相逼:“上官鸿,我慕容笙怎会放过你?!就算是死 ,这一世,我也要带着你,黄泉路上一道走!”1w30741-30749 >>


内容简介:新文:《小叔万福》已经开始连载!戳作者专栏进入!求小天使们收藏!评论!作者微博:汀粥粥沈千络重生了。彼时父亲还是享誉盛名的藩国国主,兄长还是功绩赫赫的威烈将军,姑母还是宠冠后宫的纯懿贵 妃。她作为天之娇女,芳龄十五,韶华明媚,正初入京城,以美貌成名,以才华倾世,备受公子王孙的追捧。一切都刚刚好。尤其是自己还没惹上前世的冤家,今生的六皇子,未来的大暴君然而事实上沈千络初入京城,风吹过车帘时的惊鸿一瞥一向不近女色的大暴君就有了一个想法:此女极殊,甚配吾也。沈千络:呵呵。1w0-28393 >>


内容简介:笔趣阁提供扶松大神最新作品《重生后我和自己谈恋爱番外》最新章节全文免费阅读,重生后我和自己谈恋爱番外TXT下载,重生后我和自己谈恋爱番外全文字更新,重生后我和自己谈恋爱番外无弹窗!请关 注重生后我和自己谈恋爱番外吧,本站最新最快更新重生后我和自己谈恋爱番外的最新章节。1w0-27129 >>


内容简介:  神秘玉塔,镇杀强者。  乌金牢狱,紫金链锁着一具具强者的尸骨……  一个从玄气枯竭时代,穿越回黄金时代的小小玄士,得到神秘玉塔,他的人生轨迹,将注定不平凡。  ---  玄徒开辟星 海、玄士内气外放,玄师凝物化形,玄宗大势养成;玄君见微知著;玄王沟通天地;玄皇号令玄极、玄尊天地洪炉、玄圣星辰幻灭、玄帝演化宇宙。  ------  新书《心界之主》已发,兄弟们给个收藏~1w0-2688 >>


内容简介:《众筹养啾app》【接档文写小龙崽的独宠团宠之路《小心魔》已开】作为地球唯一的崽,灵麓从地心中浴火而生,是实打实的岩浆色胖啾,全球首发。奈何地球爸爸被海水淹了,灵麓还没来得及长大拼爹, 就不得不冰封地球,老老实实把地球坐穿。留守胖啾,望眼欲穿。直到有一天,他的系统被改造成了一个《救救地球》众筹app,投放到了星际公民的光脑里……从此,灵麓就过上了每天被“救济”的咸啾生活。——雪地里,胖1w0-28529 >>

Deep Kiss

Deep kiss, torrid kiss... Discover the 1st volume of the collection of the mangaka Kasane Katsumoto! Collection of stories about the difficulty in love and making confessions, Deep Kiss is a first sensual and romantic incursion into Lolita's universe... 1. The Gaze - Nana has been fascinated with Onozato ever since she noticed his cold gaze. When she confesses to him, he tells her he likes girls with a different style - and that she should try out. Will she listen to him? 2. Deep Kiss - Yuka has always attracted guys only interested in her body because of her big breasts. What she really wants is someone who will love her for herself... 3. Magic Fingers - Haruna starts getting worried when her boyfriend, Kazuto, spends more time at work than with her... 4. Summer Memories Yuki moves back to her hometown after splitting up with her boyfriend. There she meets up with Kohei, her high school friend

Juvenile Orion

The manga follows the story of 16-year-old Mana on an adventure through the Aquarian Age. A sixteen year old girl, Mana returns to her hometown to reunite with her childhood friend after having been gone for seven years. But her friend, Kaname, seems to have changed too while they've been apart. Mana's re-emergence soon sets off a series of events that alters the lives of Kaname and his best friend, Naoya. Classmates Isshin and Tsukasa, as well as their teacher Tomonori, find themselves drawn in as well. Soon, they all discover that they have a part to play in the 'Aquarian Age' - a war that has been secretly raging for thousands of years. Now the future of the world depends on one girl and her destiny.

Nishikaze To Taiyou

Nishikaze to Taiyou (lit. The West Wind and the Sun) is a one-shot from Mashima Hiro, mangaka of Rave Master and Fairy Tail. The story follows treasure hunters Zephyr (西風) and Sol (太陽) as they search for a statue of a goddess atop a mountain. They find the statue, but suddenly, the statue comes to life...!


A collection of one-shots. 1) Two boys are at odds with each other-- The trigger towards hot, gay sex? Eaten pudding and a girl with pigtails. 2) Jun confesses to the one he likes, only to be told he doesn't want to be with someone 'inexperienced'. Therefore, foreplay, a promiscuous boy, determination and jealousy lead to hot gay sex. 3) A group of classmates play chocolate roulette - a game of roulette which includes Guarana chocolate, which has the effect of an aphrodisiac. When Ogasawara draws it, his classmate cooperates to release his desire. [Prequel to Mix Mix Chocolate chapter 1.] 4) A very popular student uses his classmate to evade his girlfriends. But once girl gets angry and hits the classmate, then the hero takes him to the school infirmary, where bottled-up feelings leads to a confession.. and then some. 5) At a school festival, the right of Shimohira is put for auction. He is bought by the boy in which he had rejected a few years prior. After the revelation that the feelings once confessed still lingered, Shimohira reveals something rather surprising... 6) A tedious rich son orders his servant to preform an -ahem- lude task, which leads to something more. [YUMMY SHOTA] 7) A student decides to blindfold the one he likes, seducing him, all the while refusing to reveal his identity. Rather hot, gay sex ensues.


Pita-Ten summary: Higuchi Kotarou was just a normal sixth-grader until a new next-door neighbor enters his life–an insanely perky angel named Misha that has made it her life’s work to make Kotarou happy! And if that wasn’t enough, Misha has an even stranger roommate–a kind-hearted demon named Shia and her mysterious black cat Nya! If Kotarou’s life at home is this weird, what can it possibly be like at school? Find out in these fun-filled, brand-new adventures that reveal the origins of Koge-Donbo’s beloved characters first introduced in the hit Pita-Ten manga series!

Narrative of the surveying voyages of His Majesty's ships Adventure and Beagle

Narrative of the surveying voyages of His Majesty's ships Adventure and Beagle summary: Narrative of the surveying voyages of His Majesty's ships Adventure and Beagle summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Narrative of the surveying voyages of His Majesty's ships Adventure and Beagle. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Desserts and Salads

Desserts and Salads summary: Desserts and Salads summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Desserts and Salads. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Jack Tier; Or, The Florida Reef

Jack Tier; Or, The Florida Reef summary: Jack Tier; Or, The Florida Reef summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Jack Tier; Or, The Florida Reef. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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