













Another me















简介男主母亲柳舒知道宋琳琳喜欢男主很多年,得知男主拒绝宋琳琳后,鼓励宋琳琳再接再厉,不要轻易放弃,并安排媒体大肆报道男主相亲,随时可能订婚的新闻。 女主苏糖因被男主所救对他心生好感,后以身相许抱上男主大腿才一个月,看见男主可能订婚的报道,在助理蒙甜甜的各种“恶意揣测”下,决定色诱男主,稳固关系。。。。




内容简介:每篇爽文里都有这样一个反派,不惹主角不舒服,被打脸无数次还要降智作死,最后沦为踏脚石悲惨收场。当满级快穿大佬穿成爽文反派,管你是气运之子还是逆天改命,他只管自己活个痛快。想踩他上位?那 就试试被踩死的下场!【苏爽苏爽苏爽!本文为《大佬拿了渣男剧本091快穿093》的续篇,同一个主角。两篇文前后衔接,但没看过也不影响】※我的预收文:《谢当年不娶之恩091快穿093》许多女子捧出一颗真心,准备做最幸福的新娘,却惨遭抛弃,悲戚收场。家世差、不漂亮、不温柔、没情趣……所有的一切都是他不爱你的理由。当林萱穿成这些伤心的女子,直接活成了所有人最羡慕的样子。她对渣男只有一句话要说——谢当年不娶之恩!——————我的快穿完结文:※《大佬拿了渣男剧本091快穿093》男主快穿·100万字·5万收藏·本文前传※《BOSS打脸手册091快穿093》男主快穿·200万字·7万收藏·大佬穿炮灰逆袭做BOSS※《作精女配觉醒了091快穿093》65万字·5万收藏·高智商1V1痛快打脸※《退休反派穿成炮灰女配091快穿093》158万字·8万收藏·女魔头穿炮灰逆风翻盘※《快穿之护短狂魔》90万字·3万收藏·超护短1V1联合双打※《头号炮灰091快穿093》380万字·近各位书友要是觉得《爽文反派罢工了快穿》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w69337-80275 >>


内容简介:意外穿越到精灵宝可梦的世界,明明可以安安心心地做一个富二代,却被迫去联盟里当卧底。真木用真诚的眼神看着眼前的某飞行系天王,说道:“我有个秘密一直没有告诉你,其实我是火箭队的卧底。”渡渡 鸟愣了一下,一巴掌拍在了真木脑袋上。“哈哈哈哈哈!不愧是你真木,总是能说出逗我笑出声的笑话!”真木:我自爆了,结果没人信,怪我咯?(提示:本书世界观以及设定由游戏、动画、特别篇加上个人设定混合而成)关键词:神奇宝各位书友要是觉得《精灵之我真不是火箭队卧底》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-83125 >>






内容简介:莫道浓雾重,晨光已熹微。林熹微很多年后,才知道有些事情,一开始便已预示了结局,只是当时身在其中,未曾觉晓。原来有些人,在初见时,便已注定与你相缠一生。青梅绕竹马,晨光倚熹微。于晨光若干 年前,就清楚有些人儿,在最初经已占据了心扉,奈何彼时浓雾笼罩,当局者迷。其实很多事,在发生后,已然昭示前路荆棘遍布。1w0-97823 >>






内容简介:一封来自已经逝去一年朋友的信,录像中的蹊跷,带着这些疑问来到这个奇怪的游戏,曲折离奇的故事,刺激惊悚的游戏,似乎万能的系统漏洞百出,黑白无常的面具又呆在了谁的脸上?各位猎人,欢迎来到, 猎人游戏!1w21547-25343 >>


内容简介:叶长青穿越西游世界,成为天庭一小兵,觉醒平平无奇系统,只要苟住平平无奇的人设,就能突破天道桎梏,证道大道圣人,再也不用担心被天道割韭菜。谁知,这一天西游劫起,玉帝和众仙家议论如何处置灵 明石猴。突然听到了一个声音。【孙悟空何等桀骜不驯,给他一个弼马温,还不掀了凌霄宝殿。】【这二傻子玉帝,被西方二圣忽悠西游,坑不死你个二傻子!】【佛门大兴,道教式微,到时候人人拜佛,看你香火从哪里来!】1w0-108654 >>


内容简介:  这是一个属于穿越者的聊天群,汇聚了来自诸天万界的穿越者。  从小小的群成员做起,一步步成长到群主大佬!1w0-166




内容简介:穿越到玄幻世界,秦元绑定了一个游戏面板;只要摇骰子就可以获得各种天赋;于是秦元在娘胎里摇了十年骰子,刚出生就获得了十个顶级天赋:【天命之子】:幸运顶级;【谪仙下凡】:魅力顶级;【天妒英 才】:悟性顶级;【人族圣体】:体魄顶级;【仙帝血脉】:修炼资质顶级;【元素之力】:灵根资质顶级;【剑痴传承】:剑术精通顶级;【绝世奇遇】:顶点小说开局获得一本顶级功法;【鬼谷内门】:开局获得一本顶级法术秘笈;【一诺千金】:开局获得一位佳人至死不渝的追随!……天道与魔道对弈,人间生灵涂炭,民不聊生;无数修士奋起反抗,却如蚍蜉撼树,螳臂当车;万年后,秦元破关而出,一拳打碎了天道,一剑屠灭了魔道!各位书友要是觉得《开局顶级气运,苟到万年成圣》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w68630-82328 >>

Bewilderment - Life In Glasses

Just as the bedroom action is getting hot, Eiki receives a phone call and leaves. So what else can Senri do but question the meaning of the relationship. Are they really lovers or does Eiki only love him for his glasses?

All You Need Is Kill

From MangaHelpers: The world is in a war against an alien race called 'Mimics,' who have taken over most of the world with a mission to eliminate the human race. Keiji Kiriya is a new recruit in the United Defense Force, which is battling against these 'Mimics.' On his first day of deployment, Keiji and his unit encounter 'Mimics' and are all killed... Or was it all a dream? For some inexplicable reason, after every time he dies, he is resurrected and returned back to the day before the battle. Why does this happen to Keiji and how can he escape from this never ending cycle?

Love Capsule

From An Endless Story & Covenant of Darkness: 'We communicate with our lips touching one another. But once they touch, we're unable to stop.'

Gaku Ou - The Twinkle Star Story

Coming to earth to live the high-school life he's always dreamt of, Hirito finds himself in a bathroom on top of a naked girl! It turns out she goes to the world renowned Konoeghara Academy. Hirito is shocked to find the school only consists of seven students in total! Why in the world does the one of the most prestigious academies in the nation only consist of seven pupils...? - Kiss Scans

Dragon-Marked War God

Dragon-Marked War God summary: Dragon Marked War G.o.d is a very popular, and highly rated online novel with exciting and interesting content. The story is combined with different genres such as action, adventure, comedy, fantasy, martial arts, and romance among others. Su Yue Xi is the author of this book, and it is published on NovelOnlineFull. So if you are interested, you can find it there. The story is most suitable for readers who prefer long stories because there are almost two thousand chapters available as part of this novel, and the new updates are on their way as well. So if you are a fan of a story that never ends, this is the right solution for your entertainment.
This story contains one great character with extraordinary abilities and power. He is so powerful that he can make real miracles. He is even capable to create new worlds, so his power can be of tremendous benefit for millions. However, he can also be dangerous at moments, especially when enemies appear. This powerful figure was the greatest saint in the past life, so he inherited many of his powers from that period. However, he was born again at the beginning of the story, and he is ready to start and develop new adventures.
It is almost impossible to compete against this guy because he is virtually unbeatable. With effectiveness of 100%, he is a real nightmare for every opponent in this story. The saint speed is also unquestioned, so others are unable to oppose him even when it comes to that aspect of the martial arts.
This former saint has preserved the enormous experience fro the past life. And it now enables him to use all kind of fighting techniques and eliminates virtually any enemies out there. You can find truly good fighters in this story. The action is the main genre, however, no one of these great masters possesses the skills and experience from the past life. That’s why the former saint is much better than any of them. And he was very powerful in the past life, he was not just a regular guy so that matters too.
But he is not the satin anyone as well, and he is named Jiang Chen in this new life. Jiang has dressed appropriately to a man of his abilities and supernatural powers. There are different features of his cloths, and he has a handsome figure and long black hair. It is totally clear that he is a very strong individual even at first sight. You do not have to know about his past, but you can conclude that by his appearance only.
Jiang has a big love for his friends and family, however, he is merciless to his opponents. That’s why many are willing to avoid any type of confrontation with him. Jiang is calm in every situation, no matter how dangerous that can be. He can handle it without any problems. Despite his kind nature, he can also manipulate with others to take different advantages if necessary.
All in all, the story hides different twist and turns, so you can enjoy various events. And that’s the best thing a reader can get from a novel of this kind.

The Money Moon

The Money Moon summary: The Money Moon summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Money Moon. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Blood Walk

Blood Walk summary: Blood Walk summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Blood Walk. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

James Fenimore Cooper

James Fenimore Cooper summary: James Fenimore Cooper summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of James Fenimore Cooper. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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