















类别恋爱 穿越 生活










独有个性的歌手X精致可爱的画家,从小认识,长大相认。小心翼翼地配合治疗。 喜欢一个人,不难过,但重要的是不要在这喜欢里面自我安慰,死要面子地说我怎么可能会爱上ta






内容简介:  新书《大宋明月》上传,求支持,求推荐票,求收藏,求打赏!  给我一个姑娘,我创造不了一个民族;给我一块木头,我能瞬间制造出一把连弩。  兵甲系统在手,三国天下我有!  并州狼骑又如 何?且看我三千铝盔铝甲的白马义从如何马踏天下!  河北先登又如何?且看我怒锋营手执钢制弹簧连弩如何荡净九州!  江东水军又如何?且看我装备连发火炮的幽燕车船如何纵横四海!  ……  醉卧美人膝,醒掌天下权,穿越成公孙瓒庶子公孙白,起于幽州,席卷天下。  本书书友裙号:3-1-3-0-5-6-1-5-9,欢迎大家前来吹牛打屁。  PS:铝盔铝甲指的是超硬铝合金,性能不亚于普通钢材的那种,勿以此吐槽,拜谢!1w0-4563 >>


内容简介:魔幻大剧。一朝觉醒圣龙力,整个大陆为之沸腾。故事发生在大商国边境,主角身负圣龙荣耀,遭人暗算,夺气运,改造化。为了找回神魂,为报母仇,林辰以仅剩的一念龙魂,动天撼地,与敌争锋,走向危险 的灵修之路。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《太古灵尊》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-76880 >>


内容简介:女友被非礼,陈平为保护女友而坐牢,可三年后出狱,女友却嫁给了当年施暴者…………陈平悲愤不已,幸好在狱中习得凝心诀,陈平从此走上修仙之路,身边美女陪伴,前女友悔恨不已!1w31519-1 16052 >>


内容简介:维纳斯养成笔记np穿成天生媚体校花快穿维纳斯养成维纳斯养成记笔记快穿之维纳斯的养成笔记御书快穿维纳斯的养成笔记快穿维纳斯的养成笔记131快穿维纳斯的养成笔记128快穿之维纳斯的养成笔记 小说pre1w34087-84193 >>




内容简介:谢谢小可爱们的支持,感谢大家看到这里,《醒醒》暂预计于1月23日入v,届时怪兽一定超努力掉落更新,鞠躬!预收文《真香炮灰无限》欢迎小可爱们留意!(文案最底)【本文文案】帝国落魄机械师喻 越穿入恐怖位面世界,闯关才能存活在第一个世界为被挖去心脏的黑化创世神制作一个机器心脏并获得道具奖励后,从此走上迷一般的闯关巅峰1幽暗古堡吸血鬼王座喑哑低沉的嗓音从心脏中传出——啊,人血真是无比美味,就如1w0-91472 >>




内容简介:《掌心小宠》是一款风靡整个星际的全息投影宠物养成游戏,玩家只有一次召唤宠物的机会,在陪伴宠物成长的过程中,玩家的体质和精神力也会得到全面提升。秋天蕴是来自末世的丧尸皇,却在某天醒来后发 现自己成了手掌1w0-82597 >>




内容简介:同时连载的爱发电警校组救济文:《真酒的我目标全员HE》中午12点更新池泽千涉叛逆离家,远赴横滨成为了一名mafia,却在和叫做太宰的上司见面时目瞪口呆。因为站在他面前发出人类声音的,是 一个诡异的、通体漆黑的像素方块。不知从什么时候起,池泽千涉身边多了很多类似的存在。工作上的前辈、咖啡厅的侍应生、“曾经”一个学校的同学、Line上相谈甚欢终于面基的网友……就连吃个饭都能看到亮橙1w0-92059 >>


内容简介:推预收:《国木田小姐又被骗了》本文文案:五条奈奈子,一个毫无咒力的普通人,在不普通地穿越之后,被迫打开了新世界的大门。别人祓除咒灵的时候:“人间失格!”“黑闪——”“领域,XXXX。” 轮到她:别急,等姐姐我先画个符再说。成年那天,五条奈奈子突然被告知自己有一个超有钱的老爸,是隔壁海岛国的首富5t5。研究符文化出身的首富大人是个超讨厌的封建大家长,五条奈奈子所有的反抗不满在他的眼里都是“小孩子脾气”。所以她带着自己的宝贝cos服离家出走去了横滨,却没想到这一去,就是两个世界的相隔。不、她没死,就是赶上了穿越的潮流。穿越到了一个充满着她只在书本上看见的【咒灵】的高危世界。重要的是,她长着一张和某个最强一看就关系很大的脸,并且毫无咒力,根本看不见那鬼玩意儿。五条奈奈子:可喜可贺,可喜可贺——个鬼啊!!(呜呜呜)tvt阅读指南:1时间线魔改,世界观融合,有私设多多多多2有系统,cos元素——预收收——《国木田小姐又被骗了》:超“单纯”老被男朋友骗的御姐国木田老师×丧甜系心思深沉首领切片宰↑文案放一个:国木田小姐又双叒叕被骗了。在经历男朋友只想谈身不想谈心的、天p1w0-82092 >>


内容简介:许然穿越到类似聊斋的世界,获得了怪物获取游戏系统。宿主遇见白骨女妖,获得不限刷新次数的【白骨妖精英野怪】;宿主遇见山神,获得不限刷新次数的【精英BOSS山神】;宿主遇见燕赤霞,获得不限 刷新次数的【精英BOSS侠道士】;……聊斋世界遍地妖、鬼、精怪、侠士、道士、佛陀,处处可以获得无限单刷的各种野怪和BOSS。系统能自动数据化战斗经验,掌握怪物出手规律。还能获得经验值、技能和装备,并进行各种花式强化。当山神举起狼牙棒冲过来时,许然亮出镶嵌六颗增伤宝石的同款狼牙棒,山神直接跪地:爸爸(ps非纯无脑爽文)各位书友要是觉得《从聊斋开始单刷诸天神魔》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-29448 >>

Issho Ni Kuraro

1. Let's Live Together The boss who arrived with the staff transfers is, in spite of being my boss, super cute. Toda-san came from the Kansai Branch, and somehow ended up freeloading at my house...! When I come home I'm greeted by a half-naked Toda-san, at night we share one bed and Toda-san rubs against my back...!! Wha-what?! I've been embraced!! This kind of life seems like the sweet life of living together with your lover... or so you might think, but between two men is it 'living together' or 'homosexuality'? What am I thinking!! - From Nakama 2. Fight With Love Kitada Aki has been stuck taking care of Otoda Jun since highschool. Lately, though, Jun has been saying bad jokes about being in love with Aki... what should Kitada do? 3. Secret Meeting When Sasuke's father died, Zenjirou swore to stay by his side. Sasuke was taken in by a brothel to be raised as a male prostitute from childhood, while Zenji spent years searching for him. Zenji finally found him... but Sasuke/Yakumo* reached 16 and has already been bought for mizuge (losing-the-virginity ceremony). Will Zenji's love be unrequited, or will they both be partners in a forbidden love? Can Zenjirou watch the only one he has ever loved be owned by another man? A story of love between a prostitute and a young master. *Yakumo is Sasuke's 'shop' name. 4. Pure Thread of First Love A 'prequel' to Henai Prince. This is the story of the younger Takahshi brother Kenji and and the youngest of the Satou brothers, Youhei. It's not exactly a prequel as it is about different characters. 5. Clumsy Lovers Hashimoto-sempai is always yelling at Nishi. All the other soccer players say that Hashimoto is bullying him, but Hashimoto actually loves Nishi very much... he just doesn't know how to express himself well. Their relationship stays forced, until Hashimoto finds out Nishi is going to Italy to go pro... 6. Let's Pass Time Together Extra on Matsushita and Toda from chapter 1

Imasugu Oniichan Ni Imouto Datte Iitai!

Rikuto had a new younger brother Ayumu after his father’s remarriage. However, little did he know that Ayumu was actually a girl and it was under her mother’s orders that she pretend to be a boy to him. Every day, his heart beats a little faster around his overly cute brother (sister), while her heart aches in having to hide her true identity from her kind brother. With the arrival of spring, Rikuto and Ayumu begin attending the popular private school Asaoka Academy, with Ayumu dressed up as a girl. As Rikuto becomes friends with his classmates, he notices that they all have something missing. His friend from middle school, Matsuri, has lost sight of what it meant to be a girl. The cool-mannered Mao dresses as a boy even though she is a girl. The extremely shy class rep Kimika wishes to change herself. With Ayumu by his side, he sets out to help them seek out what they are missing.

Junk - Record Of The Last Hero

Hiro is a high school student refusing to go to school after a traumatic run-in with the local bullies. But his feeble life is forever changed when, one day, he applies online for a new gadget called 'JUNK'.

Joushi Tono Hitoban

From Shinmakoku Scanlations: Kondou Takayuki hates his boss from the bottom of his heart!! Takagi Toshinobu is mean, heartless, cruel, insensitive... a true sadist! And only to Kondou, by the way! He's perfectly nice to everyone else... WHY? Kondou keeps asking himself over and over again... Then one morning he finds himself in the same bed as his boss. Uwaah... What had happened the night before?

The History of the Five Indian Nations of Canada

The History of the Five Indian Nations of Canada summary: The History of the Five Indian Nations of Canada summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The History of the Five Indian Nations of Canada. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Point Lace and Diamonds

Point Lace and Diamonds summary: Point Lace and Diamonds summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Point Lace and Diamonds. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Above the Battle

Above the Battle summary: Above the Battle summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Above the Battle. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Scioneer

The Scioneer summary: The Scioneer summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Scioneer. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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