
































内容简介:简介:上山找羊,意外跌落山崖,醒来后发现胎穿到了不知名的朝代。四处观望,发现这个家真是一穷二白,吃不饱,穿不暖,住的还是泥土房,外面下大雨,里面下小雨。上有姐姐,下有妹妹,原本想着靠自 己现代人的灵魂绝对能过得精彩绝伦,没曾想命运如此多舛。各位看官,且看凌云如何在这时代创造自己的传说!1w0-82093 >>




内容简介:  我这个人最大的特点就是喜欢战斗!战斗使人快乐!与天斗其乐无穷、与地斗其乐无穷、与人斗其乐无穷!1w0-3017


内容简介:ampampampemspampampampemsp姜小时穿书了穿书进入一本替身娇妻:我家老公超凶哒的小说里。成为跟自己同名同姓的男主白月光身上。ampampampemspampamp ampemsp而且是没活过三章的白月光,姜小时仰天长啸,要不要这么坑,为了活下去她努力讨好男主,争取在书中有个好的结局。ampampampemspampampampemsp本来以为奋斗很艰难,没想到人生已经是巅峰。ampampampemspampampampemsp各种叔叔伯伯对她关爱有加:“小时,缺钱吗伯伯刚给你账号划了一千万。”ampampampemspampampampemsp原著男主:“小时,把这个签了,你就是全球首富。”ampampampemspampampampemsp原定想讨好男主的姜小时,“”各位书友要是觉得小时姜最新小说作品《穿书后我成为了团宠》还不错的话可以通过下面网址复制分享给您的朋友哦!无弹窗阅读地址收藏:1w0-73010 >>


内容简介:《斗罗之司法天神》读人生长恨水长东后,心情久久不能平复。杨戬三界最强者之一手握天庭司法大权怎么会落得如此下场杨戬将会在斗罗大陆有一段新的人生,必将重回三界。“待我重临三界之日,诸多逆臣 死去之时。”本书又叫《从斗罗开始君临三界》不是无敌文,有剧情的,更新稳定,可以放心入坑(本书魔改较多,是真的多,接受能力不强的还是别点进来了,这更像是一本披着斗罗皮的玄幻文,但是喜欢这种的千万不要错过啊。)书友群:1514028611w0-81682 >>


内容简介:注:男主,无cp文顾秋发现,一个游戏跟自己有缘。他可以从游戏中凌空取物,无视次元和屏幕,只要在他角色包裹里的,他都能拿出来。可随着东西越拿越多……如果说想要逃课的时候,他还能拉开快被塞 爆的抽屉,掏出一瓶红药,一口喝下去,既能腾出空间,又能喷着鼻血去弄请假条,那么那些堆满了柜子的“cosplay服”该怎么解释?……男装情有可原,那几身女装又该怎么办?丢了太可惜,能不能想办法卖出去?这些不能见光的东西该怎么处理呢?顾秋想了三天,忽然一拍脑袋。得,开个冒牌的愿望店吧。这年头,中二遍地有,大家的脑洞都被搞得很大。假装自己是个大佬,不就能忽悠着卖出去了?————————————基友文第一只,《总有逆臣想撩朕》by我很高产女扮男装当皇帝的故事第二只,《综英美夜莺》by邀情八遐阿斯加德大魔王怎么撩?!急在线等第三只,《西游悟空太爱我怎么办》by要饭饭师父太可爱了怎么办1w0-84747 >>


内容简介:接档预收文《揣着老公的崽找上门去》,求收藏!(晚九更新)黎言看了本书,书里与自己同名同姓的恶毒炮灰以阴险的手段怀孕,后又以肚里的孩子做威胁,进了霸总家的门,一度作威作福,后来却落了个一 尸两命的凄惨下场。一觉醒来,黎言穿书了。他睁眼的时候,正躺在床上……霸总推门而入,情势紧急,箭在弦上,不得不发……翌日清晨,黎言一瘸一拐偷偷跑路。一个月后,他突然发现自己怀孕了……怎么办?他是生,还是不生?据说霍白衍手段狠厉,性格阴晴不定,谁落到他手上都活不过明天。黎言怕得要命,打包行李连夜逃命,可连飞机场都没到,就被霍白衍亲自抓了回去。从那之后,圈里就有了一个传言,阴狠毒辣的霍总圈养了一个宠物。众人都在预测,那个宠物能不能活过一个月。而在霍家别墅里,小宠物黎言握着筷子戳自己隆起的肚皮,凶巴巴地威胁,“你放我走,不然我就撑死你的崽!”霍总将人揽到怀里,克制地亲吻,“你想走可以,把我一起带上。”后来,霍总的小宠物不仅活过了一个月,还被霍总用盛大的婚礼娶进了门。各位书友要是觉得《撩完总裁后我带球跑了穿书》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-83151 >>


内容简介:  地球公关人士谭越,穿越平行时空。“谭越,咱们离婚吧,我意已决,不用再求我了。”“那好吧。”谭越想要好好生活,第一件事就是离婚。1w0-1778




内容简介:  身怀系统八年,本想做你身后默默付出的男人,给你一个温馨完美的家六年后你终于成了大明星,却给我递上了一纸离婚协议那我……不藏了!####【高订过万已入精品频道,放心阅读!】1w0-2 767 >>


内容简介:【纵横一组签约作品】掌中血龙吞天戟,胯下乌云盖雪驹,天生狼王行乱世,狼旗所到敌披靡,汉末江山,且看刘郎生纵横驰骋!永恒的三国梦想,说不完的英雄故事。三国神作,历史精品,不看后悔,真的, 俺不骗你!1w0-1121 >>


内容简介:三线女明星乔素被渣男哄骗,掉下悬崖,重新醒来已经换了一个灵魂。被嘲笑一直勾搭男人,乔素直接勾搭娱乐圈顶端的霍沉彧,本以为霍沉彧跟别的男人一样拒绝,没想到霍沉彧顺水推舟,把乔素宠到了心尖 上。“夫人想要影后,为夫帮你。”“夫人想要报复渣男,为夫帮你。”乔素整天哀叹,报仇一点体验感都没有,“突然有点后悔招惹你了。”“这个为夫帮不了你了,后悔也没用。”1w0-79307 >>

Ushio And Tora

Ushio and Tora Manga facilities across conflicts and the journeys of Ushio Aotsuki, who assisted and is always being stalked by a massive, sometimes imperceptible, and unnatural tiger-like creature named Tora. Ushio inadvertently unsealed the cavern Tora was immobilized in. The show centers around their relationship, interspersed with conflicts against foes that are mythological, and with the efforts to grapple with modern life of Tora. Main characters in Ushio and Tora Manga The narrative also contains the relationships of Ushio with two girls: the female Mayuko Inoue as well as the tomboyish Asako Nakamura. The protagonist of the show, he's the son of a temple priest as well as overcome the superb y and a woman shaman, destined to wield the Beast Spearukai Hakumen no Mono. He's really kind hearted and considerably values camaraderie and all life. With his ideals, he manages to unite yukai against Hakumen and the forces of humanity with Tora through his case of his fighting partnership. Ushio cares a lot for Mayuko and adores Asako, and can quickly may actually save them from yukai strikes. Tora An early tiger-like yukai when Ushio pulled off the Beast Spear, who had been released. Prior to being trapped in the cellar of the temple of Ushio, he was known as Nagatobimaru, magnificently worried for his absolute strength and powers of lightning among the yukai community. Being trapped in the cellar for 500 years, he's great interest over gadgets and modern lifestyle. His favourite food is burgers, when they meet, which Mayuko consistently supplies. He says that he's every intent to eat Mayuko and Ushio, so is not going to let them be taken away by other yukai. In exactly the same time, Tora looks to love their firm, and he's said that he'll not make a move as low as wanting to eat Ushio in his slumber, suggesting he'd favor fight that is honest. He also describes the reason why he shields Ushio despite saying he will eat him is that he interest around him. Tora cares greatly about him which he really attempts to deny Ushio and Tora manga transform to Anime Characters in Ushio and Tora Manga Asako Nakamura The hotheaded, tomboyish childhood pal of Mayuko and Ushio. A ramen restaurant is owned by her family. Mayuko Inoue Asako and Ushio 's companion. She's womanly and more pleasant. She has feelings for Tora, whom she easily purchases burgers for and cares for Ushio. Afterwards, she took as her stepbrother in Kirio. Additionally it is disclosed that she belongs to the lineage of strong woman shamans. So, Mayuko can produce psychic barriers strong enough to hold Hakumen back. Ushio's dad, custodian of the temple he along with his son live in. His secret identity is being one of a particular Buddhist sect named Kouhamei of most powerful priest. An orphaned girl who goes to exactly the same school as Mayuko, Asako and Ushio. Her dad was quite overprotective of her, and he became an oni, causing risk to any sons who took the merest fantasy of her when he died. She was distressed by this greatly, and she attempted to commit suicide many times. Ushio eventually got his mistakes are realized by her dad, and he left for the afterworld. Then, Reiko could lead an ordinary life, and became good buddies with Mayuko, Asako and Ushio. Hyou A strong Chinese exorcist, exceptionally proficient in geomancy, use of flying spears and seals. Socket now could be a charming blue crystal ball used to save his life. Hyu Initially believes Tora is the one who killed his family, but Ushio convinces him is not guilty, and Hyu After calms down a little, being a treasured ally. Jie Mei She's the sister of Giryu, who lost her life to make the blade of the spear. She reincarnated as Yuki, the very first of the lineage of woman shamans that are strong one has the exact same appearance as her. Jie Mei is capable freely materialize everywhere desired, and seemed to help prevent Ushio with his spirit completely absorbed by the spear from transforming into a Creature. Giryu An extremely skilled blacksmith who goes mad from being not able to prevent her forfeit, the brother of Jie Mei. Filled with remorse, rage and sorrow, he beaten on his body to the shaft of the spear. However, he's pledged his devotion to Ushio. Yu Hiyama The dad of a young girl whose caused a flying devil, by Fusuma. She attributed her daddy's longtime pal Atsuzawa for the event, but she learns the truth and forgives Atsuzawa after helping Fusuma to be defeated by Ushio. She's shy and simply intimidated, apologizing profusely when the other is at fault. As the backlash of energy would ruin her, initially she's unwilling to let Ushio ruin the obstacle imprisoning Omamori, when Tora determines to deflect the backlash, but she relents. In the wake, she tells Ushio of her choice to become more powerful like him, and becomes fitter and more sociable. Strangely, her hair begins turning brown too, possibly symbolizing the conclusion of her 'occupation'. Like her mom Akiyo Takatori Ushio to Tora manga  Shinji Tokuno A former yakuza who left the company when he was identified as having cancer, and instinctively chose to go back to his home village. He gives himself to seal the mist spirit, Shimuna and keep it from ruining his hamlet. In the chapters later, Ushio wears the overcoat in memory of his sacrifice of Shinji. Reiko's childhood and classmate buddy. They became after the passing of the dad of Reiko, but made up after he with her and Ushio defeat the Oni that was the dad of Reiko. Kyuji Atsuzawa Hiyama's dad. He saw his buddy is killed by the Fusuma and when Ushio and Tora killed the heavens devil, Yu For blaming him for her dad's passing, apologized. Ushio's until a Youkai told Ushio that she is living and despised by all Youkai Mom who had been presumed dead. She is the third in a line of woman shamans that's kept from ruining Japan Hakumen no Mono imprisoned to stop it. Jie Mei enabled her to leave her place for a couple of years, which had before being made to go back to the seal, Ushio and enabled her to meet with Shigure Tokyo Ghoul Manga Lueduo Diren De Xin Manga


Hundreds of years ago there was a battle of two beings on earth, one who calls themselves the 'Celestials' and another one which is known as the 'Darkseeds'. The Celestials won the battle but hundreds of years later the 'Darkseeds' who calls themselves the Puaka has started to rise again. It will be time before another battle begins. The Celestial king sent his warriors in search of the Puaka King to destroy the Puaka king before he could gather his army and rise against the Celestial King again. The story focuses on two of the warriors, the twin brother and sister Purnama and Suria in their journey to avoid another battle from starting. Inspired from the folklore of Southeast Asia.

Mouryou No Yurikago

A group of students find themselves on a sinking capsized ship. Together with some zombies. What happened to the ship and why are there zombies aboard? It's a battle against time and zombies, to save themselves.

Momo To Botan To Yuri No Hana

In a certain town there is a slightly odd maid café named Sasanqua. The most popular maid in the shop, Botan, has just received a love confession from the new girl, Momo, and can't help but have Momo on her mind. W-w-w-w-what if this is love!? E-even though we're both girls!? Why am I having these feelings!? This is a clashing-style maid café love (?) comedy.

By the Ionian Sea

By the Ionian Sea summary: By the Ionian Sea summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of By the Ionian Sea. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Master Detective

The Master Detective summary: The Master Detective summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Master Detective. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Best From Fantasy & Science Fiction

The Best From Fantasy & Science Fiction summary: The Best From Fantasy & Science Fiction summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Best From Fantasy & Science Fiction. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Introduction of Self-Registering Meteorological Instruments

The Introduction of Self-Registering Meteorological Instruments summary: The Introduction of Self-Registering Meteorological Instruments summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Introduction of Self-Registering Meteorological Instruments. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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