










类别都市 恋爱 生活 少女 爆笑 其他






















内容简介:一手医术可活死人,一身武功深不可测,他是花花都市最耀眼的圣手,武道世界最可怕的天才,也是众多红颜祸水的冤家,且看叶少川如何在这花花都市,打败一个又一个敌人,俘获一个又一个美人。1w12 975-81866 >>


内容简介:蒲县的没落实验室迎来一尊大佛——年仅26岁,连发16篇SCI的A大生物博士宋之庭。久经生意场的苏澄父母瞬间get到重点——大神降临,实验室要发达!火速将自家学渣女儿塞进实验室。被迫上班 的苏澄却毫无怨言,因为她发现——这科研大佬是真帅!一鼻一眼都长自己心坎上!可惜大佬一心只有实验,对她这种走后门的学渣嗤之以鼻;偏偏苏澄不信邪,化身上班小积极,全新全新协助大佬,朝着和大佬组成扶贫CP的道路前进!1w0-29657 >>






内容简介:  武当山上,面对强行让他说出谢逊下落的群雄,张翠山一脸邪魅狷狂,缓缓抽出了背后的倚天剑和屠龙宝刀:“我不是针对谁,在座的各位都是垃圾!”风云世界,帝释天集齐七柄神兵欲要屠龙,此时,一 条满口社会口音的青龙从天而降:“我一眼就看出你不是人!大威天龙!”自从陈莽获得了穿越诸天万界的能力,一些世界的画风逐渐的走远了……(倚天屠龙,一人之下,聊斋,白蛇,港综,风云,西游,哈利波特……)1w0-1737 >>




内容简介:VB:晋江言西早早传闻新闻系系花颜舒有心计有手段,裙下之臣无数,踢到的唯一一块铁板,是许裴。——那个被澜大学子誉为数学系之光的许裴。校内论坛首页天天被刷屏:“来了,她来了,她端着上好的 绿茶走来了……”“省省吧,许神不吃你这套。”“坐等系花被打脸!”正当大家等着看颜舒的笑话时,这个天之骄子竟然当着全校师生的面,弯下清瘦挺拔的背脊,半跪在她面前,淡着脸替她系上鞋带。从此,校内论坛换了风向:“茶艺高超,算你狠。”“赌一道高数题,许神会发现她的真面目!”“等许神分手的第十七天,打卡!”某日,有人看到颜舒神色慌张地捂着一个小红本,匆忙间不小心掉了出来,作为一枚许神迷妹,她倒要看看这女人打什么鬼主意。凑近一看,竟是结婚证。日期,一年前???片刻,校内网出现一个新帖。谁捡到我太太的结婚证,请与我联系,此物贵重必有重谢。最后附上四个字:我是许裴校内网崩了,大家万人血书,跪求颜舒出搞男神的教程。却在一个传授茶艺的博主下面发现许裴的留言:谢谢,方法很有用,老婆已追到。???这特么到底谁茶谁?先婚后爱校园隐婚苏爽小甜饼排个雷:数学和新闻专业相关基本瞎编,一切只为剧情服务,如果你觉得离谱,那就是真的离谱,介意者慎入预收文《不轨》,求个收藏强排雷,预收女主非c,慎入!1宋佳薇刚和未婚夫亲热完,打开门,发现外面立着个男人。腿长,肌肉结实有力。脖子上一条长疤,看上去很不好惹。男人倚在走廊吸烟,烟头散落一地。他望过来,盯着她脖子上的痕迹,目光狠戾。后来,他把她抢了。2厉凛曾经堕落到骨子里,他住在潮湿脏乱的窄巷里,打架斗殴、偷鸡摸狗,人人避之不及。他的世界一片漆黑,直到遇到了宋佳薇。她漂亮聪慧又善良,她穿着干净的白袜子,一尘不染的小皮鞋,像极了城堡里的公主。她高高在上,他卑微到尘埃。厉凛用了十年时间,艰难洗净满身泥垢,摇身一变,成为了人人妄图攀附的商场新贵。回A城的第一天晚上,他隔着一堵门,听到她娇软的声音。他用尽全力,克制住想掐死那男人的念头,步步为营。终于,她成了他的太太。1w0-27384 >>


内容简介:一张弓,一场悲剧;一张弓,一份缘分。荣达飞在魔兽群中长大,可森林并不是他的舞台,他要到人类社会中去!!可他连男女都分不清!更何况其他~!!!可他还是要去……这一天终于到来…………1w9 117-87258 >>


内容简介:性奴男妻(双性高H)简体版是由渴望成为大手所写的高辣浓情类小说,本站提供性奴男妻(双性高H)简体版最新章节阅读性奴男妻(双性高H)简体版全文阅读性奴男妻(双性高H)简体版免费无弹窗在线 阅读,如果您发现性奴男妻(双性高H)简体版更新慢了请第一时间联系小兵。1w0-72240 >>


内容简介:宁天穿越到平行世界的龙国,这里的历史有着极大的断层。为了探寻那段缺失的历史,一款黑科技产品,灵魂全息影像头盔随之问世。带上灵魂全息影像头盔的人,都能够通过头盔将画面投放出来。“我的前世 竟然是一位将军?”“我的前世竟然是一位富商?”然而当宁天带上灵魂全息影像头盔后,画面却是一个比一个震撼。。“以铜为鉴可以正衣冠以人为鉴可以明得1w0-65166 >>


内容简介:一个带着神器归来的主角,强悍的重生了,掌控金融,军界,与京城贵公子之间的碰撞,修真界的奇遇,仙界的熬战,神界的曲折,宇宙九大本源得一而成帝尊,然九大本源尽各位书友要是觉得《霸控》还不错 的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-38495 >>



Suki To Kirai No Kyoukaisen

Prequel to Otona to Kodomo no Kyoukaisen. Tohru is a policeman who works at a police box when he confronts a teenager for shoplifting who turns out to be his one and only younger cousin, Takafumi! As children, Takafumi was constantly mean to Tohru, but now...

Danganronpa - Kibou No Gakuen To Zetsubou No Koukousei

A group of 15 elite high-school students are gathered at a very special, high-class high school. To graduate from this high school essentially means you'll succeed in life, but graduating is very difficult. The school is presided over by a bear called Monokuma, and he explains to them that their graduation hinges around committing a murder. The only way to graduate is to kill one of your classmates and get away with it. If the other classmates discover the identity of the killer, the killer is the only one executed. However, if they fail to catch the killer, only the killer graduates and the others are annihilated. Which of the 15 will survive the bloodbath to come?

Machina Angelus

1) Machina Angelus Yuya was all alone after his grandfather passed away. Then Kou, his childhood friend, who abandoned Yuya reappeared back in his life. Unbeknownst to Yuya, Kou has a debilitating disease that forced him to leave his side. So in order for Kou to see Yuya again, he decided to become a Machina Angelus (Machine Angel), a machine he founded! Will the single-minded determination of a genius create a miracle? 2) Angel's Oblivion Kento is living his first real romance with Madoka, when an accident ruins there lovey-dovey life. 3) Spicy Hot Life Osawa Takatoshi is alone, his father left the family years ago and his mother is deceased. Now, Death God, Black, arrives at his door with a ring in his hand and a desire to eat curry. How can a Death God and a human find true love? And if they do, will they be able to stay together? 4) God's Left Hand Chap. 2 Pgs. 53-60

Love Cruise

Collection of short stories: 1) Love Cruise Yuri starts her extravagant cruise trip alone, after her aunt calls her and asks Yuri to go in her place since she had to work. However, since Yuri was just dumped by her boyfriend, she couldn’t enjoy the trip at all. Then, she is called by an audacious young boy, however, the next time they met, he turns into an adult?! 2) Kawaii no ga Osuki Ema loves cute things, but they don't suit her. She especially loves the bears created by Minami-san and thinks they will make the perfect wedding gift for her sister. After discovering who Minami really is, will she be able to work with him? 3) Otameshi Kudasai Nogawa is a serious sales person who only shows a smile to customers and guests. One day, he offers a free sample of fried Gengis Khan to a yakuza princess. Later, she begins working with him, much to his dismay. 4) Ryuujin-sama to Oyome-sama One day, Kawamoto Mizuho encountered a dragon god who chose her as his bride by paying her father a large sum of money. Although unsure of how to emotionally connect with the dragon god, Mizuho consents to the proposal. Can Mizuho learn to love the dragon god, and does he truly love her or does he only want to use her?

The CEO's Woman

The CEO's Woman summary: If she could use any three words to describe herself, Jiang Yue would say that she is rich, beautiful, and extremely smart. Unfortunately, she took these for granted in her past life, causing her downfall.
After reincarnating to her fifteen year old self, Jiang Yue wants only three things: to build an empire, spend more time with the people who love her and live a happy life.
In his past life, he was unable to express his love for Jiang Yue.
Now that he has reincarnated, all he wants to do is show Jiang Yue how much he loves her.
If she wants only three things, then he wants only three things: to build an empire for her, to spend more time with her, and live a happy life with her.
Mixed with a little hint of mind-boggling mysteries and secrets, what happens when two reincarnated individuals meet and fall in love?
'Do you believe in reincarnation?' Fu Jin's question instantly made Jiang Yue froze. She remembered how she was the one who asked this question when they first met.
'Of course I do.' She answered. She was the living proof that reincarnation existed. 'Why are you asking that?'
'Well... if I tell you that I reincarnated just to make you mine, would you believe me?' His question immediately gave Jiang Yue gooseb.u.mps.
She did not answer him, instead, she turned around so she could face him.
Their gazes met.
'Then if you were given a chance to reincarnate, would you find me again and make me yours?' She asked.
'Of course.' He answered, as he tucked a loose strand of her hair behind her ear. 'I would find you and wait for you Mrs. Fu. Even if it would have taken million years and million lifetimes.'
Fu Jin's answer instantly made Jiang Yue smile. However, this time, a mysterious light flashed in her eyes.
Maybe, Fu Jin's words were true.
Maybe, he also reincarnated just like her.
And maybe... just maybe, their souls were already connected, long before they reincarnated.
(NOTE: This is a double reincarnation story. Both FL and ML died in their previous lives and reincarnated.)

Left Behind Kids - Death Strike

Left Behind Kids - Death Strike summary: Left Behind Kids - Death Strike summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Left Behind Kids - Death Strike. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

CEO Vengeful Wife

CEO Vengeful Wife summary: ...Sneak Peek into a chapter...
'Don't play with fire, President Jing.' His eyes darkened; the temperature in the room dropped drastically.
It was a warning.
However, Jing Lihua cherry red lips merely curled up into a smile.
'What if I want to play with fire, President Li?'
'Woman, do you not see your position? You are pinned down by me. Yet you still dare to act so frivolously? If you do not have any intention to finish things, you better not start them!' Li Zhiqiang's eyes were cold as frozen ice. 'Otherwise, I will make you regret.'
'President Li.' Jing Lihua's sweet voice again a.s.saulted his ears. 'What if I want you to make me regret?'
The second those words left her lips, she was kissed furiously.
...End of Sneak Peek...
Flesh made of translucent ice, bones made of precious gems...
Jing Lihua, the eldest miss of the aristocratic Jing family, was a cla.s.sic beauty with a tragic end.
Stabbed in the back by those closest to her, betrayed by those she put her utmost trust, forsaken by those for whom she sacrificed herself; years of harshness taught her a lot.
So when events take a turn and she is allowed to reincarnate seven years back on her marriage night, when everything was still in her hands, when everything had just started to take turns, she is determined to change the course of things...
She is determined to protect those who were true to her and at the same time... ruin those who had the demons in their hearts.
However, things take an interesting turn when she discovers new secrets left uncovered in her previous life.
A formidable man named 'President Li', the young master of the prestigious 'Li' family known as the great 'Devil' in the mortal world appears in her life and sends her plans into chaos...
Author Note: The First 20 chapters are rewritten by me. So they are good to go. After that for the next fort chapter, quality drops a bit. Then it gradually returns to best. Bear with it for a while. I'm in the process of editing.

Memoir of the Life of John Quincy Adams

Memoir of the Life of John Quincy Adams summary: Memoir of the Life of John Quincy Adams summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Memoir of the Life of John Quincy Adams. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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