


































内容简介:【428晚7点开文,可预收起来啦!】初遇时,她是刚病愈的相府千金,他是被捉弄的狼狈四皇子。再遇时,她是得蒙圣宠的相府千金,他是身体孱弱不得宠的四皇子。一个偷听得来的秘密,牵扯出一段纠缠 的因缘,以有心算无心,算来了皇权在握,却不知人生际遇自有缘法,当命运的轮盘开启后,谁又逃得过?初时,他说如果以后觉得委屈了,难过了,想哭了,就在漓哥哥这里哭,漓哥哥永远在你身边陪着你,好不好?她说漓哥哥,你可会一直对阿娴好?他说我愿为阿娴一生画眉,阿娴可愿意?她说若有一日,我已白发苍苍,容颜迟暮,你还会不会,依旧如此般,牵着我的手,倾世温柔?后来,她说原来我对你来说,不过是一场算计,一场权谋。他说皇后不想见到朕,是想着要见谁呢?让朕猜猜,是苏子成么?她说这一夜,我才知道,原来我对你所有的爱恋,不过是一场空欢喜。他说朕倒是很有兴趣想知晓,皇后又救得了谁?最后的最后,他说她一定很疼吧。他说阿娴,我不要安康长寿,我只要你在我身边。只可惜,他的身边再也没有了那人。排雷1V11w0-72904 >>


内容简介:(1v1双处,暗黑系宠文)c市名流之首,神秘温雅,手段狠戾,这是世人对宋霁的全部认识。宋霁对人对事从来不近人情,心底却为那人保留了唯一一处温柔。宋霁爱了阮姝很多年,爱始于微末年少,却突 逢背叛,剜挑骨肉后一地淋漓。许多年岁后,她回到他身边,她喊他:“宋先生”,强作镇定。他带着痛意开口,声音低沉,些许蛊惑,他说:“阮姝,我们结婚吧。”他本是想折辱她的。或者内心深处,他更想告诉她,最懵懂的年少,他也为她写过情书。(腹黑病娇吓跑傻白甜,苦心经营多年到手的故事。)如果您喜欢宋先生的情书,别忘记分享给朋友作者:傅五瑶所写的《宋先生的情书》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-84880 >>






内容简介:简介:又娇又软又甜小结巴受x前期阴鸷冷酷后期追妻宠妻大佬攻林画眠攥着拳头,眼眶红红,“我不是,小结巴,我只是,讲话慢……”江寒揉着怀里人细软的腰,“嗯,眠眠讲话又慢又好听。”林画眠揪了 揪身上的短裙,趴在男人身上带着哭腔,“不,不想穿,小裙子……”江寒按住他的手,在他耳边低低的笑,“眠眠敢被别人发现是男孩子,可是会被扔进海里喂鱼的。”于是,林画眠只能白天在江先生的岛上做苦力,晚上穿着小裙子去江先生的床上做苦力。结果做着做着,小结巴的肚子就变得圆滚滚了。“吃,吃胖了,要,要减肥……”“眠眠不是胖了,是怀了小宝宝了。”是个甜文!(大概微博一只风风风了1w0-34225 >>


内容简介:  七柄绝世神刃。冰雪女神的叹息——晨露刀。火焰之神的咆哮——正阳刀。自由之风的轻吟——傲天刀。大地苏醒的旋律——长生刀。神机百变的六芒——璇玑刀。贯通天地的曙光——圣耀刀。永世地狱的 诅咒——噬魔刀。这是七柄神刀,也是七柄拥有着冰、火、风、土、空间、光明、黑暗的魔法杖。最重要的,它们还是主角的——菜刀。1w0-739 >>


内容简介:一个是不撞南墙不回头的胖子何久,一个是貌若天仙的生苗族香香,不期而遇擦出爱的火花。不与外族通婚的族规,神婆的恶意下蛊,武王的霸气欺凌,各种威胁接踵而至,何久筋脉尽断,香香双目失明,爱情 跌跌撞撞……风雨飘摇中,为爱坚守,携手崛起。一个勇破陈规,一个数斗武王,何久越挫越勇,成就一代苗王;香香斗败十寨,终成一代蛊王。夫妻合力改变贫穷的夯吾寨,靠着同心同蛊,同进同退的信念,实现人生的万种精彩!1w0-51262 >>


内容简介:简介:天地浩瀚,圣力玄妙,无数人类为强大自身,执圣之则,掌圣之纹,以御圣力,求逆天地之途!神圣大陆的圣力修炼者们,在经过十品圣徒的圣力积累阶段后,都必须经历一个巨大的瓶颈,那就是淬炼圣 图,凝结圣轮。圣图代表意念玄奥,圣轮为圣力凝结而成,不同的圣图形态即不同的圣力属性和战斗方式,圣轮的多少则象征修为的高低。唯有淬炼出了圣图后,才能凝结圣轮,成为真正的圣者。而传说中的传奇圣尊,拥作者:语成所写的《叱神》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-79865 >>


内容简介:【甜宠萌向轻松沙雕】【万年人参果女主x上古神兽白虎男主】“仙君,看在咱俩同生共死过一次的份上,你能不能”“?”“借你尾巴给我揉一下下??”一睁眼,沈窈穿成仙侠文里各大门派互相抢夺的—— 万年人参果。吃了她就能延年益寿,吃了她就能修为大增,吃了她就能重塑灵根然而,沈窈来得太晚,如今的剧情已经进展到她被男主捉住很快就会被吃得连根须都不剩。沈窈:“稳住,我还能苟!”果断踢翻这段该死的剧情,顺便再把男主偷来的小白兽拐走!只是沈窈有点疑惑,她整天抱着睡觉的小白兽为什么会突然脸红流鼻血???整个修仙界都知白泽仙君一心修道,不问情缘。更有散修放话,若是白泽仙君会结道侣,他就给那女子端百年的洗脚水!直到有一日——他们居然见到白泽仙君耳尖微红的将小姑娘抱在怀里,低声的哄着:“窈窈乖,别生气,尾巴给你。”众人震惊:“???”那散修瞳孔地震:“假的假的,绝对是假的!”1w0-62906 >>


内容简介:少年萧逸身怀神秘封印,却因父兄不公,被送往偏远南荒,成为方家赘婿。成婚之日,萧逸体内封印解封,从此掌控万古天墓!诸天万界强者葬于天墓之中,而执掌天墓的萧逸,则开始走上挖坟变强的人生道路 !“你是武道天才?我挖个武神的坟再看!”“你是炼丹高手?我挖个药圣的坟再说!”“你是神皇之子?我这里神帝的坟一大把!”“你是天下第一贱?……你赢了,告辞!”1w2472-26387 >>


内容简介:  最牛修真指南三大秘诀:活着、好好活着、长长久久好好活着!  成为出场三章就将身死道消的炮灰女配,张依依果断开启自救模式。  这是一个小姑娘从亿亿万炮灰中拼杀而出,最终证道飞升踏破虚 空的故事。PS:本文有CP,但为剧情男主,感情线微乎其微,甚至于可以当成无CP看,介意者勿入,谢谢!1w0-938 >>

Tadashii Renai No Susume

Takeda Hiroaki is a good-looking average high school student with a cute girlfriend. Gokokuji Akira is a class president and smart on the outside but behind that elite appearance, he works for male escort company 'M Project'. Though out Hiroaki's whole life, he didn't have any hobbies or didn't care about getting involved in anything. One day, his lazy everyday life turned 180 degrees when he got involved with Akira.


From Shinnen: Hibiki and Tomoe Kazema are two sisters attending an ordinary high school, but unbeknown to their teachers and fellow students, they are members of a hidden group of ninjas. Their mission is to use their special powers to exterminate the akuma that are plaguing the world. This is made difficult by the fact that their enemies can possess corrupted humans who eventually turn into new akuma. Despite being faced with an ever growing army, the two are determined to prevail as 'The two flowers that will slice through the darkness.' The only question that remains is will they succeed against such overwhelming odds?

Carramer No Yumemonogatari

In the Carramer no Yumemonogatari series (カラメールの夢物語シリーズ), also called 'The Carramer Legacy' series: 1) Princess e no Tabi (プリンセスへの旅; Journey to the Princess) / Crowns and a Cradle When Prince Josquin de Marigny swept struggling single mom Sarah McInnes into a limo, he revealed a secret. Sarah's father had been in line for the Valmont throne -- and now her son was the heir! The brooding, blue-eyed prince promised Sarah everything she'd ever dreamed of if she would remain in Carramer -- except his heart.... Baffled and bewildered by the sense of homecoming, Sarah was torn. Josquin had given her a new family, but he'd also investigated her past, lied to bring her to Carramer and he'd be regent for her son. So once he took her in his arms, could she trust the promises he made? 2) Koi wo Wasureta Prince (恋を忘れたプリンス; The Prince Who Forgot His Love) / The Baron & the Bodyguard Watching over him... Playing royal bodyguard to Mathiaz de Marigny, the seductive Baron Montravel, was a temptation few women could resist. But the moment he was out of harm's way, Jacinta Newnham had fled his château -- and abandoned memories of moonlit nights that left them both weak with unfulfilled passion. Now stricken with amnesia and in danger once again, Mathiaz summoned Jacinta back to his side. Jacinta vowed to protect his life, but the greater peril was to her heart -- and the haunting secret she could never reveal. When the truth surrounding Mathiaz's accident -- and Jacinta's connection to it -- surfaced, would he force her to leave, or refuse to let her go again...? 3) Prince no Shukumei (プリンスの宿命; Fate of the Prince) / The Marquis and the Mother-To-Be Back in her lush, beloved Carramer, Carissa Day purchased the perfect B and B for raising her babies-to-be. Trouble was, an aristocratic 'intruder' proved she'd been swindled -- her new home was actually his royal lodge. Worse, he proved to be Carissa's teenage crush, Eduard de Marigny, Marquis of Merrisand -- now more irresistible than ever. Penniless and pregnant -- with triplets! -- Carissa had to flee. Eduard, however, had other ideas. Namely, a partnership giving Carissa a title and protection -- and giving him an instant heir. Still, even with reignited passion burning between them, even with a kingdom at her feet, could Carissa wed her first and only love -- and forever forsake having his heart? Descriptions taken from FictionDB. Note: These are #4 - #6 of Valerie Parv's The Carramer Legacy series.

Akutou Ii

This collection of five short stories illustrate how the author's drawings have changed through the years: 1) Akuma no Kuchibiru Eri was being harrassed on the streets by her ex-boyfriend Yuji. Out of nowhere, Kei came to her rescue but then he suddenly forced her to kiss him!! Ever since that day, Eri has not been able to forget that passionate kiss. One day, Eri met Kei again at her workplace. Unknowingly, Eri fell in love with him...!! 2) Green Apple Romance She knew him in middle school, and finally transferred to his high school to an unfriendly welcoming. 3) Bad Kozo Doki Friends, Delinquents, Schemers, Lovers. 4) Mitsumete Bike Boy Senya decides to confess to her sempai on his graduation day. 5) Jungle Boy As Nao is late to school, she's taken along for a ride on a rope with Aso, almost smashing into a window!

Here's The Deal_ Don't Touch Me

Here's The Deal_ Don't Touch Me summary: Here's The Deal_ Don't Touch Me summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Here's The Deal_ Don't Touch Me. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Elegy For April

Elegy For April summary: Elegy For April summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Elegy For April. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


Cetaganda summary: Cetaganda summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Cetaganda. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Celtic Fire

Celtic Fire summary: Celtic Fire summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Celtic Fire. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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