










类别都市 恋爱 生活




简介不管你信与不信,这都是真实的故事。 未成年不要看催眠师.




















内容简介:万寿山,五庄观,一声尖叫划破了寂静的星空。“祖师爷,满山的灵气都消失了,那人参果树都开始枯萎了!”镇元子卷起袖子,操起拂尘,气急败坏的掐起法诀,打开幽冥之路,纵声跳了进去。“后土,定是 你那杀千刀的徒弟偷了我万寿山的山魂,今日,你定要给我一个说法!”乾元山,金光洞,醉醺醺的太乙真人正自睡的香甜,李哪吒急匆匆的闯进洞府,将这四仰八叉的太乙金山一把拽起,死命摇晃。“师父,山中灵气全失,护山法阵无以为继,那石矶娘娘正气冲冲的闯上山来,说是非你不嫁!”半醉的道人酒意全无,长大了嘴巴,手脚冰凉。“乐狮驼,定是你这混蛋!你害苦了我啊!”凄凉的哀嚎响彻乾元山。花果山,水帘洞。“大王,四爷他就在百里之外,咱们是迎还是拒?”一脸戾气的猴子握紧手中的铁棒,咧嘴冷冷的一笑。“呵呵,还敢来?小的们,穿好披挂,操上家伙,今天非打死这贼胆包天的贱狮子!”“大王,他是您·结拜兄弟啊!”“聒噪!莫非俺还要将这花果山山魂双手奉上不成?”“大王英明!这种败类,必须打死!”本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《我是搬山贼》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-82796 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:军旅:从钢七连开始】穿越到士兵突击等军旅影视融合的世界,李然成为一名光荣的野战军。那一年,正值军改,半机械化向机械化转型。绑定最强指挥官系统,担当大国复兴之重 任,势必要打造出一只最为先进专业化的蓝军部队。于是震撼!李然率领的蓝军部队一个月内连续击败十个老牌劲旅。震撼!李然率领的蓝军部队打服了三个集团军。抗议!李然的战术套路实在太脏,为求胜利,不择手段。99a主战坦克、j20战机、最强单兵作战套装李然:“每一只兔子都有一个大国梦,我的任务就是实现它。”飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢军旅:从钢七连开始,别忘记分享给朋友军旅:从钢七连开始TXT下载1w0-128435 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:网游之我有十倍反伤】叶辰重生十年前高三时代,回到划时代网游《神迹》降临地球的最初时刻,意外获得了十倍反伤的天赋技能。当别人还在努力做任务打怪的时候,他直接冲入 怪堆中反死一片怪物,轻松刷怪升级!当别人还在组团心惊胆战刷boss时,他一个人将炼狱级最强boss魔女逼到了角落,抓住魔女柔嫩的小手,硬往自己身上拉。叶辰:“来嘛!来嘛!来打我嘛!”被反伤到只剩一丝血皮的魔女BOSS惊恐大叫:“不要!放开我!我让你过还不成吗!”飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-71545 >>




内容简介:  正邪,谁人能定?善恶,任你评说。山是山,水是水,山不是山,水不是水;山依然是山,水依然是水看破一切之后,看破本源之后;万事万物又如何;看破后,所谓的正邪能如何?善恶又如何?所作所为 ,不过为了活下去而已按照自己所见过的,所认知的活下去PS:强烈赤虎兄弟的新书<秘界>,很好看1w0-4511 >>


内容简介:龙脉大陆,万族林立,宗门无数,武者为尊。强者毁天灭地,弱者匍匐如蚁。少年陈枫,丹田如铁,无法修炼,受尽冷眼。偶得至尊龙血,神秘古鼎,从此逆天崛起,横空出世!娇俏妖狐,冷傲女皇,魔门妖女 ,神族公主,尽皆入我怀中。修无上传承,凝最强武魂,坐拥众美,傲视…1w1378-27594 >>


内容简介:手机阅读《这个高手有点菜》无弹窗纯文字全文免费阅读一个宅男意外穿越到以剑为尊武侠世界里,本以为自带主角光环,可以虐菜,没想到一落地就是一场大逃亡,从此步入了搞怪爆笑的小小武林。下载地址 加入书架投推荐票直达底部1w0-77927 >>


内容简介:回山里老家奔丧。却被凶残又奇怪的野人掳到深山里做了压山夫人差点被驯养成野人。好容易逃回城市却发现野人从深林追杀到了身边无奈他只能慢慢驯养野人成为文明人。什么不是野人是外星人!什么男人也 可以怀孕!这世界怎么突然玄幻了!温馨提示:本文有存稿每日中午十一点准时更新1V1无虐保证HE请放心跳。最后请注意!本文黄暴略重口慎入!公告本周六也就是后天22号入V入V当天当然是三更!!大家不要抛弃人家啊嘤嘤嘤那个明天就不更了吧!favorite1colorDC143Cfontweightboldborderstyledouble1w71718-128844 >>


内容简介:我的女儿不可能是草履虫!我莫逸老舰长了,崩坏3不就是开局任选一只御三家——虫系草履虫,钢系板鸭,电系煮饭婆又或者格斗系德莉傻么?只是我的崩坏3开局御三家为什么和其他人不太一样?吸血猫: 1w0-84113 >>


内容简介:在闺蜜的撺掇下,拥有谜之智商的天才少女甘雪凝在人类的数模基础上,设计出一个超越人类极限之颜值和智商的超级帅哥,降生在一颗魔法文明昌盛的星球上。但由于在数模中突破极限地推高颜值和智商,导 致道德、感性等参数严重透支,这个美得惨绝人寰的大帅哥成了毁天灭地的大魔头!为弥补一时心血来潮犯下的错误,甘雪凝不得不使尽全力去抹杀他……重要提示:前面走剧情铺垫较长,男主的诞生从“第四章‘要你命三千1w0-26468 >>



Yogashiten Galaxy

The Komugi-Family Cake-Shop 'Sugar & Spice' has fallen on hard times. What was once a sprawling Business, built up by Nanoha's Grandfather, fell apart as soon as her Father succeeded the Business. Suddenly Aliens invade. Their Scanner identifies a Cake as a Potent Superweapon able to change the Course of the Galactic War. So the Private leading the Invasion decides to investigate further by baking Cake with Nanoha.

Saikou No Kiss Wo Ageru

Collection of Oneshots • Heartbeat Mail Uehara has always liked her classmate Kaji, who sits behind her but cannot find the strength to talk to him. One day Kaji left his phone on his desk, so she decided to leave a note with her mail address on it. Soon, they started mailing each other but what will come out of it? • 7 Kiss Asano is transferring soon. However, 7 days before she does, she sees Andou-sensei shoveling and she went up to him and kissed him, using her cellphone to take a picture of the scene! Using the picture, she blackmailed Andou-sensei into agreeing to kiss her every morning for seven days till the last day before she transfers… - Ochibichan • Love Honey Due to Shinji and Misaki’s parents remarrying, Shinji is now Misaki’s younger brother of 2 years. But that isn’t the only thing, Shinji and Misaki are also a couple, with their parents support! One day, when they come home from school, they found out that their parents had won a prize for a trip! What will happen on that trip?! And where would Misaki’s insecurity lead to?! *Sequel to Love Lover! Titles listed on 'contents' page: 1. Heartbeat Mail 2. 7 Kiss 3. Love Lover 4. Love Honey 5. Ojou-Sama no Okiniiri 6. Ojou-Sama no Okiiiri extra

Weib Side B

The storyline continues from several months after Weiß Kreuz Glühen. It follows Aya and Ken as members of an assassination team named Krypton Brand Side B in Great Britain. Weiß is no more. Of the original Weiß, only Ken and Aya have found their way into Side B.


From Go! Comi: On the distant planet of Deloca, teenagers enroll in an education system like no other – a mobile journey that takes place onboard a train. There are standard School Trains for general studies...and then there's the Special Train, an expectional institution whose students receive anything but a normal education. Reiichi is a student contented to obediently follow the tracks laid out before him…but when Arena, a rebellious girl with a mysterious past, enters the scene, his life is completely derailed! While dodging the persistent investigator after Arena, Reiichi and his unintended partner-in-crime experience a school year never to be forgotten.

Rebirth Into An Interstellar Marriage

Rebirth Into An Interstellar Marriage summary: After just recently attaining the trophy for emperor of the silver screen, Chu Yan dies in a traffic accident and is rebirthed into a period millennium years later. Floating cars occupy the skies, and everyone owns virtual gla.s.ses. Culture explosion! Entertainment explosion! Yet, in such a glorious and brilliant entertainment world, Chu Yan was astonished to discover that——all these people didn’t know how to act!!! Simulation of moods through artificial intelligence? Special effects production replacing acting skills? Becoming an actor simply by just understanding AI script? The era is progressing, but acting skills have retrogressed. Reporter: Chu Yan, what is your opinion regarding the scandal this time about you already being married? Chu Yan: …Please inform me, exactly who is my spouse?! Rebirth of the emperor of the silver screen into a third-tier star: shooting movies, becoming popular, winning awards, and ascending to the peak, and setting off a surging tide to the apex of the entertainment circle! As for who his partner was—— He Baishen: h.e.l.lo, my surname is Yi, you may call me Yi Ming (Anonymous).

The Bastard Called Brave And The Former Fiancé, I Will Crush All Of Them

The Bastard Called Brave And The Former Fiancé, I Will Crush All Of Them summary: The continent’s largest kingdom, the Kingdom of Westphalia The boy Light who lived there had the lesson of the sword from his father who was a former knight of the kingdom, together with his childhood friend Lyrica and Sere. Both Lyrica and Light being childhood lovers, promise to be engaged with each other. Sere also being in love with Light decided to be Light’s mistress. Because you have to be a knight to have a mistress, Light slaves himself to point of death in order to be a knight of the kingdom of Westphalia. And, in order to receive the special ability called “gift” which everyone has, when Light, Lyrica and Sere become 16 years old, they go to the cathedral of the Westphalia kingdom in order to appraise their “gifts”. However the cruel reality is revealed, when Lyrica and Sere both receive great gifts and Light receives a talent called “???” An Unknown Power. A man called Brave came from another world with two women and told both of the women “Are you the girls of my destiny?” They were gathering girls with great gifts to combine their power and kill the Demon King that was recently revived. Lyrica and Sera together with the man called brave and the two girls journey together in order to kill the Demon King. One year later.. Lyrica and Sere came back, as the wife of the brave rage.. For the two of them, Light, which became a knight in order to marry them, is simply deserted. Betrayed by both of his dearest Fiancés, Light, broken by sadness wandered aimlessly, weeping.. But his sorrowful emotions are killed soundlessly as anger consumed him… All of them… KILL!

Ten Great Events in History

Ten Great Events in History summary: Ten Great Events in History summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Ten Great Events in History. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Sunset Boulevard

Sunset Boulevard summary: Sunset Boulevard summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Sunset Boulevard. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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