












简介一间神秘的花店,一位优雅而魅惑的老板娘。每一朵妖艳之花的盛开,背后都有一个关于“被欺压与被伤害者”的故事。现在,是偿还罪孽的时候了…… 微博@十字星ACG 读者群:300852918




类别都市 恋爱 霸总

演员夜凪景 act-age















内容简介:所有中国篮球迷都遗憾,中国篮球的后卫时代和中锋时代没在一起,如果在94年黄金一代的巅峰时刻,有一个比姚明还伟大的中国中锋崛起了,哪中国篮球的未来…………我和邓肯同年秀最新章节地址:1w 0-29291 >>


内容简介:免费提供作者雒枫的经典小说:《无定长安》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说正文已完结欢迎宰杀晋江独家发表,三千字一毛钱一本书也就10块,买不了吃亏买不了上当,还 能有本宝宝亲亲抱抱举高高,不要花钱去买盗文资源谢谢,下资源卖的我有权追究你们的法律责任请切记。背景架空勿考据么么哒作者君公众号:八月二十四萧无定想替父报仇,才女扮男装参了军。漠北一战成名,从此无定将军名震南北。再回人世再见青梅,却不可避免有所欺瞒。公主要这天下,萧无定哪怕此生不得安定,也要双手奉上。可周锦河要的1w0-78537 >>


内容简介:隋末民不聊生,烽烟四起,天下大乱,各路英雄逐鹿天下。从石棺里面爬出的枭雄,魂系千年,黄沙百战,气吞万里如虎,注定要去图谋江山入战图,灭天下诸侯,败天下豪雄,强压李唐野心。败者为寇,胜者 为王,江山如画,美人如玉。(微信号:作家九孔,欢迎关注,书友群599094137,欢迎诸位看客加入。)1w0-1096 >>


内容简介:此为《城南旧事》章节列表页该小说章节完整更新及时。《城南旧事小说》介绍:《城南旧事》是著名台湾女作家林海音最具影响力的成名作。本书以其以七岁到十三岁的生活为背景的一部自传体短篇小说集, 于1960年出版。全书通过作者英子童稚的双眼对童年往事的回忆,讲述了一段关于英子童年时的故事,反映了作者对童年的怀念和对故乡的思念。1w0-67022 >>


内容简介:小狼狗by是由一只白兔糖所写的惊悚悬疑类小说,本站提供小狼狗by最新章节阅读小狼狗by全文阅读小狼狗by免费无弹窗在线阅读,如果您发现小狼狗by更新慢了请第一时间联系小兵。1w0-30 167 >>




内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:娱乐:开局帮女明星鉴宝】关小桐:“那个,能不能把那颗天珠还给我呢?我承认我看走眼了。”徐天问:“这”热巴:“这小杯子值这么多钱?”徐天问:“先把它放下再说话。 ”紫枫:“哥,这是你亲手雕刻的玉坠?送我的?”徐天问:“嗯。”祖鹅:“你是怎么看出这石头里有红宝石的?”徐天问:“这一片都是红宝石,这颗最大。”捡漏寻宝只是休闲娱乐,失落的国宝才是他的目标你以为他只是个普通的帅哥?他身上的秘密比你想象的更多自己认为好玩儿的事才去做是他的人生格言宠爱自己身边的人是他的行事准则神仙?我有这样的生活,不比神仙还要快乐吗,干嘛要做神仙飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-98587 >>


内容简介:进宫前,顾云黛就被太子困在了厨房里。进宫后,顾云黛一心想用药膳废了人渣。谁知太子妻妾迟迟无孕,她的肚子里却蹦了个儿子出来。顾云黛本想母凭子贵安安静静过日子,等儿子长大封王做个闲云野鹤的 太妃。谁知皇叔造反,皇家子嗣死了一大堆,她的儿子变成了唯一的皇孙……眼看着距离后位越来越近,云黛忽然觉得,扶持儿子做皇帝,甩掉渣男做太后才是人生最爽的事情。1w85-4732 >>


内容简介:【无敌文】苏羽成为了万界主宰,能力是可穿越各种世界,动漫、武侠、小说、电视剧、电影等,并且还获得了无限手套,开始穿梭万界体验生活。斗罗大陆,他们想尽办法偷走了苏羽的龙胆亮银枪,甚至,就 是苏羽喜欢上的女孩偷的长枪,苏羽淡然一笑,一群井底之蛙,你们怎会知道,长枪,只是我限制我力量的工具罢了。弹指一挥间,武魂殿所有魂师魂力全部下降五级。西游记,封印实力,进入天庭,被贬魔界,镇守魔界和仙界的交界处,杀得魔界闻风丧胆,最后不满天庭,和孙悟空一起大闹天宫,一起踏碎凌霄,一起斗那漫天神佛。PS:苏羽永远在万界是无敌的存在,有些世界为了剧情会封一些修为,各位看官不喜勿喷。PS:已穿越的世界:斗罗大陆PS:目前打算穿越的世界:斗罗大陆、西游记、狐妖小红娘、超神学院、斗破苍穹……后面的看情况加,前面的几个没有特殊情况就是按照这样的顺序来。PS:欢迎加入茗仙阁,群聊号码:953675509本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《带着无限手套在万界无敌》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-65800 >>




内容简介:打游戏泡美女,开着外挂虐全服。faker:“中国的服务器太不严谨了,我要举报,这个EZ的技能会转弯!”五五开:“妈蛋,我要举报,不我要报警,提莫骑大龙了!”PDD:“刀妹大招刮全屏,我 从未见过如此无耻的刀妹,我要举报……”小苍、miss、堂姐众多女主播哭着喊着要双排。faker、五五开、PDD气得发抖各位书友要是觉得《英雄联盟之逆天外挂》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-65690 >>


内容简介:她父亲是个不得志的小官,原本这一生,或许跟着另一个小官的儿子,在乱世里苟且偷安,也就过去了。可颜家的四少爷向她提了亲,靳筱懵懵懂懂,只觉得零花钱涨了不少,兴许也是好事情。他喜欢她的傻气 ,又时常因这傻气同她置气。“你不是脾气好,也不是不明白,”颜徵北呼出一口酒气,“十年前,你教那个小男孩如何做戏时,倒还有几分真心。”“如今你对我,可还有当年的真心?”民国甜宠女主靠装傻撒娇混日子,非小白文最近民国虐戏看了太多,干脆自割腿肉撒糖吧如果您喜欢做戏(民国甜宠),别忘记分享给朋友作者:冬日樱桃所写的《做戏(民国甜宠)》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w5924-95304 >>


Chaos;Head's story is set in 2008 in Shibuya and is centered around Takumi Nishij?, a high school student at the private Suimei Academy, and the strange and brutal murders that have recently occurred in the Shibuya area, known as the 'New Generation' (????????????) Madness. The story begins on September 28 with Takumi talking to an online friend called Grim (??? Gurimu?). Grim is trying to bring Takumi up to speed about the recent New Generation events since Takumi is not interested in local or international news. A person named Shogun (???) joins the chat room midway through Grim and Takumi's conversation. After Grim leaves the chat room, Sh?gun begins to talk. He speaks in a very cryptic and confusing manner, leaving Takumi nervous. He then sends Takumi a barrage of image links, one of which appears to be of a brutal murder of a man being pinned by stakes to a wall. The next day, Takumi comes across a real life murder scene. Witnessing a mysterious pink-haired girl pinning a man up by stakes in an alleyway, he immediately realizes he is witnessing the very murder detailed in the pictures he received the day before. Convinced Shogun is targeting him and the girl he saw committing the murder is somehow connected to him, Takumi tries to avoid getting involved with other New Generation events. However, as Takumi begins attempting to distance himself from the crime he witnessed, he soon catches interest of the police. With the police suspecting him, and himself convinced that he is being targeted by Shogun, Takumi finds himself caught in a spiral of delusions and paranoia, as he desperately tries to keep himself safe and figure out why he is apparently being targeted. He eventually comes into contact with several other people related to the events, including the girl he saw committing the murder herself. Unsure of what is real or who he can trust, Takumi finds himself thrust into a much larger scheme than he ever thought possible, as the mysterious company NOZOMI carefully plots something from behind the scenes. From Baka-Updates: Takumi is a high school student. He is withdrawn and is not interested in 3D things. In his town, a mysterious serial murder case happens and people get panicked. One day, when he chats on the internet, a man suddenly contacts him and gives him an URL. He goes to the website and finds a blog image that suggests a next murder case... On the next day, it really happens... Could he be really the one responsible? And where is the D-sword that he is supposed to find?

Kosu X Kosu

Kosu x Kosu is a oneshot about Isumi Seiji, a high school art student who frequently coaxes female students into becoming his models, and Takamiya Ayase, the student council president who always reprimands him. After repeatedly refusing to become Seiji’s model, Ayase decides that the only way to stop him is to disband the art club. As she attempts to do so, however, she is cursed by a third party, and the only one who can free her from the curse is none other than Seiji.

Ikura Nandemo Suki Sugiru

A collection of 7 oneshots. 1,2) Sweet story about Kouji's secret love for his friend's younger brother Mizuru. He is satisfied with any chance to spend time with Mizuru but one day, he suddenly realizes that his time with Mizuru will be coming to an end. Will he finally confess his love or will he let this love remain buried? 3) Kiichi's parents died when he was a child. For the past ten years he's lived with his uncle whom he loves. Even though they have sex Akumitsu never tells Kiichi he loves him. Is Kiichi just a toy? 4) School Scandal- Uemura is the only one who treats his classmate Atsushi like a friend instead of star actor. But is friendship all Uemura feels? 5)Am I Your Dog?- Kei is considered a troublemaker at school, so when his sempai Kagami catches him smoking Kei has to do what he says, or risk getting expelled. But to be sempai's pet dog? And how is Kei's brother involved? 6)Our Future Diary- eight paged short story about a perverted teacher and a gay porn video. 7)Love Fascism- Rui is dating Yuka, a very pretty girl from his school. Then he meets exchange student Tooru. Tooru and Rui had a relationship in the past, but that's all over, right?

Cafe Kichijoji

'Irasshai!' Welcome to the most unruly cafe in Kichijouji and its charming staff of five who have absolutely nothing in common. When tempers rise, so do mop handles, giant boulders and repair bills. Meet Jun, a mild mannered high school student with a sharp tongue and superhuman strength. Tarou, a clean freak with a deadly aim in the art of mopping. Maki, a sloppy, lazy woman chaser. Minagawa, a talented pastry chef equally skilled in the arts of voodoo, and the impulsive, cheerful, though desperately unfortunate Tokumi. A feast of comedy based on the popular Japanese radio drama.

Singer From The Sea

Singer From The Sea summary: Singer From The Sea summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Singer From The Sea. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Captain Blood

Captain Blood summary: Captain Blood summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Captain Blood. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Wives of Henry the Eighth and the Parts They Played in History

The Wives of Henry the Eighth and the Parts They Played in History summary: The Wives of Henry the Eighth and the Parts They Played in History summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Wives of Henry the Eighth and the Parts They Played in History. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Sara's Game

Sara's Game summary: Sara's Game summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Sara's Game. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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