










简介唐家三少小说《琴帝》的漫画版,带你进入一个更加绚丽多彩的魔法世界。 神音师。精神系魔法师的分支,是龙崎努斯大陆最高归也最鸡肋的职业,却因为一个叫夜竹音的少年,成为了不休的传说与传奇。他会从一个单纯的少年,逐渐成为琴中的帝王,给这片大陆带来了天翻地覆的变革。 九叠琴音震寰宇,谁敢闻言不识君?














简介【每周五更新】程岸因为父亲欠巨债后失踪,从此家无宁日。 为了结束这种生活,不得不成为赌场的一员,获取挣大钱还债的机会,也因此和母亲的的关系非常恶劣。 但在一次跟赌场合作坑老千的赌局中,程岸被赌场出卖,随即被一个小丑虏获。 原来一个自称马戏团的组织网罗了一群走投无路的人,去进行一场残忍游戏。 游戏的胜利者可以摆脱身上危机,失败者将会失去自己的器官甚至生命, 为了救回母亲和还上巨债,程岸决定参加游戏。








内容简介:命途多舛的高中生刘远获得了宇宙顶级文明的传承从而改变了自身的命运,笔趣阁也利用传承之中的诸多强大科技带领华夏民族在宇宙之中崛起。各位书友要是觉得《宇宙科技崛起》还不错的话请不要忘记向您 QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-77130 >>


内容简介:老苏家终于生闺女了。于是,穷的叮当响的日子,火了!“爹,我在山上挖了一篮子大白萝卜。”奶声奶气的小姑娘,把手里的小篮子递到了苏老头面前。苏老头:“……”脑袋“嗡”的一声。这么多野山参, 得卖多少银子?“爹,我还采了一篮子蘑菇。”苏老头:“……”身子晃了晃。这么多灵芝,能置多少大宅子?“爹,我……”“闺女呀,你让1w21811-88592 >>




内容简介:简介:“我…我知道弄怎么办…”小美人语无伦次,手足无措地松开,眼里闪着泪花。霍少勾了勾嘴角,“乖,我教你。”…前世,元攸宁错信他人,众叛亲离,被恶人报复,落得个葬身火海的下场。直到死之 前,他看到以为不爱的霍远白疯一样的冲进火场,抱着面目全非的人说,我爱你。重来一世,元攸宁不仅要把恶人解决掉,还要挽回自己曾经错失的亲情,更要好好爱霍远白。…第一天,小美人眼巴巴的抓着霍少的衣服,泪眼朦胧的,“霍远白,我疼。”霍少亲自抱他回家,众人目瞪口呆。第二天,小美人拍下受伤的脚腕,“霍远白,我还没好呢,好疼啊。”霍少提着药去了狭窄的贫民区。第n天,小美人在社交平台上发布照片,配字,“霍远白,我答应你。”霍少闪现回复,“乖,不许跑了。”趴在被窝的元攸宁,叹气揉腰,被人圈在怀里,一本正经道“再来一次。”1v1甜宠爽文1w0-30870 >>


内容简介:  小喽啰:大当家,不好了,他们打进山来了。林子然:慌什么,稳住!小喽啰:那我们现在怎么办?林子然:让兄弟们赶紧收拾东西,我们立即走人!小喽喽:我们跑?林子然:不跑你还想咋地?正经版: 永昌四十八年,藩镇混战,民不聊生,这一年的秋天,青山镇城外来了一个年轻人,他说:大恒该重新统一了!(雨天新书,一如既往的稳定更新,请诸位放心收藏阅读,读者1群:31779983,读者2群27661165)1w0-2989 >>


内容简介:内容简介:冥币,古来有之,民间称其为阴司纸、冥钞,是传统祭拜鬼神或祖先时的祭祀品之一。民间从古至今执有事死如事生的观念,每逢清明必定焚烧冥币祭拜先人,但从未有人发现冥币蜕变过程中的惊世 阴谋。百年谋局,皆藏于一张冥币之中,重重谜团的背后更是掩盖着历史碾压后的诡谈秘闻。六指阎罗,大尨鬼钟,老江湖所传下的教派帮会,黑话暗语能知几何?百棺起尸,滇南毒痋,爬满全身的吸血黑虫会告诉你,这个世界上还有很多事情是科学暂时无法解释的。敦煌鸣沙,祭天金人,千里黄沙之下掩埋着多少无名宝藏,染血的祭坛将再次打开,战死的骷髅亡魂将再次席卷黄沙,血洗千里!冥币之中究竟隐藏着什么?在下一个清明节到来之前,你,应该点开看看。1w0-83394 >>


内容简介:江一白死了,又活了。睁开眼,坑崽属性的老祖宗给了她一个身体,和一个沉重的债务。告诉她三个要点。第一,在这个世界上她的名字叫钱薇微,肤白貌美大长腿,最重要的是有钱有钱有钱。第二,她喜欢上 了自己好闺蜜的男人,为了男人不惜诡计百出,把闺蜜往死里玩。第三,闺蜜是她债主,债主,债主。这就是被自家老祖宗坑了要不停还债,结果还完一债又一债的妹子,最终雄起把无数人给埋坑里了的故事。暂定各位书友要是觉得《快穿之每天都在作死的路上狂奔》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-97447 >>


内容简介:  在这个神怪遍地的世界经历了第六个纪元之后,煌煌天夏降临了!…………玄浑道章书友群:【762873632】玄浑道章?造化之界:【526275426】玄浑道章VIP书友群:【61538 7042】…………1w0-206 >>




内容简介:苏明妩本该嫁进东宫,和青梅竹马的太子举案齐眉,然而花轿交错,她被抬进了同日成婚的雍凉王府中。恨了符栾半辈子,住在王府偏院瓦房,死前才知策划错嫁的人是她的心头朱砂白月光。一朝重生,苏明妩 重生在了洞房翌日。好巧不巧,她正以死相逼,要喝避子汤药……1w0-4048 >>




内容简介:他是世界上最燥的摇滚歌手,也是金属乐的开山祖师,是他让摇滚重新焕发勃勃生机,是的!我们都爱死了他的音乐!但!我绝不会去他的演唱会!疯狂的歌迷时常会发生大规模斗殴,你能想象十几万人打做一 团的场面吗?我的老天简直是一帮疯子!每场演唱会!几百辆救护车随时待命!几千安保都维持不了秩序!全市的警力都在疯狂都抽调!我忘不了我的儿子去他的演唱会玩POGO鼻青脸肿的回家仍是兴奋的像个猴子!他就像神一样,只要一开嗓就能震撼所有人!你懂吗?所有人!他是摇滚的有冕之王!全世界的摇滚乐迷为他带上王冠!(书友群:248271098)1w0-74478 >>

Twin Cross

Once upon a time when gods' world is so close to the Earth. There are four god families symbolize East - West - South - North called Seiryuu, Byakko, Suzaku and Genbu. Kira is original god of Kouryuu - the central god family which is the most powerful. Someday, while travelling with his brother, Kira met with an accident which made him lose power and felt to the Earth. Later, while looking for the way to return Heaven, Kira met Shana and Senju. Shana is a boy who has a half of his body immortal, whose sister is kidnapped and he is on the way hunting his enemy. Senju is a female disciple of Sara - a predictor who has a half blood of god. After Sara was kidnapped by Seiryuu King, all of three persons also find the way come to Heaven so that save her and wipe out their enemies.

Yoroshiku Master

From Dragon Voice Project: One day when 17-year-old Sagara Kurumi accidently bumps into a guy on the streets, reins suddenly appear and binds them both! What is this?! Things get even more confusing when the boy, Kaito, clasps her hands and calls her his master! When Kaito transforms into a reindeer it just becomes too much for poor Kurumi who's out as a light. But it does indeed seem like Kurumi's a santa and Kaito's her reindeer and that they've got an important job to do on Christmas Eve~ ^^ The first three chapters are about this cute 'couple' and the last one is a oneshot called Amai Kamiato. • Amai Kamiato - Ren is a 'tame' vampire and currently spends his lifetime with a detective as blood donor while in return he helps her investigate at night. Then suddenly, the most unimagineable thing happens: Ren's daughter Maia appears, but vampires can't have children! Note: there's a side story of Penguin Kakumei in Vol.3, which hasn't been scanlated.

Star Children

In a near future where humans have safely traveled to Mars, the space program is looking to go to Jupiter for the first time in history. For Subaru Yuuto, Amami Kousei, one of the elite astronauts of the crew of the Jupitneer (the ship heading to Jupiter), is not only a person that he looks up to but is also a dear friend of many years. But tragedy strikes and a malfunction causes an explosion in the Jupitneer and the ship goes missing in deep space, most believing the crew to be dead. Even with the devastating loss of a friend and hero, Yuuto joins the Core Space Academy to become a super class astronaut (aka Sirius) just like Kousei once was and explore parts of the universe that has not yet been known to man. The competition is cutthroat and he has to become the best of the best if he wants to be where his hero once was. Although the fear of the unknown is immense, Yuuto must learn to overcome it and become the hero for the next generation.

Renai Slg

From MangaHelpers: Shibata Youichi is an ordinary highschooler, but one day he runs into a mysterious heroine! The cute girl knows his name, and (as in a stereotypical anime) she's an alien who needs him to help save her people! Soon enough, Youichi finds out that this situation was too good to be true... The girl, named Kyara, does represent aliens, but her people are actually interested in Japanese manga/anime/game culture. They want to use his home as a base and his brain as a measuring tool of the level of appeal of their heroines! [tethysdust]

The Guests Of Hercules

The Guests Of Hercules summary: The Guests Of Hercules summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Guests Of Hercules. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Affection: Call Of The King

Affection: Call Of The King summary: One day one of the twins born between the werewolf mother Hayato and the human father Gamon, Takahito was suddenly abducted by the Gosford family of werewolves from England. The present head of the family, the pack Alpha Arthur was a muscular, ruthless man. His amber eyes gave off a strong radiance like that of a predator hunting for his prey. Arthur informed Takahito that though he was a man his body was capable of conception. And thus: “You will conceive, and give birth to my child,” he ferociously p.r.o.nounced as such and forcibly embraced Takahito&h.e.l.lip;

Six Months at the Cape

Six Months at the Cape summary: Six Months at the Cape summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Six Months at the Cape. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Sandra Belloni

Sandra Belloni summary: Sandra Belloni summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Sandra Belloni. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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