














简介昨日窗外鸭狗闹,今日王府争妖娆 妈呀,这帅哥是俺老公?!俺幸福死了!










简介#古风##高甜#每周六、周日更新男扮女装的子乐化身舞姬靠近荒淫无度的当朝丞相左熠城,却不料被其识破真身,反压在床!子乐咆哮:ヽ(‘⌒´メ)ノ从我身上下去!左熠城:(◍´꒳`◍)那你上来吧~~~子乐:(╬ ̄皿 ̄)=○#( ̄#)3 ̄)滚!@重庆缘漫动漫








内容简介:这个世界,霞之丘诗羽已经是岛国超一流作家,和泉纱雾已经是世界顶级插画师,四宫辉夜已经是……呃!总之,男主掺和过的原著剧情早就过去了。本书写的是动漫女主们长大后的青春日常。各位书友要是觉 得《动漫女主长大以后》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-31966 >>


内容简介:  在武者举手可裂山川,甩腿可断长河的玄幻世界中,存在着这样一家小餐馆。  小餐馆不大,但却是无数顶尖强者趋之若鹜之地。  在那儿你可以品尝到用凤凰蛋和龙血米炒成的蛋炒饭。  在那儿你 可以喝到生命之泉配朱果酿制的烈酒。  在那儿你可以吃到九阶至尊兽肉配上黑胡椒的烤肉。  什么你想把厨师掳回家?不可能,因为餐馆门口趴着一只看门的十阶神兽,地狱犬。  哦,那个厨师还有一个可以单手捏死九品至尊的铁疙瘩助手和一群被征服了胃的疯狂女人。  本书讨论群一群:550248234(已满)  欢迎大家加入二群:2082067331w0-394 >>


内容简介:现在站在你们面前的是:以一部五千万投资的《我不是药神》创造三十一亿票房神话!女明星们的梦中情人!黄博的好兄弟!主持人大赛神仙选手!跑男团的老大哥!花少团的玩梗王!真正的娱乐圈巨星!林言 !!!林言:其实,我是个演员!本书关键词:都市生活爽文穿越都市《娱乐:从药神开始的娱乐巨星》小说推荐:从林正英世界开始修道、刺青、神之禁忌目录、领主时代:百倍增幅、抗战:从奉天开始崛起!、夫君是我一手带大的、秋以为期、离婚后的我开始转运了、那个被我活埋的人、前方动漫有高能、三国:开局收服太后、跨物种相亲、居山海、武侠:开局算计师娘、艾泽拉斯女神、黎明之后、玄幻:我!天命大反派、绯闻太多是我的错吗、私密保姆、僵尸世界:神级选择、草茉莉、大唐:开局炸了太极殿、明知故犯、被病娇盯上的日子穿书、这个明星很想退休、启蒙、醉里挑灯看你、大秦开局迎娶政姐姐、灰大叔与混血王子、肆意少年时1w0-77257 >>


内容简介:宋逸辰对许沁很好,可她出轨了。许沁喜欢宋逸辰,可她还是出轨了。人人都道许沁宜家宜室,许沁却只但笑不语。本文三观不正,女主是朵白莲花,嘴上说不要身体却很诚实!首发:po1⒏υip1w0- 119971 >>


内容简介:简介:秘宗甲级通缉犯苏如晦病重惨死,甫一醒来,便发现已是五年后,他成了秘宗首徒桑持玉的新婚夫侍江却邪。桑持玉,苏如晦的生死宿敌,昆仑秘宗最负盛名的武官。昔日的天之骄子,不知犯了什么错被 废右腿,满身鞭伤,苟延残喘。罢了,看在他这么惨又长得俊的份儿上,冰释前嫌吧。苏如晦心想。苏如晦一面为他治伤一面感慨,“这鞭子抽得你浑身没一块好肉,谁对你这么狠?真不是人。”桑持玉静静抬眼,道:“你。”苏如晦:“……”如见风雪至,知是郎君来。高冷禁欲猫妖攻X吊儿郎当流氓受桑持玉X苏如晦1w0-99178 >>


内容简介:小兵提供甜文存储室大神最新作品《攻略那个替身反派》小说最新章节全文免费阅读,攻略那个替身反派小说txt下载,攻略那个替身反派小说笔趣阁,攻略那个替身反派无弹窗!本站最新最快更新攻略那个 替身反派小说最新章节。1w0-107688 >>




内容简介:男主是个普通的半宅男,每天过着上班回家回家上班的单调日子。他不知道生活的意义在哪里,他一直想要找到自己的本心。在一个机缘巧合的情况下他穿越到了另一个平行空间,那里正值安史之乱。在那里, 他依旧是那么的普通,只是遇到了不同的人,不同的事,以及不同的环境。在那里,他能够找到自己的本心吗?1w0-88576 >>


内容简介:【通知】今晚9点更新。晋江的评论区又抽了,看不到读者小可爱们的评论哭了QAQ……——8月21日留言【简介】Z国豪门伊家找回了十六年前因不明原因被抱错而流落在外的真千金。旁人在祝贺伊夫人 找回亲生女儿的同时,也1w0-75973 >>


内容简介:【一句话文案】古板直男大叔与穿越假萝莉间不得不说的故事。【正经版文案】现代大龄女青年江春,穿越成农女江春娘。想种田?大家庭可不是那么和睦的,村人可不是那么淳朴的!想从医?试可不是那么好 考的,病1w11280-84709 >>




内容简介:  大唐......得魏晋之遗风,又承胡夷之奔放,无理儒之板古,避世家之横世。这是最好的时代,万里江山如画,四海呈平似锦。但,这也是最残酷的时代,皇权血祭父兄,欲望蒙蔽亲恩。自太宗起, 子篡父、弟弑兄、父杀子、子叛亲、妻谋夫、臣逆君,李唐天下,似梦魇缠身,相杀不绝。 皇权更迭,更如鬼獒啖亲而存!九犬一獒,这个流传于后世关于藏民驯獒的传说,真假姑且不论,但却真实地映照在这天唐盛世之上。那么,一只幼犬,弃于襁褓,游离獒群之外,又当如何百炼成獒,逆世而生呢?吐槽群:274736025 全订群:5314617991w0-2221 >>

Rakuen No Jouken

Contains: 1. Rakuen no Jouken (The Conditions for Paradise) Two adult women figuring out the boundaries in their relationship--is too much freedom a bad thing? 2. Hoshi no Mukougawa (Beyond the Stars) Chapter 1 prequel. It's about how Sarina and Sumi first became more than friends. 3. Bathed in Sunlight Filtering Through the Trees A continuation of Sarina and Sumi's relationship. 4) 20 Musume x 30 Otome About an art prep school teacher who feels like she can't compare to her new 20-year-old girlfriend. 5. The Opposite of 'Seme' is 'Protector' Chapter 4 sequel. Keiko wants to take things further. There are two more stories in this series in the Lapis Lazuli Dream collection. 6. We're Aiming for Love Now It's about two women who love each other just as they are. 7. Momo no Aji (Peach Taste) A girl struggles to convince the object of her affections to take her seriously. 8. Sakurahime Hanafubuki Set in Japan's past. A knight protects her princess.


This series is about a girl named Otome who's searching for love now that she has entered high school. But of course, finding love isn't going to be easy, especially if you have three delinquent boys who are your childhood friends. Otome explains to the boys that since they are in high school now, she wants to find love and fall deeply in love, but Tokio (one of her childhood friends) insist that she be part of his plan. He dreams of taking over the school and becoming a grand gang leader; he'll even let her join as the sub-leader. What is she going to do? As she sneaks away from the boys, she catches a couple of girls watching the most popular boy, Touyou, being confessed to!? Is this love at first sight? She decides to spy/stalk him... what will she find out? Extra 1 - The Boy Next Door (Tonari no Danshi) Extra 2 - System vs Freedom

Tango No Otoko

Angie, though hailed as 'The Man of Tango,' had never truly felt the deep, fiery passion of Latin dance. That is, until he met Hiro, a man born from a Latin mother, who was under his Japanese grandfather's custody and now lives as a Japanese citizen. Now, a slow, seething desire begins to rock his body and soul! At first feeling a nostalgic familiarity toward the Latin dancer, Hiro finds himself drawn into the seductive beat of a Latin dance, opening his body and heart to the smoldering heat of his Tango partner.

Sakura Yuki

1) No One Can Do It Hajime is a wandering samurai, who carries a musori sword and is aiming for the top. His goal is to have a fight with the famous Muichi, but upon his arrival in a village his sword gets stolen. And to top it all Muichi turns out to be… 2) Shenzi The year is 2007 A.D. The advance of civilization has led to remarkable achievements. Those achievements have paved a way for a project which successfully used neural energy to evoke the latent abilities in humans. Those who gained powers beyond the average humans are called Shenzi. 3) Snow-like Cherry Blossoms One day problem student Karukami gets off on the wrong train station. There he meets Sakura Kisaragi, a cheerful girl that is waiting for her lost dog. A heartwarming story about trust and life. 4) Tower of Babel In the Tower of Babel people live while they are served by robots. But something goes wrong and the robots turn against humans, it is now up to violent princess Reiche and the swordsman Farose to make things right.

Love's Lovely Counterfeit

Love's Lovely Counterfeit summary: Love's Lovely Counterfeit summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Love's Lovely Counterfeit. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Seduced By His Touch

Seduced By His Touch summary: Seduced By His Touch summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Seduced By His Touch. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Kimi no Na wa

Kimi no Na wa summary: A girl stranded in a small lakeside village deep within the mountains, Mitsuha, and a boy caught up in the oddly orderly chaos of bustling Tokyo, Taki, begin to dream of another, unfamiliar life. Before long, they realize that they aren’t dreaming at all, but actually switching bodies. Separated even further apart than they ever would have imagined, yet still somehow inexplicably connected, they search for the truth behind their strange phenomenon and discover what really happened on that fateful night when the stars rained from the sky.

The Voice of Science in Nineteenth-Century Literature

The Voice of Science in Nineteenth-Century Literature summary: The Voice of Science in Nineteenth-Century Literature summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Voice of Science in Nineteenth-Century Literature. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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