
























简介前辈在呼唤我!漫画 ,春天是香气是少女的味道啊~


简介 一夜纠缠,两个人的命运交合在了一起,他总能回忆起那个夜晚,想着那个没能看清面孔的女人。 谁知,众里寻她千百度,那人却在身边当宠物? (黑心总裁和他心中小白莲的绝美爱情故事!)








内容简介:【编辑强力推荐!】作为一个懒到极致的废柴,范仁穿越了!鸿钧是他师傅!三清佛祖都是他师弟!就连昊天上帝都得叫他小老爷!道祖:“徒儿啊,你啥帮我来管理一下天道啊?”太上老君:“大师兄,您慢 点修炼,给我们这些师弟仰望背影的机会吧!”女娲:“大师兄,帮我造造小人吧?”黄龙真人:“师父,能讲讲您老人家随手灭了龙凤两族的故事吗?”……范仁曰“都给我滚蛋,我只想偷个懒啊!”小说网提醒:本1w0-60753 >>




内容简介:la——————————————————————————在现代,一对小夫妻,上班超过12个小时,睡觉不超过5个小时,存款不过4位数,吃饭总离不开快餐盘,想起结婚就害怕,想起买房就心慌, 想起生孩子就想跳楼。在大唐,一对小夫妻,做点小生意,赚点小银子,偶尔还当个小干部,家里还能请个小保姆,房子朝廷有的分,孩子想生多少都没事,不交保险不交税,生活乐逍遥。——————————————一部唐朝的种田升级文;一部积极乐观的宝宝养成计划;一部健康向上的家庭拉风生活篇。这里没有成王、成霸;这里没有种马、阴谋;这里更没有政治、篡党;这里仅仅只有幸福、温馨和无比护短的小两口子。强推期间一日二到三更,每更以后皆是如此,欢迎阅读,希望给您在炎热的夏日带来一丝清凉,阅读前冰啤酒、冰可乐都准备好,嘻嘻1w0-82357 >>


内容简介:一觉醒来,程诺发现自己眼中的世界完全变的不同了。任何东西在他眼中,都能化成一组组数据。程诺眼中的美女:身高168厘米,体重57千克,胸围85厘米,腰围63厘米,臀围89厘米程诺眼中的台 球:台球直径毫米,重量170克,杆长145厘米,三号球入袋所需用力牛,角度度程诺眼中的……你可以称程诺学霸!数据帝!速算达人!拥有技能:百分百投篮命中,百分百射门命中,百分百一杆清台……程诺的人生格言就是:在这个世上,没有数学解决不了的问题。如果有的话,那就再加上物理和化学!1w3771-81570 >>




内容简介:神魔混战,万界崩塌,只永恒仙域,长存世间。万古后,一尊名为赵云的战神,凝练了天地玄黄,重铸了宇宙洪荒,自碧落凡尘,打上了永恒仙域,以神之名,君临万道。自此,他说的话,便是神话。1w36 32-27093 >>


内容简介:主角顾南笙陆北城宋怡君顾南笙清清楚楚的记着,自己已经死了,并且还是被自己最深爱的男人以及最好的姐妹陷害设计。不过好在老天有眼,让顾南笙重新回到了什么都没有发生的七年前,而这一世的顾南笙 只想亲手改变自己的…1w35971-70718 >>




内容简介:【重生苏撩甜宠双洁】渣男点燃火把,阮烟憎恨了一生的男人霍司琛不畏火光朝她走来。房梁倒塌压住了他,火舌在他身上肆意蔓延,可那双抱住她的手臂却始终纹丝不动。阮烟重生后都没有办法忘记当时的场 景。漫天火光里,他在她耳边呢喃说:“烟烟,我不畏惧灰飞烟灭,只想带你回家。”他清冷孤傲,却做了她一辈子的卑微舔狗。他冷漠绝情,却把心捧到她面前任她践踏。面对上辈子深情如斯的男人,阮烟想做的只有:“老公,亲亲。”“老公,抱抱。”“老公,我想和你生一屋子孩子。”一向矜贵自持的男人红了眼圈,环住阮烟纤腰的手一紧再紧,“烟烟,原来美梦成真是这种感觉。”幸福和快乐充斥在心间,和她在一起的每一秒都像是在放烟花。重生娇软哭包!偏执大佬宠妻成瘾最新章节地址:1w0-66909 >>


内容简介:相传冷面战神小皇叔病入膏肓命不久矣。苏寒托着下巴看着正在院中武着战刀的男人,撇了下嘴。相传苏太医的傻子冲喜成了宸王妃。苏寒对着面前夫君萌萌的眨眼:我傻吗?宸王:你精着呢。特种兵军医穿越 成了太医府最不受待见的傻女,笔趣阁还被赐婚冲喜。有人来挑衅,包证半个月离不开茅房;有人来找茬,狂笑让你根本停不下来;有人要犯上,自制的手术刀可以让他绝望;小皇婶的招牌就是:专治各种不服!各位书友要是觉得《毒医傻妃萌萌哒》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-70905 >>


内容简介:穿成书中下场悲惨的十八线女配,李棠只能小心翼翼苟着,尽量不去招惹女主。可很快她发现这本书不对劲那位比男主还厉害、本该英年早逝的大佬竟然活好好得。李棠惊!她穿得到底是不是原著?大佬各种罩 着她,有求必应1w0-80967 >>

King Of Thorn

Two twins, separated by fatal illness and a selective cure. Kasumi and her sister, Shizuku, were infected with the Medusa virus, which slowly turns the victim to stone. There is no cure, but of the two only Kasumi is selected to go into a sort of cryogenically frozen state along with 159 others until a cure is found. At some point in the undetermined future, Kasumi awakens to find herself and others who were in suspended animation in an unfamiliar world with violent monsters. Resolving to unlock the mysteries of her current situation and the fate of her twin sister, Kasumi struggles to survive in a treacherous world.

Konna Nekomimi, Suki Desu Ka?

From Liquid Passion: 1) Do you like cat ears like these? Midori and Satoshi are students at Kuromori Academy, a magic school. They've been together since childhood, and when Satoshi decided to study magic, Midori followed him even though he doesn't really like magic. When Midori casts a forbidden spell his punishment is to have cat ears for a week. Will Satoshi also break the rules so that he too can have cat ears? 2) Medicine Time Souta and Jin also attend Kuromori Academy, the magic school. A love potion goes awry between roomates and there is much misunderstanding (and of course some hot scenes!). Will Souta and Jin be able to have a happy ending? 3-5) Light Blue Triangle Sei and Shuu are childhood friends. One day Sei confesses to Shuu on the steps of a pedestrian bridge, in which Shuu reciprocates his feelings. Due to the shock of the event, Sei tumbles down the stairs and ends up with a broken leg and doesn't remember confessing. This sets off a chain reaction when Shuu is torn about telling Sei the truth of their love confession due to his little brother Kengo also being in love with Sei. Will Shuu tell Sei the truth despite hurting his brother or keep quiet?

Shoujo Sect

The storyline revolves around Momoko Naitou and the key protagonists Shinobu Handa. They understand each other since childhood and Shinobu fell in-love from the very first day they fulfilled with Momoko. Now registered within an all-girl high-school, days gone by has been forgotten about by Momoko, but Shinobu hasn't. Shinobu still expects for Momoko to recall their assurance from long ago, although both follow their particular manners. Characters Shinobu Handa (Manga Based) Shinobu is among the key characters of the tale. She creating her way on earth or does not have any trouble with cash. She's a bourgeois-only-child. She adores girls no matter age. With reference to sleeping in class, usually being a delinquent arriving late and a failure mark, she's ahead of the curve. Nevertheless, it appears that she was once an ideal pupil right out of some picture. She's in-love with Momoko Naitou the most although Shinobu is involved with a harem with the majority of her schoolmates. Momoko Naitou The primary character of the show. Momoko is an associate of the disciplinary committee of the school's that's a responsibility that she frequently sets her at odds with Shinobu and takes very significantly. She's quite gluttonous (although she never seems to gain any fat), irritable, and has almost no tolerance for other people's jokes (although she's revealed to really have a mischievous aspect of her own). She's kind to her school mates, nevertheless, which makes her quite popular. Momoko constantly wears a somewhat powerful-smelling cologne which often gives her existence away before she causes it to be understood. Several years prior to the show she first met with Shinobu in a park when they both were quite young. Shinobu and Momoko inturn gave her a biscuit and a kiss, respectively. This meeting left Shinobu for Momoko with heavy feelings of love, although Momoko doesn't recall in any way. After recognizing that Shinobu is really kind and really adores her, Momoko finds it difficult to warm up to Shinobu due to the promiscuity of the latter, but afterwards reciprocates her feelings. She even hits on an upperclassman, who'd pushed herself on Shinobu, which triggered the upperclassman hitting on her head right against a fire-extinguisher leaving her unconscious.

Seven Sisters!

From Village Idiot: To Minagawa Ichiri, both good things and bad things are bothersome. That's why his principle is to avoid doing anything that would cause such a thing. However, there is one thing that he can't avoid - because of his parents' jobs, he was constantly transferring from school to school. This time, he has transferred to Reimei Academy, one of the five famous private academies called the 'Seven Sisters.' On his tour of the school with vice president Kirishima Shitone, an attack occurs! The attacker seems to go after people with long black hair and a sword in an attempt to find and exact revenge on 'Double Edge,' who killed one of her best friends using a power called 'Idea,' where she brings her principles into reality using a wrist band called 'Codec.'

Sawtooth Ranch

Sawtooth Ranch summary: Sawtooth Ranch summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Sawtooth Ranch. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Essays of Schopenhauer

Essays of Schopenhauer summary: Essays of Schopenhauer summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Essays of Schopenhauer. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


Loneliness summary: Loneliness summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Loneliness. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

My First Picture Book

My First Picture Book summary: My First Picture Book summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of My First Picture Book. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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