
























类别都市 恋爱 生活








内容简介:本是侯府千金,却因出生时抱错沦为农家女。好不容易长到如花似玉的年纪,却无人上门娶她。说她容颜丑陋,天生痴傻,还是克父克母的小灾星?可她半路捡来的夫君,是未来首辅。她上山领养的小和尚,是 六国神将。就连随手救下的老太太,竟然也是当朝太后。某男恶狠狠道:“娘子,谁敢欺负你,为夫把他办了!”神将道:“姐姐,六国疆土,你想去哪里,我都打给你!”太后道:“皇帝欺负娇娇了?等1w3213-4647 >>


内容简介:文娱:从被天后老婆离婚开始几年前,林墨隐姓埋名,拒当天王,只想和老婆安静的过日子。没成想,老婆成为娱乐圈一线天后,坚决与他离婚。没办法,沉寂多年的林墨,只好从幕后走向前台。“我不喜欢娱 乐1w0-75320 >>






内容简介:萧震怎么也没想到,自己稀里糊涂地成为了一方掌教,而且意外传承到了一件可以垂钓万物的灵宝。当别人还在为筑基丹烦恼的时候,他就已经可以钓到人元神丹了。当别人费尽心机才获得一张丹方,他又已经 钓到了炼丹宗师珍藏在床底下的所有心得笔记。当别人还在苦苦追求着双修伴侣,他就已经让上界仙子“上钩”了。……有书曰:孤舟一远客,独钓有缘人。本书又名《一垂钓就变强》,《修真门派通天路》,《太玄道宗》ps:〈门派流〉新书上传,望大家多多支持!1w0-72287 >>


内容简介:森先生在线养宰简介:一岁多点的阿治趴在小桌子上翻看森先生做的相册集,毫不意外相册里多张照片的主人公是他和爱丽丝,他皱皱小眉头,看向森先生:“我们的合照呢?”森先生·笑容凝固:“……”你 从哪里翻出来的啊治酱!我记得我明明把它藏在了……然后,他看到了被他藏在抽屉的最里层的箱子和箱子的锁的尸体被随便扔在了地上。森先生:“……”首领宰完成计划后生无可恋,交代好一切事之后就奔赴死亡。远在东京的森先生收到了这条消息,内心有些后悔:这个孩子,本来可以拥有更好的未来……名为【书】的异能物品诞生了意识,用它可以1w0-131602 >>




内容简介:德宣十五年,一少年一袭青衣,身骑白鹿,于雪原屠尽五百铁甲,不知所踪。同一时间,数百麻衣闯入城主府,逼死城主,分肉而食之。消息一出,天子盛怒,欲伏尸百万。却不料十万青衿跪城门,百官抬棺入 朝堂。世人大呼,麻衣何罪之有?不久,禁地异变突生,大陆皆惊,各大圣地纷纷惊动。那屹立山巅的人啊,惴惴不安。这是阴谋?大陆风起云涌,是何人将大陆当为棋盘,以天下人为棋子少年再次出山,年轻天骄层出不穷,是盛世还是乱世?世人不知,只将那少年称之为,白鹿少年。玄幻魔法类型的优秀作品真的很多,比较出彩的作品,我们可以一起来读读《青衣》这本吧。这是一本在懒得取名笔下洋洋洒洒的努力了多少个时日才完工的小说,你可以感觉到什么叫才华横溢、什么叫文笔流畅,作者灵感源源不绝,处处精彩不断。好书一本啊!洋洋洒洒的埋头疾书续写中收藏,关注,点赞必须的哟!小兵及时更新为您奉上最好的服务。懒得取名无抄袭纯原创力作之青衣最新章节、青衣无弹窗广告全文阅读连载、青衣TXT电子书下载最好的服务给最好的您。最好的阅读平台您我他她共同创!各位书友要是觉得《青衣》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!魁星阁《青衣》章节列表目录地址:请复制后分享给您的好友!好看的玄幻魔法小说排行榜推荐1w0-81208 >>


内容简介:祁星落女扮男装多年,是名校有名的校草,并且在娱乐圈初出茅庐。前途一片光亮,直到有一天,少年莽撞的闯入她的生活,一心把她视为情敌,数次明争暗斗,甚至不惜动用家族的力量打压她。祁星落实在咽 不下这口气,趁着夜色套麻袋揍了他一顿。两人针锋相对,寸步不让!后来,整个娱乐圈都知道,顶流祁星落和宋总两人当年为了校花大打出手,至今从未合作。毕业之后,宋清淮一改年少时的张狂跋扈,变得深沉稳重,对谁都礼貌疏离,唯有在酒店中看见她,暴躁的低声怒骂:“小王八蛋!”晚上,宋清淮不知哪里听到了流言蜚语,堵住祁星落的路,阴沉着脸质问:“你竟然喜欢男人?”“关你屁事。”两人一言不合打了一架,不欢而散。后来不知哪里出了差错,宋清淮变得越来越古怪,打压接近她的所有男性,少年一把把她推到墙角,咬牙切齿,崩溃阴沉道:“我做攻,你做受!”祁星落觉得他有猫饼,无情国骂:“滚!老子是总攻。”…………最后,宋清淮爱而不得,长睫颤抖,低哑嗓音步步退让,难以齿耻的羞耻涌上心头:“我可以,做受…”祁星落:“……”试问,该怎么解释,自己是个女孩子的事实!!急急急备注【男主只喜欢女主,不是真的‘掰弯’,是因为她是‘男孩子’,情不自禁喜欢‘男孩子’。】感谢碧水咕咕的封面,爱你么么~隔壁连载【饲养装乖的偏执神灵】如果您喜欢我女扮男装后掰弯了宿敌,别忘记分享给朋友作者:阿颖所写的《我女扮男装后掰弯了宿敌》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-78191 >>


内容简介:原创男男现代高H正剧高HH有此作品列为限制级,未满18岁之读者不得阅读。一个双xing大奶受的深夜成人真人秀历程np走肾文章总体是用一个一个小标题构成的,中间没有太大的联系,一个标题就 是一个类似gv成品一样的故事,最终目标还是炖肉。各位书友要是觉得《深夜加密成人番》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-97669 >>


内容简介:170【内容简介】李逸飞,大唐前太子李贤之子,因其父被武则天毒害,从小就被逍遥老人收养,十年之后,学艺有成的李逸飞下山报仇,最后经过与武则天的一番较量终于将女皇降服,成功光复李唐江山, 揽江山美人于一身,享受人间帝王之风流。穿越大周第001章少年李逸飞清晨,一缕阳光照在林间的古树上,将整个大地都照射得金灿灿一片。此时一个年约十五、六岁的蓝衣少年却手持着一把黑色长剑在林中不断的挥舞着,少年脸若刀削,鼻若悬河,一双灵动带着狡黠之色的黑眸犹如天上的星辰般深邃,他的长剑刺出间,空气都为之一抖,然后便是发出一阵噗嗤的气爆声,而四周的那些古树上的荒叶却犹如天女散花般纷纷掉落。1w0-77189 >>


内容简介:传说中的太阳系第十二大星体尼比鲁星横空出世,溯及遥远的过去。世界因神话的复苏而改变,全民领主时代正式到来。入侵、毁灭、灾难轮回……“四方胡虏,凡有敢犯者,必亡其国,灭其种,绝其苗裔!” “内外诸夷,凡敢称兵者,皆斩!”重生归来,翩翩少年站在星空下发出最洪亮的铮铮誓言。灭百族,斩诸神,破囚锁,踏星河,凡我人族刀锋所指,所向披靡!面对这场波澜壮阔的大浩劫,他立志当做人族最后一名狠人。1w0-78234 >>

Umineko No Naku Koro Ni Episode 3

Fall 1986...in Rokkenjima, a private island owned by Kinz? Ushiromiya, eleven of his relatives arrive for a family reunion. He is dying and children want nothing more than to split the wealth he will leave behind. But as a storm traps them on the island, the riddle of Rokkenjima's legendary golden witch begins to take the lives of several people. Who can solve the riddle and gain the gold & the inheritance? Will the golden witch truly revive? The story is divided into episodes: four 'Question' arcs. Each episode keeps the same main characters, but ends in a different way. However, each episode gives valuable answers, hints, and clues to the previous one, while at the same time bringing forth even more mysteries.The question arcs are: Legend of the golden witch, Turn of the golden witch, Banquet of the golden witch, and Alliance of the golden witch.

Unlucky Strike

From Girls' Generation Scanlations: Kikuchi-sensei rejected a love confession. The boy cursed him, the next day on the train going to his new job, every man in the car wanted him... Butwhy were they harassing him?! If it wasn't for the young Akane, who knows what, might have happened? From BangAQUA: Ever since Kikuchi sensei was cursed to be the destined lover of a man, he has been harassed everyday by men. The person who saved him one day from the harassment was his student, Akane, who is also madly in love with him. Although he is interested in Akane, Akane's affection is probably due to his curse. Even if he wishes for Akane's love, it is just his selfish hope. A sad love story of a brave but prideful teacher.

Zero No Tsukaima

The continent of Halkeginia is tumultuous--a place where the various kingdoms, princedoms, dukedoms, and fiefdoms strive against each other to expand their domains. The nobility scheme and plot among themselves to gain influence to their lieges or to even foreign lieges. In the middle of Halkeginia is the small but important kingdom of Tristein. The most notable fact about this kingdom is the Tristein Academy of Magic where nobility from all over the world come to study magic so they can become magi. Although friendships will form across national boundaries at this school, will they survive the politics and games of the world at large once they leave? Louise is a student at Tristein Magical Academy. She is known to be quite a screw up when it comes to her magic. One day, a ceremony takes place where each student is to call forth a being or entity that will become his or her familiar. For Louise, her familiar comes in the form of a boy named Hiraga Saito. Somehow, he managed to get transported from his world into hers, and shortly after became her familiar. (Not to be confused with the novel which has 15 volumes, so far! Will upload accurate cover later.)

Ascribe To Heaven

From Ryuusei no Mafia: Minnie’s the only human living on an alien planet and because of that she’s rejected by almost all the other inhabitants. Then one day something falls outside of her house and it happens to be... a human prince?!

Nano Mashin

Nano Mashin summary: Until the time of him becoming the master of the lowest rank in the order of rankings, the lonely side of his life without luck was changed. One day suddenly, a future descendant injected him with a nano machine, and the machine started ‘speaking’ to him. [I am seventh generation Nano Machine manufactured by the Sky Cooperation, and I am operating as central nerve connected to your brain.] “What? What are you talking about?” This was beyond the boy’s knowledge, so he turned pale and asked. The Nano Machine linked to his cerebrum realized the User was not understanding a single word it said. “Who are you, and why are you doing this to me?” [“I am seventh generation Nano Machine.] “Nano Mashin?” [Yes, Nano Machine.] The boy’s face got hardened. Mashin was deity the Mashin Religion worshipped, along with the Sacred Fire. The Master of the Mashin Religion’s role was to communicate with Mashin. “Um, are you really Mashin?” The boy knelt down and asked with trembling voice. At this, the Nano Machine attached to his cerebrum realized he had misunderstood it.

The Wolf Husband and Green Plum Wife

The Wolf Husband and Green Plum Wife summary: An Jia Qi said : The most unfortunate thing that happened in her life is knowing Su Zhan Mo, because he is a lot harder to please compare to her biological dad.
An Jia Qi said : The luckiest thing that happened in her life is knowing Su Zhan Mo, because whenever there’s parent – teacher conference, her biological father does not need to partic.i.p.ate.
An Jia Qi said : The happiest thing that happened in her life is knowing Su Zhan Mo, because after getting married, she does not need to work, only staying at home to be a rice worm (having leisurely life)
“Su Zhan Mo, are you eating valuable kidney growing up? In three years, I birthed two babies, do you think that I’m a mother pig?”

North American Species of Cactus

North American Species of Cactus summary: North American Species of Cactus summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of North American Species of Cactus. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Knight.

The Knight. summary: The Knight. summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Knight.. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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