




简介我叫简羽,今年20岁,大四学生,宁州人。 为了以后能在宁州有更好的发展,我以超低的价格在大学城附近买了一套小别墅。 我的生活就从这个小别墅发生了翻天覆地的变化......


简介只要优子也战斗漫画 ,两耳不闻窗外事,一心只读圣贤书。 被卷入战斗也无动于衷的女子高中生新王州优子的战斗,开幕!








简介学霸栾羽因为和祁家的一纸婚约被送入了贵族学校宿舍,原以为要和未来的未婚夫共同生活,岂料自己的未婚夫原来不止一个?!而且,和自己一样的‘未婚妻’也有好几个! 每【周日】更新(*  ̄3)(ε ̄ *)


简介来做些羞羞的事吧漫画 ,成绩优异的学生会长,她的秘密被一个学弟发现了——?


类别玄幻 恋爱 生活














内容简介:战场浴血征战,女儿打来电话求救,一夜之间,三千世界顶级强者,齐赴华夏!他萧天策一生凄苦,身负血海深仇,女儿跟妻子就是他生命中的一道光。他这辈子绝对不允许自己的女儿跟妻子受到一丝一毫的伤 害!1w4604-4866 >>


内容简介:作为一名向往和平,普普通通的网络小说作者,我本应过着平凡的生活。如果我不是酒厂前成员,港黑现成员的话。滴滴————非正常拍摄●某个老读者对着镜头失声痛哭“事情发生的这么突然,就在一年前 和平常一样的一天,我按照惯例打开网站的时候,大大竟然请了一星期的假!而且,从那之后,她的更新频率再也没有超过两周一章!!为什么?!”某不愿透露真实姓名的小说作者深深吸了一口烟,万年不变的死鱼眼深沉的望着镜头“其实,我曾经也觉得自己是个认真负责的好作者,并且会一直这样坚持下去。”“直到有一天”黑衣组织要杀我灭口港口黑手党拿枪指着我的脑门全能型超能力者想抹除我的记忆黑色小本本掉在我的眼前黄色触手怪想让我暗杀他脑门着火的少年家的熊孩子一炮把我轰到了异世界“更可怕的是!人类竟然可以用雨伞在天上飞吗?!!”“所以你觉得我们人民警察会相信你的鬼话吗?!”“”烟雾缭绕中,黑沼绪的眼神更加深邃了。1w0-25208 >>


内容简介:在年代文里当神童崽崽在娱乐圈文当锦鲤崽崽在孤儿院文当团宠大佬崽崽在真人秀文当天才崽崽在豪门文里当小祖宗崽崽在古代文当神仙小崽崽在萌宠文里当白虎小崽崽在末世文里的小丧尸崽崽!在星际文里面 当天才导演小崽崽这就是大佬沈青澜在每个世界当崽崽的逆袭故事写的顺序会打乱,每个都会写,轻松治愈文,比较放飞自我。这个预收原本是超级男神,可今年想写一些开心的,就改成了崽1w0-94815 >>




内容简介:【weibo:仅溯溯溯溯】给某个事业狂当皇后的第三年,初晴终于从古代穿回来了。然后不小心把他的后宫也带到了现代。看着这群被人伺候惯了的姑奶奶,想到即将到期的房租花呗,明天大家就要睡大街 喝西北风。她翻出穿越前考的经纪人资格证,“干脆出道吧。”众妃:娱乐圈也勾心斗角?比宫斗好玩吗?后来,大启传媒成功上市,网友发现,宋初晴手下,除了那些红得发紫的影后歌神顶流,扫地阿姨也仿佛深宫老嬷一般能武善斗,连食堂大叔都是御厨级别的百万粉美食博主,全公司只有股东透着一股平凡的气息。陛下:………平凡?·【团宠皇后欢脱日常】,又名宫与经纪人,OVERQUEEN(x·架空娱乐圈,没有真人原型。·1V1双初恋。双向暗恋,一个傲娇一个闷骚。·【排雷】文案说事业狂,正文最事业脑的是女主。男主触底反弹,不当皇帝了,所以放肆恋爱脑。喜欢本文的话,收藏一下专栏吧,这对我很重要【合掌拜托下一本可能开《和影帝互穿后》,戳专栏可见。哔冷淡高岭之花x人间富贵霸王花。灵魂互换,偏见加傲慢,双倍真香快乐。各位书友要是觉得《全后宫出道》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-59057 >>


内容简介:玄元世界,元气稀薄,灵石绝迹。武者只能依靠法宝,去迷雾世界寻找各种宝物来帮助修炼。普通的武者精力财力有限,只能祭炼一两件法宝。而李昱却拥有成千上万的法宝。因为他的法宝不仅不需要自己的心 神控制,还能自己修炼。“你的无情剑吸收日月精华,由法器进化为灵器,能自动斩敌于千米之外。”“你的天地阴阳镜吞噬宝器碎片,探查范围由十里扩张到五百里。”“你的无影化血刀与主人精神产生共鸣,领悟了空间穿梭的技能。”依靠自己的法宝,李昱在迷雾世界如鱼得水,修炼进度一日千里……1w0-82583 >>


内容简介:胡言穿越到了玄幻世界,不过却是一个将死的大反派——狐仙。不过,幸好还还有一个奸商后悔值系统,索性可以编写自己的过往。于是胡言就可是了自己反派的洗白之路。死亡禁区。他看着倒在自己怀里的狠 人魔帝,忍痛斩下自己的仙人骨,“师尊,天道弃你于不顾,我来渡你。”九幽之下。一袭僧袍的他捧着一颗白莲子,将其种在了自己的眉心。“菩萨,你渡了我,却为何没有渡自己呢?”魔渊之中。他只身一人,杀入魔宫,为世间免除多少的杀戮。九天之上。他与仙人对弈,胜仙半子,避免三界众生成为香火之奴。直至最后他化凡为仙。所做一切,尽皆为了庇护所爱之人,为了保护整个世间。然而却被世人误解。1w0-96315 >>




内容简介:地球最后一个飞升者失败灵魂穿越到平行空间附身成为一个贫穷岛国酋长利用修真的手段发展国家的故事。ps1:布灵阵在海中抓鱼、布灵阵改造岛屿种植,打造世界第一海鲜大国,世界第一水果大国,世界 最受欢迎旅游国度,世界ps2:种田文,种田文,本文会有些平淡,故事情节循环渐进。各位书友要是觉得《修真的酋长》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-37997 >>


内容简介:小兵提供弦三千大神最新作品《我磕的CP每天都在发糖》小说最新章节全文免费阅读,我磕的CP每天都在发糖小说txt下载,我磕的CP每天都在发糖小说笔趣阁,我磕的CP每天都在发糖无弹窗!本站 最新最快更新我磕的CP每天都在发糖小说最新章节。1w0-82193 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:大秦:开局灭了匈奴】穿越扶苏,开局带着蒙恬灭了匈奴,班师回朝。“父皇,不用再修长城,儿臣已经把大原打下来了!”“父皇,赵高有谋逆之心,儿臣已经将其格杀!”“父 皇,胡亥太不成器了,还是让他去蒙学熟读《秦律》一千遍吧!”嬴政:“扶苏啊,朕老了,你来做皇帝吧!”扶苏“不不不,还是父皇你来当吧,儿臣还没统一世界呢!”本书又名《大秦:神级太子爷》飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-81370 >>




COMPILER is a story about the Igarashi brothers Nachi and Toshi, and two beauties from another dimension, Compiler and Assembler. Originally sent to conquer Earth through a game of destruction and creation, Compiler and Assembler ended up deciding that living in our world is more fun than conquering it. They moved in with Nachi and Toshi. A growing relationship began to develop between Nachi and Compiler, and Toshi and Assembler, though none of them can bring themselves to admit it outright. Meanwhile, the people who sent Compiler and Assembler to conquer Earth were outraged by their apparent betrayal. They sent two assassins, Bios and Directory, to deal with the renegades and proceed with the invasion plan. And so, the misadventures begin...

Osusume Boyfriend

From Antebellum Scanlations: At the start of high school, Takae fell in love with Araki. However, Araki just happens to be indifferent to love. Against her better judgement, she begins dating someone else, but that relationship turned out to be a big mistake...What will become of Takae's love!? From JShoujo Scans Includes an extra story: 'Yori-chan is Experiencing an Unrequited Love' (Sequel to 'Like Snow Falling on Harbor' from A Rose-Colored Tomorrow) It's been over five years since Yori watched the car that his best friend and Kurita, the girl he was in love with, were riding crash into another car, leaving Kurita in a coma that she hasn't come out of since. His best friend, who had also been in love with Kurita then, has already moved on and found himself a new girlfriend. For Yori though, time stopped that horrific day many years ago. Can his distant cousin, a spunky teenage girl who harbors a huge crush towards him, make him realize that it's time to let go?

Never Cry

Joeun remembers everything that turned her life upside down. She remembers the man who helped her out at the darkest of times, who abandoned her while calling her cursed. She remembers her prince, who she had her first kiss with at the age of eight. He, too, abandoned her in one day. She remembers the strange black haired man who beat her mother up. Everyone said that she was cursed, and she wants to prove them wrong. Eight years later, Joeun finds a wallet. She is going to turn it in when her friend is caught for not being able to pay the bill and therefore she needed the money to help her. But the wallet owner sees everything, and decides that Joeun is his next target for revenge. But the wallet owner seems to be a cross-dresser freak.

Holy Avenger

In almost all respects, Arton is the same as Earth. The sky is blue, the Sun is yellow, the Moon is silver. There we find the same air, the same water, the same trees and animals that we know on Earth. Arton is a world of adventurous heroes. They are everywhere, in kingdoms, villages and cities. The greatest of those heroes is a champion who came to be in recent times. He's only known as the Paladin, and no power has ever proven itself able to defeat him. A holy warrior, tempered by the power of twenty gods, he's the utmost defender of truth, honor and justice. The Paladin has gone missing... (Taken from the 1st volume intro) --- Lisandra has lived on the secluded island of Galrasia her whole life, fostered by cavewolfs. One day she dreams of a golden armored champion. Those dreams wouldn't stop and in time, they became nightmares about this unknown warrior being defeated in battle against a great evil yet to come into being. Those relentless nightmares would lead Lisandra away from Galrasia, to the continent of Arton, where she would begin her quest for the Rubies of Virtue, mystical gems also presented to Lisandra in her dreams. By gathering all the gems, the girl hopes to rid herself of this heavy burden the Gods have given her, and also revive the hero who shall defeat the upcoming darkness... Holy Avenger is a Brazilian manga-influenced comic based on a short RPG adventure of the same name, which takes place in a campaign setting called Tormenta (a synonym for 'Storm' in Portuguese), originally published in the RPG magazine Dragão Brasil. More info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holy_Avenger NOTE: This is an OEL, not a manga, manhwa, or manhua.

The Money Moon

The Money Moon summary: The Money Moon summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Money Moon. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Scouting with Daniel Boone

Scouting with Daniel Boone summary: Scouting with Daniel Boone summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Scouting with Daniel Boone. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

A Girl's Ride in Iceland

A Girl's Ride in Iceland summary: A Girl's Ride in Iceland summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Girl's Ride in Iceland. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Grabbing Your Hand, Dragging you Away

Grabbing Your Hand, Dragging you Away summary: Grabbing Your Hand, Dragging you Away summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Grabbing Your Hand, Dragging you Away. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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