


















类别都市 恋爱 霸总












简介为了得到登上舞台的机会,立志成为优秀歌手的新人樊小星自愿成为白富美偶像祁雨涵的替身。某天表演结束后小星被神秘怪人袭击,再度醒来之际,她居然真的变成了祁雨涵本尊! 真实记忆和虚假身份交织,各色美男纷至沓来,爱与残酷的混乱人生就此开场——!


内容简介:喜欢《恐怖游戏:加爆好感,我为所欲为》可从下列图标分享《恐怖游戏:加爆好感,我为所欲为》每人日限一次分享恐怖游戏:加爆好感,我为所欲为多了无效分享越多恐怖游戏:加爆好感,我为所欲为更新 越快哦1w0-84986 >>


内容简介:苏小蔷经历了前世种种背叛,一觉醒来居然穿越未来世界,不信、不信也得认命。被女配欺负还被打脸?某队长勾唇含笑,“不能这么没出息,必须双倍反击。”某女尬笑,摸摸头,“打不过还有我。”甜宠文 系列首发,走到1w0-97081 >>


内容简介:祁星落女扮男装多年,是名校有名的校草,并且在娱乐圈初出茅庐。前途一片光亮,直到有一天,少年莽撞的闯入她的生活,一心把她视为情敌,数次明争暗斗,甚至不惜动用家族的力量打压她。祁星落实在咽 不下这口气,趁着夜色套麻袋揍了他一顿。两人针锋相对,寸步不让!后来,整个娱乐圈都知道,顶流祁星落和宋总两人当年为了校花大打出手,至今从未合作。毕业之后,宋清淮一改年少时的张狂跋扈,变得深沉稳重,对谁都礼貌疏离,唯有在酒店中看见她,暴躁的低声怒骂:“小王八蛋!”晚上,宋清淮不知哪里听到了流言蜚语,堵住祁星落的路,阴沉着脸质问:“你竟然喜欢男人?”“关你屁事。”两人一言不合打了一架,不欢而散。后来不知哪里出了差错,宋清淮变得越来越古怪,打压接近她的所有男性,少年一把把她推到墙角,咬牙切齿,崩溃阴沉道:“我做攻,你做受!”祁星落觉得他有猫饼,无情国骂:“滚!老子是总攻。”…………最后,宋清淮爱而不得,长睫颤抖,低哑嗓音步步退让,难以齿耻的羞耻涌上心头:“我可以,做受…”祁星落:“……”试问,该怎么解释,自己是个女孩子的事实!!急急急备注【男主只喜欢女主,不是真的‘掰弯’,是因为她是‘男孩子’,情不自禁喜欢‘男孩子’。】感谢碧水咕咕的封面,爱你么么~隔壁连载【饲养装乖的偏执神灵】如果您喜欢我女扮男装后掰弯了宿敌,别忘记分享给朋友作者:阿颖所写的《我女扮男装后掰弯了宿敌》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-78191 >>




内容简介:“遵从圣杯的意志,贞德回应召唤,试问汝即为吾的master吗?诶诶诶诶诶诶!?圣杯呢?这是哪!?”“那个……讲道理,你这一头金发说自己是贞德,我好像有点明白为什么法国贵族会把你卖给英国 佬烧了。顺便,不要叫我master,按族谱算我大概是你的十三代侄孙。”“啊???”看了一大堆哈利波特同人,都是越写越魔幻的,试着写写不一样的,随缘写随缘更。1w0-80549 >>


内容简介:穿越到自己写的小说中,并且还成了新手村反派?最悲催的是,这是本无脑爽文。主角扮猪吃老虎,天生无敌,还是仙帝转世,随手就能打爆星空。林羿看似慌的一匹,内心却无比兴奋。男主无敌就算了,女主 怎么也个个美若天仙?他不由得露出痴汉笑。叮,发现一枚正在觉醒的曹贼,正在绑定曹贼系统!林羿的笑容越发猖狂。主角?谁爱当谁当!1w0-63085 >>


内容简介:【古风征文】赵香柚上一秒还在末世打丧尸,下一秒就变成了古代农家体内藏了几十根儿绣花针的小奶娃。她花了三年时间耗尽异能清除掉了绣花针,又被人推下山坡差点嗝儿屁!绝望中的赵香柚被一头小狼崽 子给叼回了家。小狼崽子秦少安是村民们闻之色变的灾星,谁沾染谁倒霉。可赵香柚却发现,这灾星是她的十全大补丸!只要靠近狼崽子,她空间中的枯井就能冒出灵泉水!去你妈的灾星!赵香柚不要脸地装萌卖乖,为了讨好金大腿,更是亲(用)力(心)亲(良)为(苦)地帮他挑选起了媳妇。某狼崽子成年后一爪子将她抵在炕上:“再敢给老子塞女人,老子吃了你!”赵香柚哭唧唧:“不……不敢了!”不久之后,把赵香柚吃干抹净的某狼餍足得趴在她身边舔唇。稀里糊涂就把自己赔进去的赵香柚:……大骗砸!1w57775-61913 >>


内容简介:  完成航母需要什么?独立工业体系、发达经济文明、强大国防实力  拯救国足需要什么?一个慷慨富人、一个超级球星、一个时代骄子  王艾因世界杯重生,拯救国足成了他必须肩负的使命。在黑暗中 ,他点亮了微弱的光。  Q群:9925351001w0-2886 >>


内容简介:费雷泽,蛮夷之地。天使彦对着刚砌好的碑墓噙着泪水。忽然,一双血手伸了出来……叮,检测到剑魔阿托克斯杀意,宿主做出以下选择可获得相应奖励!【1、拿起手中大剑与剑魔阿托正面硬钢,获得第四代 神体!】【2、全力掩护天使彦撤离费雷泽战场,反虚空能力增强十倍!】【3、对恶魔俯首称臣,收获一只美丽的女天使,可啪!】看到系统精灵给本书关键词:其他类型爽文同人综漫《超神学院:我被天使彦挖出来了》小说推荐:从林正英世界开始修道、刺青、神之禁忌目录、领主时代:百倍增幅、抗战:从奉天开始崛起!、夫君是我一手带大的、秋以为期、离婚后的我开始转运了、那个被我活埋的人、前方动漫有高能、三国:开局收服太后、跨物种相亲、居山海、武侠:开局算计师娘、艾泽拉斯女神、黎明之后、玄幻:我!天命大反派、绯闻太多是我的错吗、私密保姆、僵尸世界:神级选择、草茉莉、大唐:开局炸了太极殿、神奇宝贝之特性系统、明知故犯、我、我是你的、奸臣、都市:开局一艘十万吨核动力航母、星际之亡灵帝国、一枝、被病娇盯上的日子穿书1w0-78405 >>


内容简介:沈卿卿爱霍霆萧十年,为他甘愿赴死,却不想新婚当天,他亲手将她送入监狱,毁了她,还害死了襁褓中的儿子……涅槃重生,她记得所有人,却唯独忘记了他,面对前夫的穷追不舍,她说,前夫,滚远点,想 追我?请排队!1w6024-30324 >>


内容简介:“别惹我,我老公超凶。”十八岁的姜咻被父亲卖给了豪门老男人冲喜,同父异母的姐姐假惺惺:“听说寒爷是从地狱里爬出来的恶鬼,杀人不眨眼,凶残暴戾,咻咻去了傅家肯定会被折磨的很惨,活不过三天 不说还会被羞辱的嘤嘤嘤。”后来,她亲眼看见在豪华的商场里,传闻中恶鬼一般的老男人不仅帅到令人窒息,还单膝下跪温柔的给姜咻穿上了一只水晶鞋。再后来,记者采访傅沉寒:“请问两位这么多年来一直恩爱的原因是什么呢?”寒爷表示:钱给你,随便花。人给你,随便睡。就会一直很和谐。1w0-95776 >>


内容简介:  不想当皇后的嫔妃不是好嫔妃,我们的目标是——教育乾渣龙!————新书《大清良人》求收藏!求养肥!拆迁暴发户卫嘉树倒霉穿越大清朝,结果发现,这个清朝竟不是历史记载的那个辫子朝!而是一 个叫宣建国穿越前辈建立的新朝代。她满腹槽点无处吐,实在憋得难受,直到遇见了一只能交流的阿飘君……大吐特吐之后才发现——阿飘君姓宣名承熠,乃是当今天子、开国太祖宣建国之孙也!卫嘉树:这个孙子!离魂症皇帝和活见鬼宫女。1w0-3793 >>

Sirius No Kizuato

[From StudioRobb]: This is the story of a teenage boy named Takeru Tachibana and his struggle to recover his sister Sayoko from a 'cyborg dogfight circuit'. When Takeru was 10 years old, his town was bombed during an enemy air-raid in which his parents were killed and he was mortally wounded. Sayoko, cut deep with 'survivor's guilt' and a 'co-dependent' inability to deal with living alone, rashly sells her brain to the Albion Corporation run by a mysterious CEO named Véltare Marçeau in order to pay for a risky surgical operation that Takeru may or may not survive. Her brain is placed in a cybernetic body, the process of which essentially eliminates the brain's memories and heightens its aggression. Her new identity is The White 13, or 'The Ice Doll', and for the next five years she is placed on a dogfight circuit fighting other cyborgs in gladiator-style extravaganzas where she eventually becomes the grand champion and obtains the rank of 'sirius'... The story begins shortly after Takeru has liberated his sister from the dogfight circuit only to discover that, outside the cicuit, Sayoko's brain has a 'self-destruct' mechanism and that she is dying. Takeru has one week to find a way to cure his sister or return her to the circuit or she will die. Adding to the problem are the 'dogged' efforts of the Albion Corporation to recover 'their stolen property' as well as a cast of characters who all have their own scars of some sort...

Yamamoto Zenjirou To Moushimasu

Hotate is a 10 year old girl who was living at her grandmother's house since her mother died. One day her grandmother tells Hotate that she can't care for her anymore because of her age and that she's going to have to live at her uncle's house. After moving to her uncle's house, she attends a new school, but things aren't easy because of her special ability to see the dead. Can she make friends with students in her new class? And what's the secret behind the bond between her and her uncle...?!

Kagerou Inazuma Mizu No Tsuki

A collection of stories set amongst the oiran (high-rank courtesans before the time of geisha) in (mostly) the Yoshiwara district of Edo, a famous historical 'red-light district.' 1. Kagerou no Shou When Kagerou was a child, her parents sold her to be trained as an oiran in Yoshiwara. On her way there, she fell in love with the man who transported her, Ryuuji, and insisted that he be her first sexual customer when she grew up. Now, she is approaching the time when she will lose her virginity, but will Ryuuji be able to be her first? 2. Inazuma no Shou Wakana works in Yoshiwara, but she plans to one day buy her own way out. She seduces presents out of the men who buy her, in order to save money for her future. But one man, Mitsunori, is not like all the others. Will the skilled seductress Wakana be able to cope with real emotion? 3. Mizu no Tsuki no Shou Suigetsu is approaching the time when she's meant to lose her virginity. One day, she miraculously meets with a relative who knows her by her real name: Saya. Is it possible for her to be rescued from this life? 4. Nagasaki Bojou Suigetsu, an oiran-in-training in Nagasaki, is slated to lose her virginity. However, she's been told she's going to have a Dutch man as a partner! She's frightened of sleeping with a foreigner who may not even speak her language! However, the man in question is nothing like she feared...

Dounimo Nannai Soushi Souai

Genji and Kousaka meets six years later in high school. But is it only Genji who remembers what happened in the past between them? Furthermore, will they move forward into their relationship or will fall apart?

Wanted-7 Fearless Engineers!

Wanted-7 Fearless Engineers! summary: Wanted-7 Fearless Engineers! summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Wanted-7 Fearless Engineers!. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Anton and Cecil Cats at Sea

Anton and Cecil Cats at Sea summary: Anton and Cecil Cats at Sea summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Anton and Cecil Cats at Sea. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Spacehounds of IPC

Spacehounds of IPC summary: Spacehounds of IPC summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Spacehounds of IPC. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


Sevens summary: Lyle Walt is a young n.o.ble boy and heir looking forward to the day he can inherit his family’s territory. Except around when he was 10 year old, his parents started neglecting him more and more in favour of his little sister, Celes. On his fifteenth birthday, he is challenged to a duel by his sister to see who will inherit the household and horribly loses, being cast out of his family. Afterwards, he gets treated by the family groundskeepers and receives the family heirloom Gem from him that Lyle’s grandfather had entrusted to him. From there, he begins an aimless journey with his childhood friend and former fiancée, Novem, and the Gem-turned-Jewel that houses the memories, personalities, and Skills of seven of his ancestors.

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