














简介【每周五更新】随主出征,战死沙场,白英从一只战虎重生变为病秧子美人,还嫁给了主人,从此猛虎变萌虎。 “过来,你不是一天天往我身上爬吗?跑什么!”当着满堂朝臣的面,将军大人冲白英招招手。 “明明是你不让我往你身上爬的……”白英一边嘟囔,一边乖乖爬将军大腿上坐好。 满堂朝臣面面相觑,这是,被将军大人撒狗粮了。




















内容简介:28号别墅,位于H市城郊的黄金地段。它富丽堂皇、雕栏玉砌,面朝大海、背靠群山。四季风景如画,全年气候适宜。偶有珍禽出没,间或飞鸟游林,实在是千万人理想的居家场所。如果不是房东不小心死在 这儿的话,它是绝对不会这个价位出租的。房东的侄子咧嘴一笑,露出两颗金灿灿大门牙,“小兄弟,我一看你就是社会主义优秀青年,你不会也跟那些人一样,觉得它‘不详’吧?”楚东升狠狠地咽了口唾沫,摸了摸兜儿里嘎嘣响的零钱,一咬牙一跺脚,“成交!”1w0-84777 >>


内容简介:五年前,盛卿卿刚怀孕就被恶毒继妹诬陷杀人,婚姻破碎,惨遭车祸……五年后,她变身多马甲大佬,带着三个天才萌宝,一路来袭。虐渣男渣女,打脸各路妖魔诡怪,步步惊艳世人,毫不手软。霸道前夫讨好 求复合,昔日好感却早就被败光。“陆言喻,早就说过你会后悔。现在想复合,晚了!”陆家大少从此追妻火葬场……作者:大甜甜所写的《深情可曾动卿心》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。推荐地址:1w0-77454 >>


内容简介:  猎取的不仅仅是赝品,还有人心。  这是一个男女主角在知道彼此身份的情况下互飙演技的故事。  聊天群:92411492。1w0-157


内容简介:  许仙,他本想在白素贞到来以后,就立刻远遁万里。可惜,在这个群魔乱舞的世界,他的自身实力就不允许这么做。于是,他选择当一名表面上的低调剑仙。暗地里,他学遁术、练道法、制符箓、研阵法、 广交友。如果能可以,许仙只想使用剑法……【无敌流】【脑补帝】【新群:489474230】1w0-2750 >>


内容简介:墨白满级之后进入狐妖小红娘的世界,成为年幼时雅雅的守护灵,他表示很无奈。“放心去洗吧,我对小屁孩才没兴趣。”看着眼前像防狼一般防着自己的雅雅,墨白很平静的说道。雅雅:“就算我现在还是孩 子,可我还是会长大的啊!”墨白:“”本书关键词:其他类型爽文同人穿越《我是涂山雅雅的守护灵》小说推荐:终于嫁给岑先生、凤回巢、我家王妃会占卜、防弹BTSREsuming、朕的爪子一定要在上面gl快穿、嫡女重生:皇后很嚣张、1980开始做大亨、我,洪荒人道,开局阻止老子立教!、重生七五成长计划、主攻文一对一、跟大佬离婚后穿书、战锤巫师、神官的晋升之路gl、逆天双宝:神医娘亲美又飒、前方高能、绞刑师、金榜题名(科举)、我为你翻山越岭、我可以包养你吗?、晚辞、独有情钟【ABO】、妈咪又又又又跑啦、大隋之大暴君杨广、厉少余生请多关照、重生七零带萌娃、刺青、自从仙尊盯上我后、娱乐超级奶爸、次元幻想群、金主上位记1w0-99777 >>


内容简介:他一心只想过百姓生活,连父母的光都不想沾,他凭着自己的努力成了一名法医。天恩市一桩桩离奇的命案却将他推到了风口浪尖上来,经过千辛万苦,终于揭开谜底,正准备向对方出击的时候,他却发现自己 早已陷入了对方设下的情感网络,他将何去何从,请拭目以待……1w0-87529 >>


内容简介:苏明阳一夜之间重生回到了他当列车员的九十年代,面对汹涌的改革大潮,面对铁路跨越式发展的时代,他积极投身改革洪流,搏击风浪,利用先知先觉的记忆不断修正人生的方向,弥补前世的遗憾,走出一条 全新之路。且看一个小小列车员的职场奋斗升迁之路!1w0-2390 >>


内容简介:  万般皆下品,唯有修仙高。  那年,阿呆五岁,母亲变卖了嫁妆,摆摊卖饼,供他修仙,没想到多年以后,这个青牛村的孩童,竟成了天下第一仙。1w0-3644


内容简介:  直径十公里的陨石撞击蓝星,人类的绝命拦截能否拯救自己的命运?  撞击所掀起的尘埃遮蔽了天空,令世界陷入了将持续上百年暗无天日的极寒长夜。  不见天日的地表因为缺少了阳光的照耀而陷入 了零下几十度的极寒。  在这样的末日之下,只有一个自己挖的避难所与捡到的升级系统,陈新该如何渡过末日的危机,让自己活下来?  人类文明是否能够延续,希望的火种能否照亮这个寒夜为人类带去温暖?  命运已经给出了考题,人类是否能够交出和当年被灭绝的恐龙不一样的答卷?  本书背景设定有参考幽灵校长的千本科幻第58、59期内容,特此声明。  书友群6714881551w0-1771 >>


内容简介:穿成翻车的绿茶Omega海王以后简介:家族少主,天生废魂,在机缘巧合之下,觉醒了太古神秘的战神之魂,从此之后,一路逆袭,邂逅仙姿美女,碾压九界天才,无所不战,无所不胜!1w0-6667 6 >>



Karasuma Kyouko No Jikenbo

2050, Tokyo. The sixteen year old, special gifted police detective Kyouko Karasuma works for a special devision in the Asakusa Police Department. Her rather abnormal cases involve: she's fighting against Oni, Tengu and other monsters from the Asian myths and legends. The modern art by the character designer of Speed Grapher works very good with the action-heavy story line and the overall art improves with each volume. -Bakaupdates

Freezing: First Chronicle

Prequel of Freezing following Chiffon 'The Monster of West Genetics' Fairchild

Haru Yo, Koi (Fujisawa Yui)

One year ago, Kotaro moved to Tokyo to follow his dream of becoming a beautician. A visit from an old school friend, Kii, reminds him of the day he left his hometown.

Crazy For Daddy

From Fushichou: Crazy for Daddy is a collection of unrelated, hard yaoi one-shots by Chi-ran. From light-hearted humor, to angst and a taste of the forbidden, each chapter embraces a wide variety of subjects and emotions, exploring the different sexual relationships between eclectic groups of characters. Some of the stories contain elements of bondage, non-con themes, and incest. 1) Crazy For You: Mizugami is surprised one day when that woman, who was his first and last, suddenly appears after sixteen years and tells him he is a father. Not only that, but his son Yuuri is now his responsibility. Yuuri has always harbored an attraction for his small, cute daddy, and can’t see the man as his father. Can Yuuri help his daddy see beyond the forbidden and accept him as a lover? 2) So, I Know All About It: Mitomo sleeps with other men for money and as a hobby. Toudou is his childhood friend and wants him to stop, nagging constantly about pride and self-respect. He has always loved Mitomo and has never been with another, wanting to give his first kiss and first experience to his childhood friend. Mitomo knows Toudou is a virgin and taunts him until Toudou finally gives into the seduction, making love for the first time with Mitomo. Just when Toudou thinks that things have changed and all is right in the world, he catches Mitomo with another customer. Can Toudou convince Mitomo to give up his whoring ways? 3) Cute Little Devil: Ibuki Kaoru is a normal human who keeps 4 demons as pets. The youngest demon, Dooru, is connected to Ibuki because if he doesn’t drink Ibuki’s blood, he can’t survive. Having Dooru drink his blood while he has sex with the demon, fills Ibuki with indescribable pleasure. But at the climax, Dooru always calls the name of another. It makes Ibuki want to bully him. After one particularly harsh punishment, Dooru slips into a coma. Can Ibuki bring the demon back by revealing his true feelings? 4) The Sun and the North Wind: Soleil, the sun god, loves Nord, the north wind god. But Nord will have nothing to do with him. The moon god Lune, fed up with the depression in which Soleil has fallen, suggests that the sun god try a different strategy to win over Nord. Soleil challenges the north wind god to a contest, where the winner stands to gain it all. Can the sun god win the game and the heart of the north wind god? 5) Heaven: What’s the difference between sinful and non-sinful sexual relationships? Is loving someone a sin, even if that person is of the same sex? If wanting to be with the one you love, wishing to share happiness with the one you love is a sin, then why did God give humans bodies of flesh? These are questions that a beautiful priest can not easily answer when pressured with sweet temptation. Will he lose his faith to the dark haired demon that taunts him? 6) Display House: Takayuki Mukai lives in the corporate dorms directly across from Meguru Esaka’s home. Meguru is a voyeur, watching Takayuki entertain his guests, and slowly developing feelings for the other man. He uses his knowledge to blackmail Takayuki into giving him shows on a regular basis, having sex with random strangers in the window so that Meguru can watch from his room directly next door. Meguru’s goal is to eventually make Takayuki his. In that showroom where Takayuki’s shameful performance unfolds, will he ever realize the love that Meguru has for him?

The Billionaire's Runaway Bride

The Billionaire's Runaway Bride summary: The Billionaire's Runaway Bride summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Billionaire's Runaway Bride. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Biglow Papers

The Biglow Papers summary: The Biglow Papers summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Biglow Papers. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Food Habits of the Thrushes of the United States

Food Habits of the Thrushes of the United States summary: Food Habits of the Thrushes of the United States summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Food Habits of the Thrushes of the United States. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Twentieth Century Socialism

Twentieth Century Socialism summary: Twentieth Century Socialism summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Twentieth Century Socialism. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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