
































内容简介:免费提供作者池翎的经典小说:《收了那个祸害》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说仙门第一祸害沈棠,仗着修为高深,横行修真界多年,终于马失前蹄。遭人暗算,修为尽失, 还被自家门派扫地出门。一代至圣跌落神坛,各门各派摩拳擦掌,趁火打劫,以报昔日冤仇。万剑宗宗主谢景离赫然在列。只是,这报仇的法子怎么和说好的不太一样?沈棠:……谢景离你变了,你过去从不乘人之危的。谢景离:你过去给我机会乘♂了么?沈棠扶着腰,无语凝噎。貌美如花护短炸毛攻(谢景离)x臭不要脸腹黑作死受(沈棠)架空,非典型修1w0-76988 >>


内容简介:聂雍在执行任务身受重伤后被冰封入“复活”计划,等待多年后科技发展了治疗他的伤势。一百多年后,营养仓里的聂雍突然清醒,展现在眼前的,却是一个怪兽横行,变异人、变异兽正在逐渐侵吞人类城市的 世界……1w0-67956 >>


内容简介:钟阳大学毕业后回到矿山,在做宣传干事的时候,结识了地区工会的女干事钱英。他做梦都没有想到出身草根,却能有机会步入官场。他为夏云天平反,并与代县委书记李正达展开一场较量。使他有机会在官场 上施展自己的才华,并为贫困的百山县做了很多有益于百姓的事。然而,仕途并不是一帆风顺的,当胡书记调到省里后,钟阳便被调入南江市水利局,坐上了冷板凳。此后,钟阳又在竞选副市长中胜出,不久便被派往宣河市任市长主政一方。在仕途起伏跌宕中,锻炼了钟阳的政治智慧,考验了他的执政能力,也让他在政治上迅速成熟起来。同时,在官场与爱情的漩涡中,钟阳的人格得到升华。小说精彩纷呈,悬念丛生,环环相扣,具有震撼人心的力量。1w0-73312 >>


内容简介:一剑生,一剑死,大家都忙,用剑说话!惹我不算事,惹我妹要你命,不服开干!从得到最牛逼的剑,最无敌的传承开始,注定这一路上我要牛逼轰轰,直到我的脚踏在神魔的肩上,我的剑斩开云霄,九天任我 行。就这样,我以为在这世间,我是最牛的,等小雨出现,我错了,她可是一统万帝的至高神帝。对了,你们还不知道,小雨是我的妹妹,亲的那种。1w0-26395 >>


内容简介:简介:简介一句话要命!那些年被我针对过的主角受主角攻反派们黑化之后都对我强取豪夺了!【我把你当情敌你却……】知晓未婚夫养了一个小花旦,我不惜雇佣大批水军黑小花旦,还丢出支票侮辱对方企图 让人离开,却不想反被黑化小花旦扣住腰身,自食恶果。–等等!为什么小花旦他是个女装大佬?!【暴君和他的男妃都爱我】望着被纳进宫的新人,身为男后的我被嫉妒冲昏头脑,不停为难对方折磨对方,谁料一朝竟被对方压在榻上动弹不得,任人强取豪夺。1w0-49068 >>




内容简介:罪淫语罪淫语小说阅读其他小说类型小说罪淫语由作家鬼水红颜创作γμsんμщμмcoм()观看瞿东向以为深渊离她很远。其实她一直在深渊之中。魔鬼敞开了怀抱,像是编制谎言和痛苦的网,将她牢牢 束缚。简单剧情介绍:十六个变态连环杀手追逐一个女警之间的情爱游戏。谁陷入情、谁陷入欲;谁付出了感情,谁是那个最后的输家。里面所有男主身份性格都有不同,请勿和正文搞混。番外全部收费的,短篇而已。当然——我也是可以写长的。哈哈小兵提供罪淫语最新章节罪淫语最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w0-109781 >>




内容简介:  【正文已完结~番外中】一屋两人三餐四季小甜饼【1】娱乐圈著名花瓶相宜,被全网黑之后,突然宣布:自个儿要回家种田了。众黑粉:嘻嘻,活该。翌日,星辰APP开始直播相宜的田园生活。咦,顶 尖律师为什么来吃饭了?咦,医学博士为什么来养鸡了?咦,知名设计师为什么来染布了?咦,电竞大神为什么来装秋千了?什么?你是她哥?你也是她哥?你还是她哥??!万众瞩目中,大满贯影帝时绥空降节目现场,众黑粉弱弱在公屏打字:你…你也是她哥哥吗?时影帝从容不迫捏了把相宜小脸蛋,淡定道:我是她老公。众黑粉:笑不出来.jpg【2】惊!影帝时绥换小助理了!还要和对方一起拍种田综艺?!女友粉妈妈粉事业粉捶胸顿足:娇娇弱弱一花瓶,到底谁照顾谁?!肯定是想炒CP的心机女!直播第二天,粉丝们看着素颜绝美的少女,从锅里淡定捞出一盆热气腾腾的麻辣小龙虾,一个个眼泪不争气地从嘴角流了出来,骂骂咧咧点起了外卖。直播第十天,粉丝们边往嘴里塞饭边控诉:能不能炒炒CP别炒菜啦!胖五斤了都!小花瓶求求你和我们哥哥/儿子/崽崽锁死一辈子吧!【//星河滚烫,不如来碗麻辣烫】【//掉马甲+甜宠撩+美食+治愈+日常】1w0-1866 >>




内容简介:不就给你写了封情书吗,竟然找人打我? 行吧,老子看不上你了,老子直接找校花做女朋友! 看着镜子里狼狈的自己,陈冬狠狠一拳砸在了镜子上,双眼猩红:“从今天起,再也没人能骑在你头上!” QQ:453006775 新浪微博:抚琴的人 微信公众号:抚琴的人1w0-1252 >>


内容简介:身怀家族珍宝的唐微一路被仇敌追杀,最后轰轰烈烈与仇人同归于尽……当然,身怀至宝的人都不简单,当时意外吞下的至宝正迅速与身体融合,因此,唐微成功穿越了!一般穿越,都是废柴逆袭,啪啪打脸。 她穿越,好吧,属实有点惨,刚好遇到原主灵根被废,即将魂飞魄散。幸好,她的到来,救了原主一命。倒霉的唐微发现,她穿过来后秦家开始没落了1w0-89993 >>

Katsuai (Dakaretai)

1) Katsuai Dakaretai Misao has only been going out with Tsukasa for a week, but he's a notorious playboy and she's a virgin. She loves him, but she's nervous about sex... 2) Rouge Temptation Chizu is small and boyish looking, and is used to everyone teasing her about it. If only she was a little more sexy, maybe she could get the handsome Miyabi to see her as more than a 'little brother'. But her best friend Ayane wants Chizu to stay the way she is. 3) Last Romance Rei and Misaki have been dating for nearly a year, but their relationship has become strained since Misaki job was transferred to another town. After he breaks a much anticipated date with her, Rei gets drunk and wakes up in bed with strange guy! Should she tell Misaki? Is there relationship doomed? Rei is Miyabi's (Rouge Temptation) older sister, and he pops up as a cute kid here. 4) Second Virgin Futaba gave her first time to the sempai she was in love with, only to find out he was playing with her. When she's saved from drowning by the kind Haruka, she's not sure she wants to live. But spending time with Haruka is helping erase the past hurt. Is he as wonderful as he seems?

Elemental Gelade

'Elemental Gelade: Follow the story of two people that cross paths on a fated day that they meet.' Coud is a young sky pirate, he is an adventurous young man. Maybe it's due to lack of education from living in the sky most of his life he is kinda close to the dumb side. but still he gives it his all when the time come to fight. Ren is a seemly lovable young girl, however she and many others in this world are called Edel Reid, ones whom can give power to that of one other person that would be chose: The Pleage, a pact that binds for life, with beautiful Songs that Awakens they're power. ...................................... At first what seemed like a routine mission, turns out more to be the beginning of a journey, through difficult fights, after fights Ren and Coud grow stronger together. The Journey to Edel Garden the place Ren wants to go no matter what. but being the possessor of a rare stone called the Elemental Gelade, the source of her power, she is pursued by whose who could catch her for selfish reasons and some people that want protect her and all Elde Reids, however it is there is going to be many troubles ahead.

Arthur Pyuty Wa Yoru No Majo

The human race has been infected by a strain of bacteria that was originally isolated in South America but has spread all over the world. The symptoms start with fever and vomit and eventually ends with the person in a coma. However, those who awake from that coma are those with incredible intelligence and they're soon able to see that they are in fact being ruled by higher beings that they thought only existed in fairy tales like demons and witches. Arthur Pyuty was a witch who ruled a kingdom under the guise of a human until the side effects of the bacteria revealed her true nature to humans and they started revolting. In fact, Arthur and her kind, who used to hold high political power in society, are now being hunted down. Arthur and her assistant Ataru, a zombie, must move from place to place in order to avoid humans but also so that they can find a way to make things go back to how it was before.

Atashi No Lion

Emiri is a 23-year-old high school teacher. She makes love once with 18-year-old Shishioh (meaning Lion King) and they decide to get married. Shishioh transfers to the school where Emiri teaches.

Hints for Lovers

Hints for Lovers summary: Hints for Lovers summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Hints for Lovers. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Chapters On Jewish Literature

Chapters On Jewish Literature summary: Chapters On Jewish Literature summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Chapters On Jewish Literature. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Blackbeard: Buccaneer

Blackbeard: Buccaneer summary: Blackbeard: Buccaneer summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Blackbeard: Buccaneer. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Parallel World Pharmacy

Parallel World Pharmacy summary: A young pharmacologist and researcher in j.a.pan died from overworking, and was reincarnated in a Medieval Parallel Europe.
He was reincarnated as a 10 year old apprentice to a famous Royal Court pharmacist, had attained an inhuman skills of ability to see through disease, material creation, and material destruction.
In a society in which dubious medical practice are rampant, price gouging thru the monopoly of the pharmacist guild, and good medicine aren’t available to the commoners.
He was recognized by the Emperor at that time and opened a Pharmacy at the corner of the town.
He will wipe out the fraud that has swept the world, and deliver to the commoners a truly effective medicine that was developed using present day pharmacology.
Thus the boy pharmacist will cheat by using his previous knowledge to create innovative medicines while helping the people of the parallel world, a story about living his new life to the fullest this time.

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