
































内容简介:关于全家回到十七岁陪我考清华:【全家陪读是什么滋味?】【谢邀,正在经历,实不相瞒,我进入了一个奇怪的平行时空,我全家都变成了十七岁陪我一起参加高考,只有我考上清华才能离开这个平行时空, 可我全家都是学渣。】沈星晚敲下这行字的时候,学神徐嘉越给她递上一只可爱多,问:“沈……沈同学,吃可爱多吗?”沈爸爸一巴掌拍向徐嘉越的脑袋:“臭小子,好好学习!”沈爸爸严肃地和沈星晚说:“闺女啊,早恋是不允许的。”沈星晚说:“爸,爷爷奶奶午休时在操1w0-76152 >>


内容简介:别再召唤我啦!是不是浪迹创作的经典的小说作品别再召唤我啦!小兵提供别再召唤我啦!最新章节全文免费阅读,别再召唤我啦!下载,别再召唤我啦!全文字更新,别再召唤我啦!无弹窗!请关注别再召唤 我啦!吧,本站最新最快更新别再召唤我啦!的最新章节。1w0-80644 >>


内容简介:【虽然开了这个坑,但按照惯例,正式开始连载还要过几天嗷】快穿任务结束后,宋熹回到原世界,发现这个时候的自己还是个虐文女主角,正在流产挖肾前期,还被全网黑,人们大骂她假千金鸠占鹊巢,还纠 缠别人的未婚夫。然而事实上她是抱错的这件事宁家早就知道,却故意不说,将她养在身边作为他们儿子的移动骨髓和器官库,同时偷偷接济亲生女儿。真千金却以为自己被鸠占鹊巢,回家后对她展开十级报复,宁家和男主冷眼旁观。如今的宋熹:???qnmd,再见,老子不陪你们玩了。打开自己的行囊,里面装的全是各个世界的世界碎片。先拿出一个下方满是石油,上方数座金矿的岛屿。岛上的国民发现女王踪迹,当天就和政府联络,派出军队和政要前来迎接女王。鸠占鹊巢的假千金竟是神秘隐世王国流落在外的公主殿下,回国后马上要登基骂得正嗨的网友们:???宁家和男主:???真千金粉丝勉力挽尊,区区屁大点国家,肯定没钱,迟早被其他列强欺负成为他国附庸。宋熹看着自己的行囊,又从里面拖出几座岛屿,美食岛、恐怖冒险岛、奇幻魔幻岛,还有她最爱的侏罗纪岛。准备给这个世界打造一个不可思议的乐园。神奇的魔法世界、超乎想象的未来科技、不可思议的野生蛋炒饭,还有本已经消各位书友要是觉得《我要开侏罗纪公园》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-64915 >>


内容简介:刚办完退休手续的姜斌,情绪有些低落,人生还没有来得及享受,却已经结束。一辈子的恩怨交织,爱恨情仇,好像也没有了意义。老天似乎也感受了这些不甘,一觉醒来,姜斌回到了17岁那年……1w0- 128498 >>


内容简介:  (专宠双洁+暴力型小哭包女主)  奉城宋家有对姐妹花,前者福运加身,容色双绝。后者空有美貌,是个整天喜欢哭哭啼啼的丧门星。  宋窈窈醒来发现她穿进了那本跟她同名同姓的小说里,不幸的 是,她是女配。  女主人美心善,父母宠爱,听说她还要自己的未婚夫?  宋窈窈表示:拿去拿去通通拿去!  你说你福运加身,才貌双全?宋窈窈微笑,那你怕是没有听说过什么叫做锦鲤本鲤,技能满点吧?  后来,当女主得意自己追求者众多时,宋窈窈已经是各国大佬的座上宾。当女主成为娱乐圈当红小花通告无数时,宋窈窈不知不觉混成了知名导演……  宋窈窈对此无奈:我真的只是随便玩玩!  哪曾想原著男主也跑来凑热闹,深情告白:“窈窈,蓦然回首,原来我最爱的还是你!”  宋窈窈:“老公你听我解释!我对他真的没有想法!”1w0-959 >>






内容简介:最低阶的纳元功?贴上修炼加速词条,贴上增加身体素质词条,洗炼到最高红色品质!……恭喜获得顶阶《风雷锻元经》。没有攻杀性的法诀?掏出《微风术》更换威力减弱词条为威力加成100更换速度减弱 词条为速度加成100……恭喜获得顶阶《巽风诀》……命(zuo)运(zhe)给周吉开了个玩笑,让他带着一个名为功法编辑器的系统重生在修真世界。旧笔趣阁命(zuo)运(zhe)觉得还不够,于是给周吉安排了一个盲眼的女儿。命(zuo)运zhe说,嗯,这下靠谱了。于是让星际探索队发现了百光年外的银河系。于是,为了完成自己的小破球回归修真宇宙计划版,原本咸鱼的周吉带着闺女踏上了奋斗修炼之路……各位书友要是觉得《我给功法贴词条》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-69706 >>


内容简介:  愿提掌中剑,斩却心头恨。  这是一个穿梭各个经典武侠故事中的故事……1w0-824


内容简介:【【红袖读书——首届“全球征文大赛”】参赛作品】苏糖以为完成任务,就能美滋滋的回家养老,结果被系统告知,积分冻结,世界崩坏,男主全都黑化了!为求生存,她只能回到那个男主最黑化的时间段, 任劳任怨的挽回男主。奈何,当初造孽太深,如今只能哭着被虐。暴君:不乖的小东西,是要被锁起来的。霸总:真他娘可爱,想日。元帅:娇软无助小向导?呵,不存在的。……对此,苏糖只想说:我劝男主善良。各位书友要是觉得《快穿:救命,男主全都崩坏了!》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w15327-60029 >>


内容简介:强强宫廷侯爵天之骄子重生主角:黎瑾,昭和帝(赢渊)┃配角:┃其它:世子醒悟,用现代知识改变世界:前世,从现代重生成定北王世子的黎瑾在恩人与未婚妻背叛下惨死。再次重生后的他变得难以琢磨, 温润如玉的微笑背后,是如沐春风?还是危险将至?世子醒悟,用现代知识改变世界1、架空,主剧情,请勿考究。世界观男、女、双儿三种性别1w0-94349 >>


内容简介:  血和汗交织出男人专属的味道,肉盾与肉盾的碰撞摩擦出火花般炫彩夺目的激情!  男人就应该用这样来交流!  动物系·牛牛果实·幻兽种·牛魔王形态。  海贼王世界的恶魔果实,在火影世界变 成了一个头长牛角的怪物。  当肉到一定程度的时候,没有什么敌人是累不死的。  ……  气喘吁吁的六道斑:“我宇智波斑愿称你为最肉!”  书群:857504023  1w0-932 >>

Your Highness, Enchanted By Me!

Your Highness Enchanted By Me at I time travelled. I died on the first day. What the heck, system? !Sorry, host! Let's start one more time!Lian Qi, an ordinary high school student, time travelled to be Princess Yunying with a useless system. Her mission is to help the forth prince, Prince XuanYu, ascend the crown and make him fall in love with herself.Easy?! But Prince Xuanyu mistakes me for the assassin he met beforeDon't worry! You are the assassin!Fine What?!!!Ti Z N Ho Tin, , Tai Zi Ni Hao Tian

Please No Cure For Me

Kayan is a villain. His task is to be a whetstone for the male lead, to make him a suitable male lead. However, the male leads he met were all defects. They all lacked motivation. Even when they had him under their feet, they were indifferent. So Kayan changed his strategy. He worked hard to bond with the male lead, and after gaining their trust and affection, he suddenly turned hostile and betrayed them, stabbed him in the back, framed them, etc. Everything that villains do, he did to the male lead. Sure enough, the male lead became monstrously powerful and very qualified to be the male lead. Kayan is very satisfied, and none of the male leads can take revenge against him, and once he completes his villain's task, he can go to the next world. Until... After Kayan completed all his tasks, the system told him: Kayan was silent: System:

Darenimo Ai Sarenai

From Attractive Fascinante: Kusaka is an owner of a used-book store and is oblivious to the people around him. Iijima, on the other hand, is a hotheaded sales person. They were classmates during college and had some argument before, yet they became lovers now. When two total opposites personalities clash, the spark of love starts to disperse too…

Tropical Citron

[From Omanga]: A coming-of-age story from Jiro Matsumoto (the author of Freesia) about a young, aspiring photographer named Soma. He's going nowhere, stuck in a mire of sex and drugs, until a horrible end to a one night stand sets him on a path that changes his life forever. WARNING: Mature content. Do not be surprised if you come across disturbing imagery.

Sekai ga Death Game ni Natta no de Tanoshii desu

Sekai ga Death Game ni Natta no de Tanoshii desu summary: The game is at fault!
And that’s what adults says, those who started the questionnaire.
『Can you revive a dead person?』
That type of questionnaire.
30% of primary school students answered with an affirmative.
When adults received that type of results they banned games.
Saying that, thanks to the games, the values of the children against life have been turned.
And it’s true, excluding the exception; the majority of these games have a rule where the dead can be resuscitated.
I think that just because the outcome of that questionnaire, banning all games is, a little, overbearing.
Actually, ambiguity of death is because the medical science is overdue and the geographical factor such as the cold.
Or because the globe fish poison and the others that the person who died resuscitated, and that had become the reality.
And that’s maybe why, the people who saw people resurrecting, created monsters, demons such as zombies and vampires.
But, still…
Compared with reality, the death on a game is always near one self and is a simple thing so there is no doubt about it.
A little girl had bitten a boy’s shoulder.
From both legs and right arm of the girl, a large amount of blood had been ejected.
A fatal wound.
No, she is already dead.
Although she is dead, she keeps moving.
A moving corpse is.
The girl who was biting the boy’s shoulder, after swallowing the meat, talked.
「…Don’t… …g……ooo…」
Circular drips were falling from her eyes, falling in large quant.i.ties.
The boy, who was bitten on the shoulder, saying nothing, embraced the girl.
Again, the girl sank her teeth on the boy’s shoulder.
He thought, what I’m going to do?
He thought, whether he should revive this girl or not.
Because, if he had one million yen, he could revive this girl.
Because, the world has now turned into a game.
A person’s life is worth a million yen.
In this world that had turned into a game, that’s what is worth a life.
The price is high or cheap?
In the end, although the world had turned into a game, perhaps, the value of a life has not changed.

Island – End of Nightmare

Island – End of Nightmare summary: When legends becomes nightmares,
will humankind gain control over the earth,
or will they become an endangered species…?
The immortal world has combined with the mortal world, sending all sorts of mythical creatures. Humans will no longer be the master of the Earth, but an endangered species…
Do ghosts come out on such a brilliant day?
This teenager who had come onto the island to work, felt the Frog G.o.d Rock shake, before he heard a voice in his head.
The teenager must make a choice—— “More or less time?”
This ordinary teenager didn’t know his world was about to be changed forever. Later, he’d realise that there were students around the serene school grounds carrying weapons that eliminated “unknown” things and that more monsters were appearing around him everyday. No defense, nowhere to hide.
Had he messed with something he shouldn’t have?
Everything began on that sunny summer day, with the decision of a teenager that forced the future into a different direction…

Somebody Love Me (Journeys)

Somebody Love Me (Journeys) summary: Somebody Love Me (Journeys) summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Somebody Love Me (Journeys). If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Hardy Boys - Cult Of Crime

Hardy Boys - Cult Of Crime summary: Hardy Boys - Cult Of Crime summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Hardy Boys - Cult Of Crime. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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