








类别都市 恋爱 霸总






简介我穿越到小说里,变成了连名字都不太记得的小配角。但好歹是个贵族,在小说结局前就尽情享受幸福的生活吧!然而事与愿违,才穿越第二天,我就睡了小说里占有欲最强的男主角! “既然男女共度了初夜,当然就要对彼此负责吧?”


















内容简介:  武朝末年,岁月峥嵘,天下纷乱,金辽相抗,局势动荡,百年屈辱,终于望见结束的第一缕曙光,天祚帝、完颜阿骨打、吴乞买,成吉思汗铁木真、札木合、赤老温、木华黎、博尔忽、博尔术、秦桧、岳飞 、李纲、种师道、唐恪、吴敏、耿南仲、张邦昌,忠臣与奸臣的较量,英雄与枭雄的博弈,胡虏南下,百万铁骑叩雁门,江山沦陷,生灵涂炭,一个国家与民族百年的屈辱与抗争,先行者的哭泣、呐喊与悲怆……  而在这之前一点点,江宁城中,暗流涌动,一个商贾家毫不起眼的小小赘婿,正在很没责任感地过着他那只想吃东西、看表演的悠闲人生……1w0-382 >>


内容简介:一场旅游出行计划,一场意外的车祸,让他重生于一个平行世界,成为了年刚三十的老师身上。他上有老父母,下有萌儿女,却要面对职场苟且,老婆离婚,房贷等重重压力,重生一世,如此开局,会有怎样的 精彩?男人并非天生坚强,可即便在软弱的男人,也会在泪水之后,挺起胸膛,撑起一个家。……这是一个带着六份记忆重生平行世界活出八人宽度的故事!【本故事发生在平行世界,如有雷同纯属托梦般巧合!】1w0-79683 >>






内容简介:诸天万界,破壁而来。一切的开端,都要从古歌在浴室捡香皂说起。“咚!”水花四溅之中,正弯腰撅臀捡香皂的古歌,一个踉跄没能站稳,狠狠地以头抢地。“叮咚,受到撞击伤害,获得lv1被动技能皮糙 肉厚。”妈耶,自己这是被撞出脑震荡,产生幻觉了嘛?泡碗刘师傅红烧牛肉面,压压惊!“叮咚,获取技能素材成功,获得lv1被动技能蛮牛之力,lv1主动技能聚水术。”…………“叮,注视敌方弱点10秒以上,获得lv1被动技能弱点洞察。”咳咳,妹子有对人间凶器,这也是弱点嘛?也许……太大导致不平衡?这是一个不知不觉就无敌,镇压万界的故事,快乐就完事了!(已过内签,改签约后每天2更,推荐期间三更爆发,要投资的小哥,走过路过不要错过哦)1w0-106343 >>


内容简介:陈浩重生,回到1993年。这一年,他十八岁,即将参加高考。一场灾难也将降临在他和父母身上。在这个遍地黄金的年代,他何去何从?各位书友要是觉得巅峰的神最新小说作品《回到1993,财源滚滚 来》还不错的话可以通过下面网址复制分享给您的朋友哦!无弹窗阅读地址收藏:1w0-104933 >>


内容简介:文案一:姜叶为了演戏什么都干过,别人演个尸体,她到处演老男人、农民工……有句话说的好,走别人的路让别人无路可走。姜叶身行力践,以女演员身份一举拿下最佳男配奖。颁奖过后记者问她感想,姜叶 淡淡一笑:承让。文案二:十九线演员姜叶,手滑点赞歌神钟迟津黑粉的微博。钟粉全网出动:他们倒要瞧瞧这个说哥哥演技不好的人有多厉害。只是骂着骂着,钟粉突然发现……有点上头。这个女人演技该死的好,演什么像什么。就在钟粉犹豫选择维护哥哥的荣誉还是粉上这个女人时,他们哥哥发博替他们做出了选择。钟迟津:谢谢大家,我们领证了姜叶1w0-79992 >>


内容简介:绝世萌宝天才娘亲帅炸了简介:主角:叶楚月夜墨寒叶楚月意外来到异世,无奈只能女扮男装穿梭在大陆上。谁也没有想到她因为怀孕,被揭开了女人的身份。她发誓要找到罪魁祸首,一定要好好教训那个登徒 浪子。叶楚月嗓音颇为沙哑,一面说,一面往前走,侍卫们的宝剑跟着她往前动。叶楚月顿足停下,抬起的手抓住了迎亲队伍中的皇家旗帜,轻轻一扯,撕了下来。轩辕宸目不转睛地看着叶楚月,和周围的百姓一样,不知道叶楚月要做什么。只见叶楚月染血的指腹,在雪白的旗帜上写下寥寥数语。小兵提供绝世萌宝天才娘亲帅炸了最新章节,绝世萌宝天才娘亲帅炸了全文免费阅读,绝世萌宝天才娘亲帅炸了无弹窗广告清爽在线阅读体验!1w17996-74211 >>


内容简介:温桃蹊想好好活着,想叫温家所有的人都好好活着。她以为重生一世便能无欲则刚,直到遇上陆家那个总爱眯着眼笑着看她的男人——她想通了,无欲无欢,不如嫁与春色一抹,换得现世安稳。1w31934 -75912 >>


内容简介:  身怀至尊天子之血,开启最强天子之眼!  武技复制!嗜血狂暴!看破虚幻!记忆读取!焚世黑炎!分身瞬移!空间粉碎!无限视界!时间静止!……  【混沌天帝】凌峰:“我凭这双眼,敢叫天地颤 栗!”1w0-855 >>




内容简介:  西北边镇的年轻人,明末的风云变幻,刀弓火器和行商贸易,家国的恩怨情仇,都从戈壁滩上的一次冒险开始......1w0-887

Divine Realm Online

Welcome to Divine Realm Online, where victory means everything. Schemes, battles, betrayals, sacrifices, this is not just a game; the price you have to pay is nowhere near what you can possibly imagine…

Holy Hearts!

From SCX-Scans: Kyuno, who's aiming to become a Sister, just became a Sister-in-training, and started her dormitory life with Ginger and Alicia, aiming to be the same, however...

Ueto Aya Monogatari

This series redraws the period of the life of the actress/singer/idol Aya Ueto up to the point when the movie Azumi is realized.

Fu Junai

From Alice Dreams : When Onosaka Kumiko returns home from grocery shopping, she finds a stranger waiting for her, in front of her house. The stranger, Shinohara Yuki, is an old collegue of her who quit working because of an illness - which cannot be cured. So, Shinohara wanted to tell her his feelings before he dies. Together, they start to live in Kumiko's house while living with the thought that Shinohara will die soon... From Baka-Updates: Contains 6 short stories: 1. Fu Jun Ai: One day, Onosaka Kumiko returns home from grocery shopping and finds a stranger waiting for her in front of her house. The stranger turns out to be Shinohara Yuki, an old crush and work colleague of Kumiko's who quit 3 years earlier because of an incurable illness, and all he wants is to confess to Kumiko before he dies. Knowing that he'll die soon, Kumiko takes pity on Shinohara, invites him to live with her, and soon becomes his lover. But are her feelings really only pity? And is there something Shinohara's hiding too...? 2. A sin to love you: Yuu is the top hostess at an escort club for a reason: she loves getting her guy—but she loves being in control even more! So when shy and conservative Mochizuki becomes her newest client, his reserved behavior perplexes her. Every night she pulls out her best feminine wiles, so why isn't he falling for her already? In desperation, she drags the hapless 'Shin-kun' to a love hotel, where she discovers a very interesting secret about him. Could it be that the tables have turned and now Yuu is the one in danger of falling for Shin-kun? And is that the only secret of the man of her dreams? 3. Can't live without you: A follow-up to 'A sin to love you'. 4. The Deceitful Fingers When homeroom teacher Miyagi's assistant goes on maternity leave, her replacement is the handsome Kiritani Riku. For Miyagi, it's attraction at first sight, but Kiritani seems stuck on an unrequited love—a former teacher of his and the reason why he came a teacher himself. Crushed, Miyagi gets drunk at a welcome party for Kiritani and passes out in front of everyone, but she wakes up to a most unexpected companion...and an even more unexpected proposition! 5. Can I love you dearly? Nishizawa's supervisor Nagase is a devil! His handsome facade can't hide his critical and exacting management style. Then she discover's his secret- he's a fanatical pet owner that loves his cat. The softer side of Nagase is proving devastating to Nishizawa's vision of her boss! 6. How Shinohara-san spends his weekend (bonus story)


Paranoia! summary: WARNING: Incest | Adult themes | And other stuff...He felt it. The way helplessness kicked in and showed him the sweet but suffocating cage he was locked in. He just wanted to break free and feel the thrill of being alive. Having been granted that wish, he 'll find himself amidst the conflicts of creatures lurking in the shadows and super-powered humans that prefer basking in the daylight among...

The Day of the Boomer Dukes

The Day of the Boomer Dukes summary: The Day of the Boomer Dukes summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Day of the Boomer Dukes. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Martial God Asura

Martial God Asura summary: Martial G.o.d Asura is an online novel published on Novel Online Full. The story is a mixture of ten different genres such as action, adventure, fantasy, romance, and martial arts among others. There are many interesting events in this book, and it can be suitable for readers of different tastes, thanks to this useful genre combination. Martial G.o.d Asura is a popular novel considering some counterparts. It has received thousands of mostly positive votes, comments, and reviews. That’s why the rating is also very high if not completely excellent. This story is suitable for readers who prefer long novels because it contains over 3400 chapters. That means you have a lot of content to read, and the new updates are about to come as well. So the readers have an opportunity to read this book in the long time frame.
Chu Feng is the main character in this story, and he belongs to the Chu Family. They are located in the Azure Province, which is a part of the Continent of Nine Provinces. Chu was, however, adopted as a little kid, and that’s why he was not really accepted as a full-fledged member of the family. This opens a s.p.a.ce for other family members to hara.s.s and a.s.sault him regularly. Only several members treat him decently, while others do not do that. He is, for example, kindly treated by his adoptive brother named Chu Guyu and his adoptive cousin Chu Yue.
Chu Feng started studying in the Azure Dragon School at age 10. And that’s the moment when many of his adventures begin. He starts to travel in different parts of the world, meet different cultures, and discover various secrets.
However, this path is not going to be easy for him. It just seems like a great opportunity at the start, however, many problems are about to arise so he will face different problems and dangers. Some of these might even lead to his own personal tragedy as well as to endless struggling and fighting.

On the other hand, Chu is a strong man, and that’s obvious from the start. You just have to look at him and his body figure explains everything. He is almost two meters tall and has a long black hair. He is often equipped with sword and other pieces of armor His enemies do not have an easy task when they try to compete against him, so the readers have an opportunity to enjoy an exciting adventure while reading this Martial G.o.d Asura.
Also, Chu has an opportunity to advance in ranks during his traveling and fighting. He already achieved a serious success, so there is no reason to stop now. And this is an ongoing story with new updates ready to come soon.
The entire book should be available to members of The Light Novel, so you should go there if you want to read the story. Of course, you will need to access your account in order to get the content. If you do not have one, you can easily register on the website just by writing a a few basic personal details about yourself. The membership is free, and that’s a real opportunity for many people.

Comeback Of The Abandoned Wife

Comeback Of The Abandoned Wife summary: After Wu Ruo dies, he is reborn in those dark days when he was the most useless and the fattest that he hated the most.And in his new life, he not only has been married with a man, but also is a useless waste who can 't cultivate. He needs other 's support when he gets up, and would pant taking a few more steps, and even would get his b.u.t.t stuck by the door when he tries to get out through it. You...

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