
































内容简介:宿敌影后成了我家猫顶流花旦络姝晨与新晋影后梅瑾仪是业界公认的模范情侣,恩爱甜蜜,cp粉头顶青天。只有络姝晨和梅瑾仪本人才知道,她们有多么反感被迫捆绑营业。络姝晨笑容淡漠:跟您伪装1w0 -75173 >>




内容简介:说盛唐逆子李恪传的男女主是李恪李世民,由老刑精心写作而成,扣人心弦,值得一看。“陛下,您在看什么?这般入神?”长孙皇后端着一杯参茶走了过来,虽说李二拥有三宫后院,可他最喜欢的还是这个观 音婢。1w12546-66546 >>


内容简介:和编辑商量了一下,打算于号入V,届时会有三更掉落,爱我请不要抛弃我QAQ穿成个已婚妇女,渣男心有白月光,正准备和离时,简娣一睁眼,发现自己又变成个男的?还是个政府没编制的公务员,一个叫 卢仲夏的翰林院庶吉士。感觉到自己少了点什么引以为傲的东西,多了点什么可怕东西后。简娣:保持微笑jpg更可怕的是,她和人家原主卢小哥一体双魂。为了确保自个租住的壳子有个远大光明的未来。简娣决定顶着卢仲夏的马甲,和卢小哥一起,一心践行社会主义核心价值观,高举大庆朝特色社会主义伟大旗帜,做个两袖清风,勤政爱民的狗,阿不,好官。大庆朝张首辅:呵呵谢状元郎:呵呵都察院杠精御史们:呵呵卢仲夏:呵……不对!我不是狗官QAQ简娣:我狗。——预收接档文:(快穿)追妻男主向快穿,1v1,HE在宋安宁死后,顾饮真才发现自己有多爱她。好在,他还来得及挽救。注:攻略对象皆为女主残魂,每一抹残魂都是女主不同性格的放大。暂定:怂包小宫女X青涩少年帝王妖媚妾室X教书先生清冷真君X坚韧徒弟演技帝反派江湖前辈X仗义任侠武林少侠先女追男,后男追女。甜虐交加,HE,酸酸甜甜!绝对好看!相信我!请收藏我!爱你们!推文时间:旧文:《男主他人老》丧心病狂嫖老人家基友文:请你改邪归我快穿作者:七日怪歌冰山腼腆温和男主X小狼狗花式爱撩女主2333如果您喜欢狗官修炼手册,别忘记分享给朋友作者:黍宁所写的《狗官修炼手册》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-95877 >>


内容简介:  选秀那年,她才十三岁,出身寒微,瘦瘦弱弱,跪在一群秀女中毫不起眼,所有人都嘲笑她穷酸鬼,不自量力,可谁能想到,她居然稀里糊涂入被太后选进来凑数。入宫之后,她成了最末流的九品采女,吃 最差的饭菜,穿最简单的衣裳,住最偏远的宫殿。所有人都说她一辈子都见不到皇上,可偏偏,她头一天就被翻了牌。第一回侍寝,她紧张又害怕,把嬷嬷教的全都忘完了,还因为偷吃点心被皇上抓了个正着。这次连她自己都觉得死定了,可偏偏皇上没生气,还让人给她做了许多好吃的送回去。后宫众人:“……”自此,叶思娴过上了谨小慎微、战战兢兢的深宫奋斗生活。明枪也得躲,暗箭也得防,君宠也得争,娃儿也得生……有时候叶思娴也会想,作为一个七品芝麻官的女儿,又这么笨,进宫给皇上当妃子,究竟是幸运,还是不幸?1w0-3443 >>


内容简介:  生前420级的骑士死后重入《天域》游戏世界的开端,却发现自己变成一只蝴蝶幼虫。但是凭借着他一颗坚持的心与昆虫幼虫的天赋【进化】,他不停的向前,逐渐走出了食物链的最底端。【红外感知】 、【昆虫直觉】、……、【超声波定位】让他在战斗之前便已把握先机。【甲壳武装】、【断肢再生】、……、【超细胞活化】不仅让他防御超高,还让他成了打不死的小强。【喷射丝线】、【毒液操控】、……、【迷彩伪装】让他成为了出色的猎手。不仅如此,蝶化法师形态、重装铠甲形态、……、刀锋战士形态,能够变化为各个形态的他成功的转职成为游戏中的各个职业,学习各种职业的技能。这是一只虫子在《天域》的神话……1w0-1936 >>


内容简介:偶像,我来了!无弹窗最新章节由网友提供,《偶像,我来了!》情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的都市言情小说,小兵免费提供偶像,我来了!最新清爽干净的文字章节在线阅读。1w0- 107375 >>




内容简介:【鬼鬼新书《只有我知道的世界》已经上传,敬请支持,楼下直通车可进】妖精:一种小型低智商人型生物,可以出产珍贵的星晶,本文中人类很普遍的饲养这种外表美丽可爱的小型生物。生体战甲武装:本文 中,以生体科技路线发展的人类所使用的重要基本装备,集合便携生体光脑,全面型生体防护服,交通工具,强化生体辅助装备等多种1w0-30503 >>


内容简介:明朝末年,归鸿门杀手李愚为救中毒的舵主,闯入药师谷,被困药师洞,几百年后才被一支考古队救出。李愚来到渝海市,开始了新的生活。现代都市的繁华和富庶让他感到沉醉,他很快就爱上了这个没有杀戮 、没有饥寒的盛世。然而,在都市的平静之下,暗流正在涌动,李愚与城市中另外一些沉默的人们一起,砺剑不已,担当起了保卫和平的重任。各位书友要是觉得《砺剑繁华》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-78004 >>


内容简介:玉帝混沌仙宫又有新东西要拍卖了太白金星陛下,天庭真的没有底蕴了啊!如来上!给本座上!今天就算是把大雄宝殿拆了炼宝,本座也一定要将那定光竹拍下来!冥河老祖以后我打死都不会再去那混沌仙宫了 !道祖鸿钧尊上,您就放过我吧!众仙尊上,我们真的一分钱也没有了啊!江凡鸿蒙紫气要不要?……1w0-99821 >>



Crimsons: Akai Koukaishatachi

From MangaHelpers: Shintaro and his school of salmon have been living in a small lake for generations. Tired of being muscled out of food by the bigger fish, they decide to make a bold move and head for the “ocean” that they’ve heard about in stories where it is vastly large and food is beyond plentiful. As Shintaro leads his school of salmon out into the sea, they soon realize how protected they were in the lake and realize how dangerous it is.

Romantic Beauty

Collection of 5 stories 1. Romantic Beauty - Yuka, who during the Junior High graduation got rejected by Takigawa-kun from that day on goes on a diet, loses 20 kilos, and transforms into a beautiful butterfly. This is because she wants to meet up with Takigawa-kun again, confess her love a second time, and have her first time with him! The completely transformed Yuka goes back to her old home town for a school reunion but the person who calls out to her is...?! [from Tenshi-Tachi] 2. The Queen And Her Slave - Ai is a university student and also a virgin, but when she's drunk she forgets everything. One morning, she awakens only to find herself naked and next to a handsome high school student. He fell in love with her and offers to become her slave. 3. Pure Love, Forbiden Love - Ryo nii-san is Kazuko's cousin and her first love. After ten long years, she transferred into Ryo's school where he is the student council's president. She's looking forward to seeing her kind, gentle cousin, only to find that he's not as pure as she thought he would be. 4. The Days Where I Yearn For Love - Mochida is a shy high school girl who can't seem to speak up about her opinions, especially in front of Aoyama. But now he sits next to her - the worst thing ever, because now she's more nervous than ever. Aoyama befriends her, noticing her shyness and manages to make her open up to him. Although Aoyama is now friends with her, Mochida doesn't expect anything out of their friendship, but does Aoyama want something from Mochida? 5. The Warmth Of Your Fingertips - Hanashima Yuna is often molested on the train to school, but she is afraid to speak up. One morning, Yuasa Kouichi saves her and protects her throughout the entire ride. She's confused at his kindness, especially when he hovers over her protectively on the train ride home. Why is he protecting her?

Tie Breaker

Coming from a prestigious middle school known for its sports, Ibuki Shin was one of the best pitchers in her softball club. Whereas, Kinomoto Yutsuki, from a regular school, was thought to possess outstanding talent as a hitter. The two stars are now enrolled in the same high school, but Shin decided to stop playing softball due to her hidden feelings for Yuki, while Yuki, oblivious to Shin's feelings, will not join the softball club without her. Each side recognizes the other's ability for the sport and wishes for their continuation. In hopes of persuading Shin into playing again, Yuki proposed a match between them, with the loser granting the winner's wish afterwards.

Buraiden Gai

One incredibly tough kid tries to clear his name. He’s no murderer, and he’ll do whatever it takes to prove it… From Baka-Updates: The story revolves around Kudo Gai, a mischievous 13 year old all alone in the world. He despises his classmates who live by their free will, although supported by parents, but taking it for granted. Gai soon finds out he is contradicting himself for he is being raised at an orphanage as well,and makes an attempt for independence. His actions lands him in trouble, where he is framed for murder and sent to a place in an unknown location called the 'human institute'.

Gentle Measures in the Management and Training of the Young

Gentle Measures in the Management and Training of the Young summary: Gentle Measures in the Management and Training of the Young summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Gentle Measures in the Management and Training of the Young. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

I’ve Became Able to Do Anything with My Growth Cheat, but I Can’t Seem to Get out of Being Jobless

I’ve Became Able to Do Anything with My Growth Cheat, but I Can’t Seem to Get out of Being Jobless summary: I, Ichinosuke, failed to get a job for 100 consecutive times. Furthermore, my record is still being updated as unemployed.
On my way to a job interview, I was involved in an accident with a truck and tragically pa.s.sed away.
And then, a G.o.ddess bestowed upon me the ability to grow at a speed 400 times faster than normal, before sending me to a game-like otherworld.
However, knowing that I would not become stronger even if I continued growing while jobless, I aimed to get a job, but I found out that it was my terrible fate to remain jobless.
As my Growth Cheat and Jobless Cheat existed side-by-side in this otherworld, an adventure record, no doubt certified by the job-placement agency as a harmful book, begins here.

She Buildeth Her House

She Buildeth Her House summary: She Buildeth Her House summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of She Buildeth Her House. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Victorian Literature

Victorian Literature summary: Victorian Literature summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Victorian Literature. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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