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内容简介:女A生存手册女A生存手册小说阅读都市言情类型小说女A生存手册由作家蛛于创作严琼玉是3S等级的Omega,他的母亲被称为荆棘帝国史上最凶残冷血的罪犯O,他是母亲为了逃避死刑而生下的父不详 孩子。从小被帝国Omega学院严格培养长大的严琼玉,是最受欢迎的标准Omega,他长相清雅,性格柔顺,宜室宜家。然而,温顺只是伪装,他继承了母亲的聪慧与凶狠,从内心深处认为Alpha都是自大的蠢货,可以轻易被他利用。——王鸾是大贵族王家这一代唯一的Alpha,可惜等级不高被父亲厌弃,她的小兵提供女A生存手册最新章节女A生存手册最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w0-26753 >>


内容简介:【已开接档文】(娱乐圈)系统罩我去战斗欢迎收藏【文案简介】虐妻一时爽,一直虐一直爽?抱歉,被虐的女主角们全都罢工了!孟琪被沙雕系统选中,系统让她去当坑文里的女主角,续写完坑文故事。好吧 ,看在女主角“肤白貌美大长腿,丰胸纤腰吃不胖”的份上,她就勉为其难的当当女主角吧。不对……等等!!!怎么全是虐妻文?!什么抽筋取髓、什么风流无度、什么冷酷无情……男主角一个二个都是渣!说好的“甜甜甜宠宠宠”呢?对不起,姐要手动换个男主角。【阅读指南】1女主呢,反应慢三拍,心大乐天派,不要嫌弃她2作者心灵脆弱QAQ,读者小可爱们如果不喜欢就直接点叉吧,不用提醒我啦……3每晚九点更新哟本文又名:干掉那些男主角故事1:沙雕龙女KO冷面仙君已完结故事2:魔教妖女KO武林盟主已完结故事3:俏军医KO风流将军已完结故事4:娇娇女KO无情皇子已完结【接档文】(娱乐圈)系统罩我去战斗十八线小明星温奕婷在被经纪人拉去陪资方吃饭的时候,一时没能压住自己的火爆脾气,狠狠抽了对她上下其手的投资人两耳光。第二天温奕婷的黑料满天飞,然后她就被雪藏了。解约后穷得身上只剩两毛五,连碗泡面都吃不起的温奕婷,突然听到“恭喜宿主,系统绑定成功”的声音。从此之后系统罩她去战斗,开启了从十八线小透明网红当红小花影后的打脸之路。本文金手指很粗,不喜勿入【最后】希望各位小天使走过路过点个收藏喽文收、作收都点点嘛1w0-80397 >>






内容简介:卫校毕业的张凡,被人构陷,走投无路之际,偶得上古医书,兼具神识怪瞳,更有一只小妙手能削铁如泥、修复肌理……谁能热血护花、冷眼杀敌?谁能治愈妇科杂症、疗遍世间顽疾?且看我农家小神医!1w 0-3297 >>


内容简介:一代兵王,为替兄弟复仇越境入狱,五年后回归都市……大哥做了上门女婿,被连连欺辱!自己因为入狱的身份,被所有人鄙夷!却不想……自己的亲生父母竟然是赫赫有名的京都豪门太子……1w9182- 106488 >>






内容简介:关于徒弟每天都在黑化:堂堂女总裁穿越成了书里的黑化大佬的……师傅?还是死相最惨的那个?不行!改变他,从日常教徒开始!某离表示:师父,我的愿望是改变一下现在关系。emmm,确实徒弟比师父 年龄大,比师父厉害,比师父聪明……天歌一脸忧愁,望了望天,眉头紧锁,做出了一项决定,“那……从此你当师父?”……某离表示不想说话。1w0-78732 >>


内容简介:他是被京城大家族无情抛弃的私生子,他是所有人眼中公认的窝囊废,他是清水一中永远倒数第一的学生,他作者:步征所写的《纨绔仙医》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。推荐地址:1w5 14-40409 >>


内容简介:穿越秦朝,刚开启孤儿模式的夏平,就被失踪多年的老爹找上门认亲。夏平:“老爹,大秦打百越要输啊!”“老爹,那徐福就是个骗子,政哥被骗的老惨了!”“老爹,算算日子,政哥马上都五十了,活不长 了啊!”“老爹,这大秦要亡了啊,我们去投奔老刘家吧,老刘家现在是潜力股啊!”老爹:“不装了,摊牌了,我,你爹,秦始皇!”夏平:“呵tui,我信你个鬼哟,老头子坏滴很!!!”【本书纯属历史爽文,历史细节请勿深究!!!】1w14463-74257 >>


内容简介:本书又名《穿成红颜祸水女炮灰的那些年》,轻松搞笑文,博君一乐。一觉睡醒,苏然穿成了自己笔下的红颜祸水。家徒四壁、无衣无食,空有一身美貌的……炮灰。作为全书的创世主,苏然相当淡定:“这书 都是我写的,搞点钱来还不容易?!”她把目光盯向本书中最有钱有身份有势力的……反派。自信满满:“你一男配,还能跟我斗?”肃王府世子发现自己最近被人盯上了。他家的盐路被人断了,他送出去的真金白银变成石头了,就连他弟弟拿去讨那贫家女欢心的玉佩都被人给捡了。世子爷把那瓷做的杯子捏了个粉碎。“千万别让我逮着你!”一个仗着自己有财有势,一个仗着自己知晓剧情,斗来斗去,最后斗成一窝的故事。男主心黑手狠城府深,女主没心没肺只爱钱。看文提示:1,1V1,HE,日更,偶尔加更,保证不坑!2,女主狡猾市侩无节操,请不要用三观要求她。3,剧情线为主,感情线为辅,主基调轻松,有苏有甜,保证不虐。4,因为穿越带来的蝴蝶效应,所以和原书剧情关联不大。5,写文是兴趣,看文是缘分,请不要让我们互相伤害。更多选择请进钉钉专栏接档文求收:《群狼环伺》——她是唯一的美羊羊。穿进男人群像小说中,成为里面的道具型女炮灰。如何在没有金手指的情况下,征服诸多男主,压倒终极BOSS?这是一个难题……1w0-95585 >>

Kimi Wa "suki" No Daimeishi

Contains 3 oneshots: 1) Kimi wa 'Suki' no Daimeishi From Midnight Scans: I didn't think you'd still remember me once you'd gained fame. When you're supposed to pick me up, you don't even think to come. That's why, when there's someone who even slightly resembles you... Ten years ago, you left me to become a kabuki actor. But I still remember the promise from that day... You have become famous and are called 'the most beautiful high school student in Japan'. I'm living in a different world from you. That's why you won't even think to meet me once again...? 2) Hetakuso Kata Omoi (Hopeless Unrequited Love) All Yuri wants to do is talk to her crush in her art club, Yano-kun, yet she's able to do anything but. Getting an idea, she asks Yano's best friend, Kimidzuka, for some tips on how to make her ideal for Yano. Though reluctant, Kimi-kun helps out... 3) Eien ni Nemure (Eternal Sleep) Jin's just a lowly pirate with an incredibly handsome face and loves playing with women, but this annoying female brat, who he was going to sell as a slave with the rest of them, somehow feels different from everyone else.


From Garo 1982-07.

Dokushin Otoko No Kanpai

In the Dokushin Otoko no Kanpai series: V.1 - Itsushika Kyuuai (To Woo a Wife) 'Businessman Jarrett travels to Canada in order to secure the purchase of a business. There he meets his newly married friend and his wife, and agrees to join them for dinner. He is introduced to a former model, Abbie. Jarrett falls in love at first sight, but her suspicious behavior leads him to assume she is a high-class escort. But her true identity is even more surprising!'

Shards Of Sin

From Easy Going Scans: Five different people are gathered in an abandoned hospital after getting a mysterious phone call, and the mastermind behind the curtains holds their families hostage. He orders them to figure out the one culprit who killed his brother... Or otherwise, they will all die.

An Unwilling Maid

An Unwilling Maid summary: An Unwilling Maid summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of An Unwilling Maid. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

A Text-Book of the History of Painting

A Text-Book of the History of Painting summary: A Text-Book of the History of Painting summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Text-Book of the History of Painting. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Queen of the Pirate Isle

The Queen of the Pirate Isle summary: The Queen of the Pirate Isle summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Queen of the Pirate Isle. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Methods To Save The Villain Who Was Abandoned By The Heroine

Methods To Save The Villain Who Was Abandoned By The Heroine summary: You have many opportunities when it comes to reading novels these days. Many new writers create a great pool together with old and famous ones, so you have the possibility to choose the best for yourself. That's very useful, in fact, because not all the writers and books are the same.

Some are really good and interesting others might not be so well. Also, tastes are different, and not all the readers like the same genre. That's why you should check book reviews like this one before purchasing, and you will increase your chance to get what you want.

In the text below, you can find some basic details on the Methods to Save the Villain Who Was Abandoned by the Heroine novel. The book is quite interesting and hides different twist and turns which enable an exciting reading experience.

The story starts when a Korean woman reincarnates into a young girl whose life is in danger again. She is, in fact, in serious trouble and near to the death, however, her grandma and villain are there to save her life. They, fortunately, succeed in their intention, so the girl gets another chance to live a fulfilling life without any problems. He imagination is now very rich, so she imagines various things in different ways. For instance, the villain becomes her chief in her dreams, and he is more than good on the position. The girl receives a high regular salary that is always delivered as promised without any delays.

And the job is truly good for the girl because she has had previous working experience in similar positions. So it is all familiar to her, and she can work without obstacles. Unfortunately, not all the things are so ideal as her job. The Villain's fiance creates a dangerous plot that is potentially harmful to the workers including the girl. The fiance cheats on the villain with the Emperor and looks for the most suitable way to get rid of him. That's why she makes a plan to poison him.

Unfortunately, her evil activities are not only the danger for the villain, but the girl is also in the danger because others might start believing that she is the killer.

Also, another group close to the Emperor and fiance can harm her too. That would lead to a big problem, so the girl makes a plan to save the villain and stop the poisoning. In the end, she succeeds to stop the evil activities of that woman and rescues the life of the villain. However, the

girl comes in touch with the poison that transforms her into a little girl. Others notice her generous act including the n.o.ble family, so they decide to accept her as a part of their n.o.ble line.

These are main and basic events from the novel, however, you will definitely notice many more details, so do not wait. Take this book as soon as possible and enjoy the content.

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