






























类别悬疑 少年 剧情


内容简介:免费提供作者老草吃嫩牛的经典小说:《重生夜话》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说赵学军回去了,回到了七十年代。他不求什么,只求这辈子,身边的人都要疼好了,爱好了 。在此我想说一句,文中万林市,是我生活的城市与故乡结合的一个虚幻的城市。请不要把它归类,因为这是那个时代乃至整个时代的一个代表缩影!ps于是,牛嫂悄悄开坑了,这文是临时起意的,早就想写重生了。不然每天看着别人写,自己总想着,要我写,会如何?就这样,哗啦啦……………………我跟风了!哈哈!1w0-57694 >>


内容简介:【冷面冷心能怼会演大小姐VS深情腹黑病娇狼狗小马奴】前世惨死,她遭枕边人暗害!一朝重生,她要踩人渣收贱女,带领家族走向荣光。对内,她借力打力,压制用心险恶的叔嫂一家;对外,她整顿商铺, 聚敛财富,因赈灾有功得皇帝赏识。明面上,他是最下等的马奴,为她鞍前马后,扫平道路。暗地里,他是商会大东家,未来镇国将军,谋划十年,只为一场影响天下格局之大变。终于,他站在顶峰,向她伸出手,“小姐,我1w0-65486 >>



被迫宅家引发的骚情(高h 1v1)

内容简介:◥◤很黄很骚,几万存稿肥嫩多汁,可放心追更高h,走肾走心,鲜嫩多汁,1v1sc,甜,he林墨因把口罩都捐给医院,被疫情困在家中,被迫与年轻英俊的萧教授同居,她自慰的时候,不慎被发现,萧 教授以成熟男人的温和稳重,耐心教导她怎么勾引她喜欢的学长,教着教着,萧教授的大屌不知不觉就抵在了她的花缝口摩擦,而她,已经被蹭弄得酥痒难耐。糟糕,被萧教授美好的肉体诱惑了。“不要走……我想学习怎么用小穴吃鸡巴……你……插进来吧。”【解锁菜单】(各种玩法只是小说虚构,请勿较真,请勿模仿)被困家中,被衣冠禽兽攻占√采购物资,无人超市play√空荡荡游乐园play√地震出门,操场帐篷play√没有菜吃了,挖野菜,捉鱼,野外play√……(更多梗待解锁,欢迎大家提供脑洞)【愿大家平安喜乐,本文希望能传递一些人心的温暖和正能量,主角跟我们一样是在防疫期间做出自己力所能及贡献的普通人,肉戏里如果觉得本文主角的某些行为不是很恰当,请勿较真,请勿模仿,现实中希望大家积极配合防疫工作,这边并不建议做奇奇怪怪的事情3∠】qq群915734445(求珠珠,珠珠是作者菌加更的动力qwq50珠珠加更一章求珠珠!!!【推荐其他文】(点击链接跳转)新文1w0-99600 >>


内容简介:千门家有个九岁太医-千玖,因遭人陷害医死王妃,最终被毒打身亡。 一朝诈尸,21世纪女特工名叫千亿,穿越异世在九岁小太医身上。 阴谋、仇恨,她将整个朝政搞的天翻地覆,后宫人仰马翻! 帝君 要问罪,她却卖起了萌:“不是窝”,还配合的挤几滴眼泪。 君王问罪,她一怒之下将人称烈焰国战神门牙打掉,奶声奶气的说:“呜呜,你居然欺负小盆友。” 可在转身瞬间,她却露出愤恨的神情。 一路与人斗智斗勇,手撕王爷马甲,别看她个小,最后什么世子、相侯,皇子各个争着抢! 君墨邪将众人挡在面前,傲娇的说道:“九千岁是我的小祖宗,你们都滚远点! 1w0-2847 >>




内容简介:喜欢《盗墓直播:开局激活青龙血脉》可从下列图标分享《盗墓直播:开局激活青龙血脉》每人日限一次分享盗墓直播:开局激活青龙血脉多了无效分享越多盗墓直播:开局激活青龙血脉更新越快哦1w0-8 1739 >>


内容简介:这是一个悲凉的传奇。傅圣歆为了避免家族企业的破产,不得不依附于曾有宿怨的商界巨子易志维。他们在彼此的试探与挣扎里,慢慢陷入与对方的情感纠葛中。只是现实严酷,容不得她奢望爱情或是幸福。易 志维突然发现其弟易传东爱上了傅圣歆,骤然翻脸之后,圣歆几乎失去一切,心灰意懒之下,她答应了另一个青梅竹马、却是家族新仇人——简子俊的求婚。当易志维陷入困境时,傅圣歆不顾一切回到他身边,最后一次希翼得到爱情。谁知这爱情,竟是一场精心谋划的骗局。生活是一袭华丽的锦袍,她终究只是一朵锦上花,点缀在他姹紫嫣红的过往,静静凋谢了芳华。1w0-72520 >>


内容简介:  我于梦中醒来,睁眼看见地狱!一横一竖,不服就干!吾为终焉,诸天颤栗!这是一个匹夫平头哥,肌肉暴君揍穿一切妖魔诡异的故事。1w0-1298




内容简介:山野二流子被老乡骗入非法传销窝点,逃出后千里一路要饭回村复仇,却被村霸打出村。他在山里差点冻死竟意外获得上古传承。从此废物逆袭成大神,村霸给他打工,豪门千金给他看家护院,富豪大佬争着做 他的迷弟。他带领村…1w0-99470 >>



Maji De Watashi Ni Koi Shinasai!

Based on a Visual Novel by Minato Soft. Kawakami Momoyo is a notorious, woman-chasing, large-breasted master fighter. She and her friends at school end up in all sorts of weird situations, often involving people attempting to defeat Momoyo. Now there are new transfer students from Germany joining their class. Who are these new students, and will they fit in with the crazy bunch surrounding Momoyo?

Honoo No Nobunaga - Sengoku Gaiden

A short overview of the life of Oda Nobunaga, as told from the perspective of a ninja fighting other time-travelling ninjas! (Source: SystematicChaos / Hokuto no Gun)

Risou No Kao Wo Motsu Otoko

1) The Guy With An Ideal Face Noriko wants just one thing: 'The Man with a Perfect Face'! To her friends' complete and utter shock, Noriko finds Takurou-kun, a man who meets all her unrealistic expectations. They go on a date, they kiss, and have what could be considered a perfect time, but then Noriko sees the real face of Takurou...!? 2) I'm Gonna Get Jealous A girl who sees no point in becoming jealous learns first-hand how it could happen. 3) Love Slave Kanano isn't sure what to make of her relationship with her upperclassman Ooba Yoshiya. After she first confessed to him, she hounded him until he agreed to date her, but the relationship seems to be on his terms, and poor, obediant Kanano worries that her love is one-sided. Then, Kanano learns that Yoshiya has a past with a girl who has her same face...? Who does Yoshiya think of when he's out with Kanano? How come he touched his old girlfriend but won't touch Kanano...!? Contains strong language. 4) I Wanna Get Lovey-Dovey Shihomi has had a crush on Sakayori since the day of high school entrance exams, when she got lost and he helped her. He's got a good heart, but he's extremely rough around the edges, and that's what's making it so difficult for Shihomi to confess. It took her two months just to say 'good morning' to him, and every time she does, he seems to be in an incredibly bad mood afterwards? What's the source of Sakayori's attitude problem?? 5) Well Excuse Me For Being Trendy Mayu already has a boyfriend, but she can't help admiring Shuusaku's dashing good looks, which are increasing his popularity by the minute. It doesn't matter if his personality is as one-dimensional as his expressionless face, because it's looks that count! By chance, Mayu happens to learn about Shuusaku's secret crush -- and his expression is so darn cute when he's confronted about it that Mayu feels compelled to help him win his love. But Mayu's a trend whore at heart, and falling for Shuusaku seems to be getting fashionable...!?

Ikenai Candy Love

Satoko has suddenly been informed by her irresponsible boss that she’ll be fired soon and only has one more month before she is kicked out. She tried to reason with the company’s number two, Tanigawa-san for some leniency but the cool yet quiet Tanigawa just agreed with the boss. But on her way home from work, Satoko found Tanigawa in the midst of something naughty and he finally confesses that he’s a sex addict! Will Satoko now use Tanigawa’s dark secret as leverage to keep her job? Or maybe she wants to be a part of the naughty deed herself! NOTE: This is a oneshot from Koi wa Tenka no Mawarimono

Yuusha Party no Kawaii Ko ga Ita no de, Kokuhaku Shite (LN)

Yuusha Party no Kawaii Ko ga Ita no de, Kokuhaku Shite (LN) summary: Youki died in a traffic accident and was reborn in a fantasy world! However, instead of being the hero of legends, he ended up reincarnating into an overpowered demon. Having no desires to become the Demon Lord, he sits around in the Demon Lord’s castle as a random low rank guardian.
One day, the Hero’s party comes to attack and on a whim he knocks out the entire hero party. Healing up the Hero party and then preparing to send them back to town, he notices the female priest and falls in love at first sight!

Old Maid

Old Maid summary: 20XX. j.a.pan has become a super-aging society with half its population going over the age of 65. To put an end to the blockage of the society, a law has been worked out: “The Unmanaged Elderly Migration Law” or “Ubasute (abandoning old woman) Law” for short. Making every effort to save his grandmother from the evil law, high-schooler Kurata n.o.buhiko’s fate is…?

Male God Is Chasing My Brother

Male God Is Chasing My Brother summary: An XuMo knew from a young age that Zhou JinChen is very good-looking. He worked hard to sign in to Zhou JinChen’s company. Originally he thought that they would get along. He never thought he would embark on the peach blossom road specifically made for the other. Zhou JinChen: Next weekend, dinner. An XuMo: Oh? Oh, okay. Male G.o.d A: …That’s the red carpet I specifically ordered for us! Zhou JinChen: Move over here, have an empty bed. An XuMo: Ah? Okay, okay. Apartment Owner B: …I just managed to drive away your former roommate! ~~~~~ Uke! Trainee x Seme! Popular Star

Death's Door

Death's Door summary: After he ended up in the realm of the Death, Nur became servant of the Angel of Death. Unlike what he hoped, this was by far not the end of his journey, but just the beginning.Kidnapped from his loved ones by the G.o.ddess of Time, trapped nine hundred years in the past, and cursed with coming back in time every time he dies, Nur Finnerman is stuck in a mad loop that slowly drives him to lose his...

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