


























简介龙虎门的前身本叫做[小流氓,作者是香港漫画宗师黄玉郎。创刊于1970年,他创作了王小虎和王小龙两兄弟,而石黑龙,则是由他另一本着名漫画“柔道魔童”中的主角。 故事大钢是为王小虎由大陆来到香港寻找亲人开始,与四小将结为好友,然后与反派大战一场,最后邪不胜正,就这样不断地循环。一直打到去“荃湾十五狼狼”就开始走向长篇故事。是荃湾十五狼之首大狼王其实是师承日本第一黑帮罗刹教的夺命老妖。于是就带出了罗刹教之役,主角们冲出香港,远征日本。当时这点绝对是一大突破,而在第九十九期,小流氓正式把名字改为“龙虎门”。 龙虎三皇各个英俊挺拔,迷倒万千少女.但喜欢他们的美女大多死于非命,果真红颜多薄命,今天先说说王小龙的薄命红颜。 王小龙性格孤僻,性情激动,他的一生最爱的只有一个--玉儿.玉儿是剑妖之女,修炼玉女心经和玉女神指,对王小龙一见钟情,且至死不渝.无奈人太漂亮惹的火云邪神垂涎三尺,最终被火云强暴后自杀.她对王小龙的真情值得我们敬佩! 玉儿死后王小龙心差不多死了,再加上容貌被毁,心里极度自卑,对于儿女私情不再动念.之后在日本巧遇盟主五大世家之一的南宫一指之女-灵芝,二人日久生情,但由于情况复杂,两人之间的感情一直是模糊懵懂.接着为助小虎恢复功力,使灵芝被金钟恶僧设计逼婚,随后更被掳去强暴…….王小龙得知灵芝被掳,心中大急,这时他才惊觉灵芝在他心中的地位已经不亚于玉儿,无奈灵芝也步玉儿后尘…






内容简介:苦逼修行雷法五百年的姜浅,终于在今天考入天庭企业也!本以为能够成仙成佛乐在逍遥,回味修真趣事之时,她被任命成为全新的天庭职业——天劫。当天劫前可没人告诉她还要做兼职啊喂!——小剧场—— 本以为与殿下除公事以外再无瓜葛之时一位有点眼熟的绝色男仙出现在自己府邸,她五百年来没动过的凡心,动了若野:“姜浅劫君这次做得不错,奖励你跟我约会。”姜浅:???!!!刷业绩危,沉迷在上司美色中更危!早1w0-28617 >>


内容简介:苏宇穿越,突然得到了一个合成栏,世间万物,均可合成!无论是什么东西,落在苏宇的手中,都能变成稀世珍宝!在苏宇手中,只要物品足够,菜刀都能变成屠龙宝刀。普通的白纸合成出了鸿蒙金卷。普通的 衣服合成出了飘渺仙衣。普通的气血丹合成出了九转金丹。任何物品,在合成栏下,都能变成无数人趋之若鹜的宝贝!1w0-125674 >>


内容简介:  岳关,被誉为缔造了中华上下五千年的男人。  一统八荒的秦始皇,开疆拓土的汉武帝,军略无双的唐太宗,极限翻盘的明成祖,甚至,还有神话时代的商纣王。  中华上下五千年,没有岳关演不了的 皇帝,他创造了无数经典的帝王荧幕形象,经典到很多人直接尊称他为陛下。  对此,岳关一直很谦虚:朕只是个演员。1w0-1488 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:综武:李秀宁求娶,签到锦衣卫】木元穿越到了综合武侠世界。获得了一个签到系统。第一次签到获得了一千锦衣卫。一个月签到一次,别人练武,他却想争霸天下。醒掌天下权, 醉卧美人膝。李阀:木元麾下,悍将如云,精锐军队,天下无人可与之争锋者。隋帝杨广:这个逆贼的精锐骑兵覆灭了我大隋骁果卫,可恨。绾绾:我是魔女,但对他,我可以比任何人都温柔善良。师妃暄:我是佛门圣女,看到他,我心乱了。祝玉妍:小贼,你还要不要阴癸派了?李秀宁:请木公子履行与秀宁的婚约。大元赵敏:木贼不光灭了大元,还俘虏了我的心。东方不败:日月同天,他是我的烈阳。黄蓉:我们这样会对不起靖哥哥的。飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-82516 >>


内容简介:将嫡姐拽进被窝是由木网瘾少女所写的高辣浓情类小说,本站提供将嫡姐拽进被窝最新章节阅读将嫡姐拽进被窝全文阅读将嫡姐拽进被窝免费无弹窗在线阅读,如果您发现将嫡姐拽进被窝更新慢了请第一时间联 系小兵。1w0-29911 >>








内容简介:“大家好,这里是乔亚带来的海贼王世界直播,看直播你能学到主播为大家带来的海军六式,品尝山治的美食和娜美小姐亲手种的橘子。”【主播主播,看你的直播能变得和娜美一样漂亮吗?乔巴一样可爱,索 隆一样帅气吗?】“这个……并不能,除非你原来就有这些优点。”【……取关】“等等!你还能拥有路飞的智商,听到布鲁克的魂之丧曲,如果你愿意,还能染成索隆的发色,以及主播亲手酿的美酒。”【不要不要,尤其是最后一个,什么鬼!】1w0-72798 >>


内容简介:已婚少妇去同学家借住,却不小心和同学的老公ca起腾腾yu火。她只不过是去喝个酒,顺便借着酒劲想跟陌生男人接个吻睡一觉而已,关他什么事。他只是她同学的老公而已,guan的未免太多了。她有 些恼羞成怒,她通红的眼睛瞪着他,忽而屈辱地哭出来,“是啊!我没醉!我就是想找男人zuoai!怎么了!你guan得着吗?!”男人轻轻笑了一声。他忽然走近一步,他个tou太高了,压低了背,才凑到她脸前。“跟我zuo。”他说。本文出轨偷情,1v1,高h1w0-98483 >>


内容简介:  一代丹帝被奸人陷害  从此,世上少了一个青云子,多了一个无敌纨绔  重走丹药大道  何以逆苍天,以我手中药!  vip书友群478668611,进群需验证粉丝值,舵主以上可入1w0 -463 >>


内容简介:苏明阳一夜之间重生回到了他当列车员的九十年代,面对汹涌的改革大潮,面对铁路跨越式发展的时代,他积极投身改革洪流,搏击风浪,利用先知先觉的记忆不断修正人生的方向,弥补前世的遗憾,走出一条 全新之路。且看一个小小列车员的职场奋斗升迁之路!1w0-2390 >>

Papillon - Hana To Chou

The story is about an ordinary (and rather unpopular) girl named Ageha who is constantly overshadowed by her popular and beautiful twin sister, Hana. Because Ageha grew up in the countryside with their grandmother while Hana was raised by their parents, the two girls ended up with drastically different personalities. For the most part, Ageha remains a silent and hidden student in the school, with only one friend (who isn't all that nice either). In fact, nobody even really knows that she is Hana's twin sister, because despite looking alike, there is still a large gap between the levels of their beauty and popularity. When Hana finds out that Ageha has a crush on a cute boy named Ryuusei (who is actually Ageha's childhood friend from the countryside), Hana becomes curious about their relationship. However, after hearing that Ryuusei hates people like Hana, Hana becomes irritated and using her charming personality, actually manages to snag Ryuusei as her boyfriend! Ageha is left with no one, but thanks to the strange (and attractive) new school counselor, and some unexpected allies, Ageha decides to do her best and take Ryuusei back.

First Love Kiss

Don't be fooled, though. This is no Prince Charming manga. These stories are true stories of young, misfit (and sometimes perverted) men who fell in love with some of least thought-of women who turned their lives around.

Jinsei Wa Barairo Da

From Forever More: After his parents were killed in an accident, Yayoi assumed their hundred-million yen debt. He was being pursued by collectors when a mysterious man, Kazu, appeared before him and offered to take on the debt for him if he would become Kazu's...

Kimi No Hada O Kowasu Yoru

From Midnight Scans: If you place a photo of yourself with your lover in a particular photo frame, the two of you will get married. Or so the famous glasses-wearing author Kiriyama Akihito claims when Maaya requests a photo frame just like it. When she breaks a 500 thousand yen flower vase, Akihito is the one who pays her debt! Also featured: Kimi no Hada wo Kowasu Yoru (Your Body Breaks the Night) Dear... Side: M Dear... Side: R 8 Jikan Taikyuu Koibana & Nanyakaya (Love Story of 8 Hours Endurance) [not translated yet]

The Man Who Played to Lose

The Man Who Played to Lose summary: The Man Who Played to Lose summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Man Who Played to Lose. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Long Live Your Majesty

Long Live Your Majesty summary: Long Live Your Majesty summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Long Live Your Majesty. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World

Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World summary: Bringing the Farm to Live in Another World is composed of a series of chapters where a man awakens in an unfamiliar place. He quickly notices that his life is not as it should be, and his main mission is to change the behavior and try to rebuild broken things. However, his body does not function normally, so he encounters different problems on his way. That can be truly challenging but very rewarding at the same time because he has a chance to fulfill life while discovering the real purpose of existence. At first, the man starts re-developing his family, and he also personally grows together with that effort. That’s a very good chance for the entire place where he found himself at the beginning of the book. The family has better chances to make something valuable and significant on the land, while the single man is quite limited in different aspects of life. His mission slowly becomes an epic journey and a very interesting story. The new place, however, seems strange to him so he struggles a lot to adapt to the new environment.
To overcome various problems with his body, he is taking different types of drugs on a regular basis. The drugs provide some benefits because he can operate with his body better while on the treatment. However, such medication also has negative sides, so the situation is not ideal at all. The man still has one supernatural power despite all the problems he faces in the new places.
He is capable to enter another world, which is, in fact, a farming simulation game. It does not seem useful at first. However, he can find normal food in that strange world. And it can be used elsewhere, even in the regular world. That still does not seem like a big deal, but he is stuck in an unfamiliar place, and the food is of precious value to him. He can survive without problems thanks to that supernatural ability because he always has enough food to eat well. That’s why this cheat is so valuable to him. He also finds out about other happenings in strange places.

There are other inhabitants near him, and their communities are full of different intrigues, businesses, fights, farming and other events. The man has the possibility to slowly discovers the new places, but various problems are inevitable in his case. He will also have a chance to get involved in those happenings of other inhabitants, and you can find out many other details if you decide to read this novel. Like many other online books on this website, Bringing the Farm to Live in Another World is constantly growing and the updates arrive almost on a daily basis. So there is always something new even for the most faithful readers. So if you are a fan of such mixed genres, you should not miss the opportunity to read this great book.

Buttercup Gold And Other Stories

Buttercup Gold And Other Stories summary: Buttercup Gold And Other Stories summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Buttercup Gold And Other Stories. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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