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斩!赤红之瞳 零

简介最新话熟肉已经上市,每月25号左右更新! o(*≧▽≦)ツ 一个腐朽黑暗的帝国,七名选拔出来的精英杀手,无数悲惨消逝的生命。在混乱时代的漩涡之中,个人的命运如同草芥,是拼死抗争还是等待灭亡,名为赤瞳的少女将做出怎样的选择?








内容简介:九道惊雷在老宅的后院轰出了一道窟窿,林风惊奇的发现,通过这条神奇的窟窿,他可以往返于地球与光明大陆。我靠,要发达啦!…………各位书友要是觉得《我家后院是异界》还不错的话请不要忘记向您Q Q群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-77324 >>


内容简介:更新番外中……恩,今天更了两番外,明天还有其他番外,接下来的番外我会直接放在文中河蟹了后却用佛经了的章节内,我会在内容提要里红字标注有无更新的O∩∩O谢谢文案兄:鹰眼语:“如果上天能再 给他一次机会,他一定选择继续当个孤魂野鬼!而不是醒在某个该死的妖孽男的——豪华席梦思上!”Voldemort语:“如果梅林再本书关键词:游戏情缘灵魂转换穿越时空重生《这该死的蛇男》小说推荐:从林正英世界开始修道、梦幻西游:我能看见收益、盗墓:开局成为发丘天官、星际之亡灵帝国、混沌效应:撕裂末日、我的天赋是无敌、日常系影视世界、神级插班生、茅山关门弟子、火影:开局掳走日向雏田、忍界神话:最强砂隐、午夜女主播、锦衣娘子、女总裁的超级兵王、尸妻难缠、糊你一脸白月光快穿、横滨coser说穿就穿、校花之贴身高手、西游:从平乱花果山开始!、我!无双战将、武极帝主、跨物种相亲、子夜十、神奇宝贝:牵绊智爷、火影:从瞬间满级开始、逆天抽奖在漫威、海贼世界的剑豪大将、海贼:开局召唤英灵德雷克、三国帝皇之万界征战、一枝1w0-84965 >>


内容简介:身为记者的黑泽银,某一天接到了采访侦探毛利小五郎的任务,准备大展身手。结果观察期间,却阴差阳错地发现了一个智商爆表的眼镜小鬼拿着蝴蝶结领带耀武扬威。FBI的王牌另眼相看,CIA的卧底暴 露无遗,黑衣组织被耍团转……这个万能小学生,开外挂了么?这是个很好的采访对象!卖出去的消息一定能赚大钱!于是推断完某柯的商业价值的黑泽银立马下定决心,准备潜伏在名侦探的身边进行深度调查,从此引发一大堆鸡飞狗跳的事件……注:这是一个意图谋夺组织的情报员的日常生活,这是一个兼职保姆的杀手的日常生活,这是一个被死神体质感染总是被当成嫌疑犯的记者的日常生活。各位书友要是觉得《柯南之所谓记者不好当》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-75352 >>




内容简介:殷琅此人,半生坎坷。身为修真界万年难遇的灵魔一体体质,如果不同时修炼灵气与魔气,就会爆体而亡。为了不被自己的体质坑死,他不得不苦逼的走上了套着两个马甲在对立阵营里奋斗求生的日子。奋斗半 生,呕心沥血,1w0-79053 >>


内容简介:都市青年陈军,一个吊儿郎当无所事事的家伙.偶然犯了点事躲避到了离家比较远的一个小城市里,这里的生活显得白天忙碌晚上轻松.在无聊的躲避之余,陈军在这邂逅了一个又一个美丽的女子.机灵古怪的 小loli,风韵迷人的妇人.演绎一个又一个涟漪的故事.1w0-109007 >>


内容简介:《我可能活得有点久了笔趣阁》简介:眼睛狭长的中年人被老者这么一看,顿时身体打了一个哆嗦(超神级好人)。老着平时看起来很和善,对他们也是善待有加。但是有时候只要有人不听他的话,他也不会进 行责骂与惩罚,他反而会使用其他手段对付不听话的人(超神级好人)。比如老者会在传功授业的时候让不听话的人到别的地方干别的活。这样那不听话的人把活干完了,他的传功授业已经结束了(超神级好人)。可以说老者的每一次传功授业对于几人来说都是一种莫大的提成,所以他们都不愿意错过一次。但是有些人就是容易犯错,所以很容易被分配干别的事情(超神级好人)。其实这也是一种变相的惩罚,只不过老者不说而已。但是几名中年人的心里都是很清楚的,这样的惩罚,就是最大的惩罚(超神级好人)。。1w0-78142 >>




内容简介:当现代无音门的唯一传人,暗黑佣兵界的无冕之王,变成懦弱废材的侯府大小姐,会在异世掀起怎样的滔天巨浪?欺负她?不好意思,从来只有她欺负人的份!敢阴她?自取其辱,不知道那都是姐玩剩下的么? 凰临异世,势必凌驾诸天!敢惹她者,一概万音轰杀!只是一个不小心,她掉入某人张开的名为宠爱的网,挣脱无力,只能沉沦……传闻东方天域的修1w0-60211 >>




内容简介:“天能给你的东西,我都能给你。天不能给的,我也能给。想不想,和我做个交易?”既有是非恩怨,爱恨纠葛,也有一句“快刀斩乱麻”。合则来,不合则散。不喜欢了、不爱了、想分手了、想离了?我没喜 欢过你、我是骗你的、你只是个替身、我们不合适?简单,那就江湖不见。王座之下,是风花雪月,还是枯骨遍地?风花雪月,又何及王座之上?日入V,谢谢小天使们的支持!扫雷提示:1、无脑爽文。文中一切人物的三观,都不代表作者三观。2、有的世界有CP,有的没有。目测男主得精分切片。雷者勿入。3、各种天雷都有,不一一列举,有雷点的,不管雷点大小都请慎入。被雷可以刷负逃生,但谢绝人参攻击。碰到人参攻击会暴躁。1w0-76127 >>


内容简介:《重生O总在钓我》为作者酒醉的福蝶创作,作品重生O总在钓我章章动人,小兵为你第一时间提供酒醉的福蝶精心编写原创重生O总在钓我及无弹窗重生O总在钓我最新章节,重生O总在钓我全文免费阅读。 1w8811-45640 >>


Amemori hears a rumor that her classmate, Kisaragi, has gotten a boyfriend.

Carramer No Yumemonogatari

In the Carramer no Yumemonogatari series (カラメールの夢物語シリーズ), also called 'The Carramer Legacy' series: 1) Princess e no Tabi (プリンセスへの旅; Journey to the Princess) / Crowns and a Cradle When Prince Josquin de Marigny swept struggling single mom Sarah McInnes into a limo, he revealed a secret. Sarah's father had been in line for the Valmont throne -- and now her son was the heir! The brooding, blue-eyed prince promised Sarah everything she'd ever dreamed of if she would remain in Carramer -- except his heart.... Baffled and bewildered by the sense of homecoming, Sarah was torn. Josquin had given her a new family, but he'd also investigated her past, lied to bring her to Carramer and he'd be regent for her son. So once he took her in his arms, could she trust the promises he made? 2) Koi wo Wasureta Prince (恋を忘れたプリンス; The Prince Who Forgot His Love) / The Baron & the Bodyguard Watching over him... Playing royal bodyguard to Mathiaz de Marigny, the seductive Baron Montravel, was a temptation few women could resist. But the moment he was out of harm's way, Jacinta Newnham had fled his château -- and abandoned memories of moonlit nights that left them both weak with unfulfilled passion. Now stricken with amnesia and in danger once again, Mathiaz summoned Jacinta back to his side. Jacinta vowed to protect his life, but the greater peril was to her heart -- and the haunting secret she could never reveal. When the truth surrounding Mathiaz's accident -- and Jacinta's connection to it -- surfaced, would he force her to leave, or refuse to let her go again...? 3) Prince no Shukumei (プリンスの宿命; Fate of the Prince) / The Marquis and the Mother-To-Be Back in her lush, beloved Carramer, Carissa Day purchased the perfect B and B for raising her babies-to-be. Trouble was, an aristocratic 'intruder' proved she'd been swindled -- her new home was actually his royal lodge. Worse, he proved to be Carissa's teenage crush, Eduard de Marigny, Marquis of Merrisand -- now more irresistible than ever. Penniless and pregnant -- with triplets! -- Carissa had to flee. Eduard, however, had other ideas. Namely, a partnership giving Carissa a title and protection -- and giving him an instant heir. Still, even with reignited passion burning between them, even with a kingdom at her feet, could Carissa wed her first and only love -- and forever forsake having his heart? Descriptions taken from FictionDB. Note: These are #4 - #6 of Valerie Parv's The Carramer Legacy series.

Sirius No Kizuato

[From StudioRobb]: This is the story of a teenage boy named Takeru Tachibana and his struggle to recover his sister Sayoko from a 'cyborg dogfight circuit'. When Takeru was 10 years old, his town was bombed during an enemy air-raid in which his parents were killed and he was mortally wounded. Sayoko, cut deep with 'survivor's guilt' and a 'co-dependent' inability to deal with living alone, rashly sells her brain to the Albion Corporation run by a mysterious CEO named Véltare Marçeau in order to pay for a risky surgical operation that Takeru may or may not survive. Her brain is placed in a cybernetic body, the process of which essentially eliminates the brain's memories and heightens its aggression. Her new identity is The White 13, or 'The Ice Doll', and for the next five years she is placed on a dogfight circuit fighting other cyborgs in gladiator-style extravaganzas where she eventually becomes the grand champion and obtains the rank of 'sirius'... The story begins shortly after Takeru has liberated his sister from the dogfight circuit only to discover that, outside the cicuit, Sayoko's brain has a 'self-destruct' mechanism and that she is dying. Takeru has one week to find a way to cure his sister or return her to the circuit or she will die. Adding to the problem are the 'dogged' efforts of the Albion Corporation to recover 'their stolen property' as well as a cast of characters who all have their own scars of some sort...

Tableau Gate

High school student Satsuki Hikawa lives alone in a mansion while his grandfather, who is his only other living family member and an art dealer, travels all over the country. One day Satsuki's grandfather sends him an art book that is called Tablet. Each page in the book seems to represent different tarot cards, but most of the symbols are missing. Soon after receiving the book a mysterious girl storms in to Satsuki's home and claims that she is the owner of the Tablet and tells Satsuki all of the missing symbols must be found and returned to the book before 'they' make any mischief. In order to find and return the symbols, Satsuki must call out the right symbols to defeat the escaped ones. Any symbols that he returns to the book will become his servants. Will Satsuki be able to find and capture all of the symbols that ran away?

The Poetry Of Robert Browning

The Poetry Of Robert Browning summary: The Poetry Of Robert Browning summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Poetry Of Robert Browning. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Rhetoric and Poetry in the Renaissance

Rhetoric and Poetry in the Renaissance summary: Rhetoric and Poetry in the Renaissance summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Rhetoric and Poetry in the Renaissance. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers

Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers summary: Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Sacred Fount

The Sacred Fount summary: The Sacred Fount summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Sacred Fount. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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