
































内容简介:李耀翔穿越到火影世界,同样姓李,但跟李洛克没有丁点关系。且看李耀翔如何将漩涡鸣人一步一步彻底黑化!直到最后,黑化诸天万界!鸣人:“如果这就是我守护的木叶……那不要也罢!”路飞:“如果这 就是你们所谓的正义……那我宁愿永世为恶!”绿谷出久:“如果这就是英雄……那我就反了你们!”(ps:半幕后流、半幕后流)1w0-99495 >>


内容简介:  安得倚天起霸拳,横推山河九万里。一个材料不一样的少年人,一块“平平无奇”的属性板。现代武侠,天子民国,妖魔大清,神鬼大明……这是一个武起乾坤拳镇山河的故事!1w0-1817




内容简介:面对好友和丈夫的双双背叛,她果断报复,不给自己留一点余地。她不再相信爱情,男人变成了她最讨厌的生物,避之不及。重生,她是凤凰王朝的四王女,尊贵的身份,却没有同等的待遇,母皇不爱,父后不 疼,姐姐送阴谋,弟弟送白眼。冷眼看着周围的一切,她笑的漫不经心,再怎么说,前世的她也是执掌A市经济女总裁,就不信她会在这个连指南针都没有听说过年代活不下去!场景一“王女,今天您该去‘流莺小筑’的流莺公子哪里!”“流莺?男的?”“额是男的!”“等他变成女的我就会去了。”场景二“王女,初音公子说您要是不放他回家,他就要上吊!死都不让您侮辱他!”“上吊?不错,有勇气,不放他回家?我拉着他了吗?”“。。他是您以前在大街上抢来的!”“哦。。告诉他,,我以后不会抢他了!”场景三“王女,后院里的公子们闹得厉害,都哭了!”“为什么哭?”“说您仗势欺人!还说您好色荒淫”“哦··真诚实!既然这样,叫他们全部滚蛋吧!”“”【谢谢喵咪给玉儿建的群,欢迎亲们光临【114370696】敲门砖是,书里人物名,任意一个。】【注明;亲们,玉儿这个文虽然是女尊,但是在男女身形上与现实没有差,只是地位颠倒而已,并不是说女尊的男子一定就要娇小玲珑,女子就要膀大腰圆!错!错!错!女子为尊,只是地位上比男子高,当然,男生子是必须滴!纯女尊,不喜欢的不要攻击留言哦,因为玉儿心理素质不好,当然禁止打广告!一经发现,删无赦!最后,亲们看文愉快哈玉儿耐你们哦】好文连连看喵晚歌暮雅清纯架空文;【柚香无痕:】玉儿穿越女强文:【红袖舞:天价皇后】大神卷丹火热连载【姐一个人不寂寞:】1w0-31998 >>


内容简介:白枫意外穿越魂天大陆,激活最强暴神系统。“你说什么,你天阳丹已经是极品完美级的了,绝对不可能有比它还要好的,老子触发暴魂,炼制出来的药效能暴增成千上万倍,强的你TM都不敢吃,你信不信! ”“你说什么,你是神冥境强者,比我高七个大境界,信不信老子一拳触发暴魂,攻击力翻一亿倍,让你知道花儿为什么这样红!”“你说什么,你手里有七八件宝贝,老子随便杀两个敌人,触发暴魂都能爆出宝贝,看见那座小山了吗,都是我不要的宝贝!”不是我说,在我暴神白枫面前,尔等都是垃圾!1w0-70530 >>


内容简介:  天仁宗的神棍老头严义在森林里面捡到了一个女孩,回来却发现捡一送一,还顺道带回来一个大佬,于是乎,老头半生逍遥的日子远去也!林婉自从吃了一颗樱桃以后发现自己力大无穷,于是便开始揍天揍 地揍空气!檀玉:我的药呢,怎么会被另一个人吃了?那我怎么出来,不会一辈子关在这小黑屋吧,怎么办?1w0-2991 >>


内容简介:涂筱柠从小算过命,先生说她五行属火,克金,到金融行业会生财,且命中有贵人相助。可她进了银行三年财没来散的倒挺快,她就没信,直到遇见纪昱恒,诶?好像真的有贵人?第一次,贵人问她:“你是不 是忘了什么?”第二次,贵人又问:“谢谢就完了?”第N次,涂筱柠说:“贵人,我无以为报只能以身相许了。”初中你是学霸校草我是无名学渣,再遇后我们关系很复杂——纪昱恒:“以后中午不要随便过来。”涂筱柠:“干嘛?怕说你潜规则啊?”纪昱恒扯回领带,“再乱动就请你出去。”“领导……”“你就站那儿,别靠近。”“领导~”“好好说话。”“哦,那老公,刚刚的口红好吃吗?”一句话文案:山海浮沉,泯然众生,我乃一介无名之辈,却此生有幸你是良人。1w0-3954 >>


内容简介:取代王原,成为《王牌对王牌》的王牌队长。后来他又上《跑男》、《向往的生活》、《亲爱的客栈》……他还是歌神、影帝、大导演、娱乐教父。他热衷于拆散明星情侣、明星夫妻……绿遍娱乐圈的节奏。1 w0-65718 >>


内容简介:  地球唯一的先天巅峰强者唐不凡冒险接引天雷入体冲刺更高境界,最终在天雷之下化为劫灰。然而唐不凡并没有死去,而是在祖传神秘小剑的帮助下重生到斗罗大陆昊天宗一名弟子身上,从此地球的先天宗 师唐不凡消失了,取而代之的便是昊天宗的唐不凡。重生一世,唐不凡能否完成前世为完成的梦想,突破先天之上的境界呢?而此时的昊天宗又因为某种外界因素不得不封山,曾经的天下第一宗落魄至此。作为昊天宗的弟子,唐不凡能否带领昊天宗重新崛起,再度缔造天下第一宗的无上神话,拭目以待吧!1w0-893 >>




内容简介:上一世,江瑟儿憎恶了江长晋这个没有血缘关系的叔叔一辈子。江长晋乖戾狠辣,最讨厌一戳就倒的娇弱美人。江瑟儿就是传说中一戳就倒的弱鸡美人。重活一次,她想尽法子要抱住这位未来权臣大人的大腿。 对他温顺百般奉承,可惜他从来都是一副我很拽,勿靠近,对她爱答不理。可抱着抱着,这位权臣大人却越来越不对劲,把她堵在墙角,朝她伸出手,“瑟儿过来,小叔给你抱……”1w0-96474 >>


内容简介:   电视剧《黄金瞳》由张艺兴领衔主演,于2019年2月26日震撼开播!  典当行工作的小职员庄睿,在一次意外中眼睛发生异变。  美轮美奂的陶瓷,古拙大方的青铜器,惊心动魄的赌 石接踵而来,他的生活也随之产生了天翻地覆的变化。  眼生双瞳,财富人生  *********************1w0-712 >>

Ichiya Dake No Princess

From Shojo Manhwa Scans In order to buy the highest quality yarn, fashion designer Jessica travels to the Principality of Alp'Azuri in Europe. While admiring the picture-perfect beautiful landscapes on a drive through the country, an out-of-control car smashes into Jessica's car at full speed and knocks her out! When she regains consciousness, she finds herself at the royal palace. Alp'Azuri's Prince Raoul's fiancee died in that crash. Jessica blames herself for her death, but Raoul firmly asserts that it is not her fault...

Mugen Utamaro

Mugen Utamaro summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Mugen Utamaro. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Yoshihime To Ushio

In the inter land of Kitagawa, a young man mets a young woman who will become a princess. Can she change the way he sees himself and help him forgive himself for his past?


From Biblo Eros: A collection of oneshots featuring school boys in angsty love. The artwork is beautiful as always and the tales seem more serious than Clan of Nakagamis, more reminiscent of I want to become your bird. 1)Lost Children- Koyo Tomohiko and Fukube Naoto are childhood friends. But when Naoto gets a girlfriend and doesn't have much time for Tomo anymore, Tomo's pissed! But is friendship the only thing Tomo feels? 2)Diamonds are Forever- Taki Chisato and Kamitori Taichi have been goofing off instead of studying. Now their tutor, Taki's cousin Atsushi, is punishing them for wrong answers...by making them kiss each other?! 3)Continuation of Diamonds are Forever. Chisato and Taichi are dating, but Taichi wants some of the physical benefits of dating. 4)Golden Star- Third year junior high student Murakami finds himself watching stoic classmate Takahashi play the piano every year for their school chorus. But Murakami really likes Takahashi's voice and wants to hear him sing. 5)Flower Scented- Mushano Kouji is a master wizard who teaches magic to children. But when 36 year old Sakurada Tsukihito asks to be his apprentice, Kouji doesn't send him away. Sakarada is hopeless with magic, but great with housework, which is just what Kouji needs, but why does this man want to learn magic so badly?

The Third Window

The Third Window summary: The Third Window summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Third Window. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

I became the Villainess's Brother

I became the Villainess's Brother summary: Having wandered the borders of life and death because my younger sister lost control of her magic, I remembered that this world was the otome game 「Sparkle like a Jewel」. And I, Langlease Jackberry, am the villainess’ brother. I want to evade the destiny of destruction that I remembered. I’ll watch over my cute younger sister so that she’ll become an ordinary girl instead of a villainess, and at the very least avert her death if ruin so unluckily falls. The BAD END routes for the villainess are split into three general types. 1) Destruction Route As a villainess, my sister brought about the Prince’s displeasure when incidents of her bullying the Heroine came to light. With his impropriety exposed and his peerage revoked, Father was exiled out of the country. 2) Suicide Route My sister, who had truly loved the Prince, shocked that the Prince had announced the cancellation of their engagement at the party, committed suicide. In this route, it is only my sister that dies, and my family and I are not condemned. 3) Jewel Route The END that could be said to be the centerpiece of the game. My sister, having displeased the Prince, was sentenced to be turned to a jewel with magic. She had been turned into a jewel the same color as her eyes. She was shattered to pieces in front of everyone. With pink jewels dancing in the midst, the still of the smiling Prince and Heroine was beautiful. However, it was my sister’s life that was smashed. I will absolutely never permit that kind of future for her. Presently, perhaps owing to her young age, her personality did not resemble in the slightest that of the template domineering, ill-tempered villainess in the game. She was kind and with a deep compa.s.sion, to the point where she was loved completely by the servants. Naturally I also thought of her as someone precious. Though I want to avoid the BAD END completely, I’ll work so that I can avoid at the worst the second and third routes where my sister dies and provide a viable lifestyle even after ruin. To continue living with my sister and my family.

Moby Dick

Moby Dick summary: Moby Dick summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Moby Dick. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Being Recognized As An Evil God, I Changed My Job To Guardian Deity Of The Beastmen Country

Being Recognized As An Evil God, I Changed My Job To Guardian Deity Of The Beastmen Country summary: Being Recognized As An Evil God, I Changed My Job To Guardian Deity Of The Beastmen Country summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Being Recognized As An Evil God, I Changed My Job To Guardian Deity Of The Beastmen Country. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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