




























简介不就熬夜看个小说,醒来竟然穿越了,而且穿成了恶毒女配? 这个女配与白莲花女主积怨太深,就算她一再退避,重生逆袭的女主还是数次要害她性命。 不行不行,为了不被炮灰掉,她一定要找个靠山,而且是绝对讨厌女主的靠山……原著来源:圣诞文学网




内容简介:  后来,所有人都羡慕秦绾——她不仅成了真千金,还是叶城最矜贵的男人慕少程心尖尖上的人。  **  新婚次日,他奔向摔断腿的白月光。  她浅笑挑衅,“慕先生的意思是,以后我们都各玩各的 吗?”  他顿住脚步,回眸冷笑地看着她,“慕太太,你做什么梦?”  “当然是美梦…………”  **  她本以为,他们的婚姻是一场各取所需的交易。  却不知,那是他的精心筹谋,步步为营。  直到后来,她在产房疼得死去活来,把他的大手咬得出血,他抱着她声音哽咽,“绾绾,对不起,都怪我让你怀孕。”  **  宝宝篇:  不能让爸爸陪洗澡的小公举委屈又可怜:  “粑粑陪哥哥洗澡,不陪我,这不公平。”  “因为哥哥是男生,你是女生。”  “那妈妈也是女生,粑粑为什么可以陪妈妈洗澡?”  “……”1w0-3522 >>


内容简介:天生万物,众生有灵!既生于苍穹之下,怎可困顿于陋室之中……那一日,汉子决定跳出樊笼,抬手之间力破苍穹。故友旧识归天去,独留我身在人间。终于,少年开窍……本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《灯火 人间》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-84287 >>








内容简介:网友们:“柳同学游戏做得很好,以后别做了,电影什么时候拍?”“看了柳导的电影,我决定去买张专辑。”“恭喜柳天王,他的舞蹈教学视频被警队选做格斗教材,并永久封禁……”……有心栽花花不开, 无心插柳柳成荫。真正的想做的事情做得平平无奇,顺带搞出来的副产品却震撼了世界。最开始,柳乘荫明明只是想让自己毕业论文不要再被导师毙掉各位书友要是觉得《我的人生狂跑偏》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-82500 >>


内容简介:  (每天更新过万,高产似母猪)诸天和谍影,听起来不相干的两件事,怎么会凑到一块?因为在经历了机缘被夺,传承被抢,美女被拐,种种掠夺后,诸天奋起反抗了,对轮回者背后的主神殿发起渗透。作 为第一位打入主神殿内部的间谍,我表示很慌。哪怕能潜伏成剧情人物,和轮回者身份互动两开花,但潜伏目标的逼格太高了啊!一代宗师黄裳、一代邪王石之轩、一代神话无名,这些大佬就算了,一代孝子阿尔萨斯和一代慈父灭霸算是怎么回事?关键是卧底什么时候是个头啊,三年之后又三年,我快成轮回者老大了喂!当然,最崩溃的还是之前凭借先知先觉优势,肆虐诸天,无往不利的轮回者们。不知从什么时候,剧情人物变了。各种舔,白给了,有什么好说的?1w0-185 >>


内容简介:  一个意外收获了爱情一场灾难失去了一切一份真情融化了人间北飘青年的感情和职场生活,与当地文化的碰撞和融合。部份事件和病例源于真实发生,所用场景均为北京当地真实地名。新书《地摊儿烟火》 已开更,和大家一起聊聊吃,求支持!1w0-4385 >>




内容简介:1500年前,不死人兵团,吸血鬼,精灵王,兽族,女巫展开大战!不死人兵团除首领凯魔因之外全部被魔剑消灭!现代都市,达莫恶城,破旧不堪的街道;每到晚上11点就会出现一个“猎魔事务所!”, 每晚影业3小时。在这里,无论你遇到地狱恶魔、吸血鬼、还是噬魂兽,都能帮你解决!在这繁华如春的都市,在不被人知道的角落有嗜血为生的吸血鬼,有拥有魔法和诅咒力量的女巫,有幻1w0-89247 >>


内容简介:整个丰城都在看叶栗的笑话,看着她从名媛变成贫民,但所有人都没想到,叶栗转身一变成了名副其实的陆太太。整个丰城都知道陆柏庭恨叶家,但没人知道,叶栗却让陆柏庭爱了一辈子。各位书友要是觉得《 傲寒不知春》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w18823-25151 >>


内容简介:  一朝降生,本是福禄双全旺全家的好命格,结果——  被扔进深山老林?  不怕,有大猫贴身保护!  被捡回家却没奶吃?  哎呀,有哺乳的野羊送上门!  被扣上灾星之名?  没事,爹娘出 马一个顶俩!  眼瞅着小小的婴孩一天天长大,被爹娘亲人视若掌中宝,成为整个青山村最幸福的崽儿,可是泡在蜜罐里的小姑娘也有自己的小苦恼:  大堂哥:“妹妹,走,大哥哥上山给你摘果果吃。”  三岁的秦笑笑可怜兮兮:“不,不要,我害怕!”  大堂哥了然,拍着小胸脯保证:“不怕,大哥哥保护你!”  结果——  “妹妹,救命!!!”  看看被一群大猫追到树上的大堂哥,再看看一步一步逼近的另一群大猫,秦笑笑抱紧瑟瑟发抖的自己,“哇”的一声吓哭,下一瞬就被扑上来的大猫们淹没了……  事后,大堂哥左手拎兔,右手牵妹,两眼发光,喜气洋洋——赚了,赚大发了!  顶着满身猫毛,生无可恋的秦笑笑默默发誓——再也不要上山了!  整个青山村谁不知道,秦家大房的小闺女怕猫啊!  直到有一天,村里来了一位漂亮的大哥哥,秦笑笑意外的发现,猫猫们不扑自己了!  殊不知,他才是最可怕的“猫猫”……  【食用提醒】  1、女主真·锦鲤,非穿越非重生  2、家长里短种田风,会换地图,不涉及朝堂宫斗  3、有狗血出没,如女主身世1w0-1625 >>

Bloody Rose

What would be your first thought if someone killed your parents? Certainly REVENGE... That being the case for Yoshi, who is a thief that wanders from place to place searching to find his parent's murderer, that were killed in a bloody attack his village was under years ago. His only companions.. His instinct, his memories and a rose which was given by his father shortly before he died. Follow Yoshi as he searches for his parent's murderer full of hate and rage!

Daten No Tsuki

From BLU comes an unearthly collection of stories illuminating the complex lives of immortal beings. An angel, who loses his place in Eden, finds a mysterious and dangerous new patron. A poor painter finishes a woman's portrait without a subject and reveals his forgotten past. These stories and more will delight fans of beautiful angels and demon boys!

Seisenki Elna Saga

The land in ELNA SAGA is called Gimrey, and supposedly in the far past, before magic became a part of every person, a great monster had swooped down from the north and ravaged the world. Fanning great gusts of destructive magical wind, it reduced nearly everything to empty wasteland before a knight appeared to challenge it. Bearing a sacred sword and shield which repulsed magic, this knight finally struck the monster down after a tremendous battle. But this creature would not die, and as it lay immobile, the wind poured forth from its wounds unrelentingly. With the last of his strength, the knight planted his sword high atop the mountain where the battle had been fought, so that it would shield a part of the land from the wind. This was the beginning of Gimrey, and the reason why everyone is born with innate magic. As time passed, people began to fight over fertile ground. ELNA SAGA begins right before the outbreak of yet another war, and tells of a princess named Elna. Born without any magic whatsoever and as such being the only person who can actually touch the sacred sword guarding Gimrey, she becomes a pawn used by her kingdom to threaten other countries with destruction. A rival kingdom's assassination attempt turns rescue, however, when the ones behind this plot reveal that they have no qualms about killing Elna as long as they can maintain a facade using a lookalike. With the help of her would-be assassin, who is drawn to her innocence and compassion, Elna journeys to define herself and stop a terrible war that her country has started. The first thing one notices is the richness of the world in which this series has been set. The ideas behind ELNA SAGA are drawn loosely from Nordic culture and mythology and the story, people, and names all bear a medieval Northern European flavor. There are no gods or non-human races, but Valkyries, Berserks, and the world tree Yggdrasil make their appearance in one form or another, and the castles and towns evoke nostalgic memories of old storybooks.

Spirit Of Wonder

Contains 12 chapters: 9 short stories, and 3 Miss China stories. 1. The Universe is so Vast and Wonderful! 2. Leaving One Night by the Light of the Full Moon 3. To Invoke the Stars 4. Little Melancholy 5. The Young Scientists' Club 6. See You Later, God Willing 7. Marsy in the Land of Time 8. Natsuko 9. The Young Scientist Club on Mars 10. The Melancholy of China 11. China's Wish 12. China Strikes Back The Japanese edition collects all 12 chapters in one volume. The Spanish edition from Glénat released the full series in 3 volumes. The English edition from Dark Horse published only the Miss China chapters, first in comic format, then in one trade paperback.

Xian Wang Dotes On Wife

Xian Wang Dotes On Wife summary: She is an expert in medicine, the only daughter of Yun Tian, Yun Valley’s master.
Her parents died, leaving her alone in this world. She fell from heaven to h.e.l.l. She had a marriage prospect but her future husband broke it off. The entire world view her as a joke.
She blossoms in Feng Yun Hall, with unparalleled wisdom and startling beauty.
Against all the people eager to make a move, she lifts her hand first. Kill the chicken to warn the monkey.
But n.o.body knows that the soul within her has long been replaced by someone from another world.
She has no regret in the past life and originally plans to live an idyllic life, but because of the same question from the past life, she gives up the peaceful life and steps into the power struggle for imperial power.

Tessa Leoni: Crash And Burn

Tessa Leoni: Crash And Burn summary: Tessa Leoni: Crash And Burn summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Tessa Leoni: Crash And Burn. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Translations Of German Poetry In American Magazines 1741-1810

Translations Of German Poetry In American Magazines 1741-1810 summary: Translations Of German Poetry In American Magazines 1741-1810 summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Translations Of German Poetry In American Magazines 1741-1810. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The American Quarterly Review

The American Quarterly Review summary: The American Quarterly Review summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The American Quarterly Review. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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